Showing posts with label medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medicine. Show all posts

Let's OUTLAW Prescription Medicines TV Ads. The COSTS ARE PAID FOR BY THE PATIENTS. Have Big Pharma Cut their Prices by The Amount They Spend on TV Ads.

Let's also outlaw the ads for Over the Counter Drugs. Do YOU REALLY benefit by seeing BOTOX Ads OVER A THOUSAND TIMES? Especially the ones where they show us Before and After Photos! Astonishingly Ugly People Miraculously HEALED! No More Bags under their Eyes! No Longer a Fat Tub of Lard! It reminds me of that old ROOT BOY SLIM AND THE NEW HOPE FOR THE CRIMINALLY INSANE BAND song "Dare to be Fat, That's Where it's At, Having a Ball, With Cholesterol..."

And the Fine Print about Horrible side effects! Do You Really Want to Die for Beauty?

Let's OUTLAW Prescription Medicines TV Ads. The COSTS ARE PAID FOR BY THE PATIENTS.  Have Big Pharma Cut their Prices by The Amount They Spend on TV Ads.  gvan42

and... Tiny Amounts of Food in Plastic Packaging... ABSURD!
Chicken of the Sea Tuna in Plastic Bowls With Plastic FORKS! 

Boycott Plastic Packaging - Chicken of the Sea - MEME - gvan42

boycott plastic - just crack an egg insanity - MEME - gvan42

Ore Ida Just Crack an Egg... Tiny Amounts of Pre Cooked Vegetables in a Plastic Cup You MICROWAVE! Obvious Poison... Eating Vaporized Plastic... Crazy! Just Go to the Farmers Market and BUY Your Own Vegetables! Eat Them Raw or Steamed... and Real Farmers WILL Sell You Eggs TOO! No Plastic Garbage Needed... AND... No Expensive TV ADS that YOU PAY FOR... 

The "Wonders" of Capitalism: Monsanto and RoundUP - "Somehow" tRUMP's EPA has Concluded that RoundUP is Safe and Should Remain Legal and Yet... The Courts are Awarding Huge Fines for CANCER...

RoundUP Causes Cancer

A Discussion on Linkdin - a Guy was Promoting his Book. Rainbows & Unicorns: A Friend "Educates"​ Me on Socialism...

I Replied:
Sweden and Holland are Socialist Countries and They Are GREAT! 

Jim Rossi Said: I've spent a lot of time up in Humboldt and on the HSU campus, mountain biked through Community Forest at least 100 times, golf at Muni and Beau Pre, working. My buddy in the article lives in McKinleyville. Love it behind the Emerald Curtain - except for the delusional, cult-like fascination with socialism. No bueno. Have a great summer in the redwoods for me.

I Repiled: I never noticed any interest in Socialism in Humboldt County... I Went to College for four Years at HSU in Arcata in Computer Science... A Lot of People are Interested in Ecology - EARTH FIRST!, Playing the Drums (Samba Parade & Calypso) and... Growing Marijuana... a Pure Capitalist Business... No Taxes, No Government Regulations and Illegal...  Plenty of Interest in New Age Religion... Yoga, Hinduism, Zen, Wicca... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
and then we digressed into a lot of words about
the Relative Advantages of Capitalism, 
Communism and Socialism... 
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

I Said: To Further Document the Absurdity of Monsanto... I See Television advertisements Promoting the sale of RoundUP at the Same Time That Other TV Ads Advertise Lawyers that will Represent you when you SUE Monsanto for Giving you CANCER... Do They Have This Madness in SWEDEN? Norway? Holland? Israel? 

I Said: An Especially Evil Corporation is  MAXXAM... Capitalism Gives us the Wonders of Junk Bonds and Michael Milken Loaning Charles Hurwitz Millions of Dollars so he could do a Hostile Takeover of Pacific Lumber... and Then Charles Cut Down all the Really Big Trees, Made a Massive Profit on them... Then "Magically" Declared Bankruptcy, Stole the Pension Fund and Went Back To Texas... Wonderful System You Have Here...

I Said: I like the Healthcare System in Canada. It Costs Less and Works Better. People LIVE LONGER with SOCIALIST MEDICINE. What is The Great Advantage of Paying for the Profits of the Stockholders of Pharmaceutical Corporations, Hospitals as Doctors... You Know Why We Pay More for Medicine...  Someone has to pay for profits... and that someone is You and Me... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Someone Else Said: Many countries get away with what looks like socialism, but is really an advanced societal responsibility. Sweden and Norway are essentially monocultures with a huge, pervasive, monsterous pressure to conform and take responsibility for each other (sameness). That doesn't translate to the US or many other western cultures.

This article, in a graph towards the end, maps Norsk culture as one of the global cultures furthest from the USA.

I Said: I Understand. "Monoculture" is Secret Code for WHITE PEOPLE. The Reason Socialism Works Great in Scandinavia is White People Can Make It Work... But Here in the USA we Have Black, Brown and Yellow People So It Won't Work Here. I Agree... 

No one Really Promotes Socialism in the USA... Except Bernie Sanders and AOC... It's Just a BOGUS Trump Insult... We are Going to Remain Capitalist for the Foreseeable Future... and BIDEN is NOT Socialist... BUT... It's Fun for Trump to Point the Finger and LIE... Danger Danger They Are Socialists... Yu Know... Just Like Red China and The USSR! 

I Do Like Socialist ROADS, FIRE DEPARTMENTS, POLICE DEPARTMENTS, WATER SYSTEMS, SEWER SYSTEMS, PUBLIC EDUCATION AND THE MILITARY... all paid for by All of Us Paying Taxes and The Society At Large Buying those things... Remember: Most TrumpNiks GET CONFUSED When FACTS are Presented... They Think That Communism and Socialism is the Same thing... of Course, Most TrumpNiks are Uneducated...  Is Israel Socialist? Kibbutz? another Example of a Successful Cooperative Society... 

I Like the Socialist Programs Called Social Security Retirement, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance... They Are Great! and When The Entire Economy Failed... It was wonderful that the Congress and Trump signed a Trillion Dollar Bailout for Everyone... A Capitalist Society Would Have Let the People Starve... FUN FACT! Ayn Rand Received Social Security Checks... I Guess She SHRUGGED Her Shoulders and said: "What They Hey! FREE MONEY!

Was The Bailout of Wall Street in 2009 a Socialist Act? The Banks Gambled Away All Their Money and The The Federal Government Magically Invented a Trillion Dollars so the banks Could Keep on Gambling... 

I do think #FRANCE1789 is a Good Solution to Our Crazy Capitalist System... What's The Logic behind Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich?  Well... The Super Rich Buy Politicians that Pass Laws That Benefit the Super Rich... If Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates Paid the Same Tax Rate as I Do... We Could Have Free College For All... and What's The Logic of our MASSIVE Defense Budget? Since 1945, The US Military has Never Defended The Country. NOT EVEN ONCE! All the Wars During My Lifetime Have Been BOGUS MARKETING so Lockheed, Boeing, Hughes and Dow could Sell Stuff to the Pentagon...

Guillotine - France 1789
and then Jim Rossi Said: Here's looking at you, kid. Greg Vanderlaan and Included this Picture... 
Who is This?
Who is This?
Who is That Guy? I Do Not Recognize the Face... A Resident of Sweden? Holland? Norway? Denmark? Places that are EXCELLENT! I Have a Question: Was the Bailout of Wall Street in 2009 an Act of Free Market Capitalism? Ayn Rand Libertarianism? Or Was that "Magical" Creation of a Trillion Dollars Socialist? Welfare for the Rich? I Really Do NOT Know...  Is ENRON an Example of COMPULSIVE HOARDING OF MONEY SYNDROME?  #FRANCE1789 

Gee, I Would Appreciate it if You Put a Little More Effort into this Debate... Just Copying and Pasting a Pre-Fabricated Meme is Lame... Here is a Chart Comparing Socialist Healthcare Systems With For Profit Systems... Medicare For All COSTS LESS, WORKS BETTER. 

tRUMP'S VOODOO CURE IS CRAZY DANGEROUS... Even If The My Pillow Guy Says It's GREAT for Curing tRUMP's Coronavirus! #RUNAWAY - OLEANDER IS DEADLY!

Oleandrin is a deadly plant poison, not a COVID-19 cure... 
Oleander is a highly toxic plant. Though renowned for its beauty and use in landscaping, this Mediterranean shrub is responsible for cases of accidental poisoning across the globe. All parts of the plant are poisonous. If eaten, it causes cardiac arrhythmias, or irregular heart rates, and can be lethal to both humans and animals.

Oleandrin is a toxic cardiac glycoside found in the poisonous plant, oleander (Nerium oleander L.).[1] As a main phytochemical of oleander, oleandrin is associated with the toxicity of oleander sap, and has similar properties to digoxin.[1]

Oleander has been used in traditional medicine for its presumed therapeutic purposes, such as for treating cardiac insufficiency. There is no high-quality clinical evidence that oleander or its constituents, including oleandrin, are effective or approved by regulatory agencies as a prescription drug or dietary supplement.[1]

Satire #Vote4Joe My Pillow Guy - Idiot QUACK - gvan42
Why Is There A Group Called QueerAnon? 
Sometimes Called QAnon... 
Are They Some Kind Of Gay Rights Thing? 

 #QAnon, #WWG1WGA, #TheGreatAwakening, #Pizzagate, #saveourchildren, #QueerAnon, #WYSIWYG, #TrumpFailed, #ArrestTrump, #DitchMitch, #DumpTrump, #HashishTags, #IvankaGate, #QuestionAuthority, #GOPisEVIL, #LockHimUp, #DeepStateDoesNotExist, #BiteMyShinyMetalAss

TODAY: Massive George Floyd Memorial Protest March - NATIONWIDE - Bring a Whistle - tRUMP LOVES Whistle Blowers - 6/6/2020 - Assemble Peacefully At Lafayette Park in Washington DC


MEME - 140 dB Personal Alarm - Protest at the White House - gvan42
You Might Want to SET OFF a 140 dB Personal Alarm
That Way tRUMP Will Be Sure To Know You Are There!

How to Get There. Park at a Metro (subway) Station in the Suburbs and Ride the Train Into Town. 

Main Event at the St John's Church Near Lafayette Park. (H and 16th Streets) - Use The McPherson Square Metro Stop.


MAP of the Metro System:

Google Map of Where the Metro Stations Are: (so you know where to park)

If you are Flying In, There is a Metro Station at National Airport... Ride the Blue Line to McPherson Square... 

WHAT IF A Million Patriots Surrounded The White House for an Exorcism? Beat a Drum, Blow a Whistle, Burn Some Sage, Dance a Medicine Dance and Demand That The Evil One VACATE The Premises...

MEME gvan42 - a million patriots surround the white house for an exorcism
Thirteen Centers of Drum Circles on
Pennsylvania Ave, 15th Street,
E Street and 17th Street

Exorcise Your Right
To Freedom of Assembly!

Obviously, tRUMP is
Demonically Possessed!

Spread the Word 
Of A Spiritual Healing Ceremony...
Like and Share this Blog Post WORLDWIDE!

Who could Possibly be in Favor of keeping Cannabis Illegal? Corporations that are in the business of incarceration. FREE ALL THE CANNABIS PRISONERS AND USE THE EMPTY JAIL CELLS FOR A HOMELESS SHELTER.

legalize Cannabis

Law Enforcement makes money by arresting people, then warehousing them in jail. While ACTUAL crime is on the wane, cannabis arrests are easy and low risk. REAL criminals are often dangerous. Cannabis Criminals are Often Stoned... and easygoing...

and... all these people depend on Prohibition for their Paycheck...

Judges, lawyers, police, bail bondsmen, prison guards, construction workers that build prisons, social workers that talk to the families left behind, involuntary rehab clinics, fertilizer salesman, grow-light salesman, realtors that rent abandoned houses to be used as farms... There is a huge industry that will have sales reduced if Marijuana is legalized...


Criminals depend on Marijuana being Illegal to Protect their Profits. With Legal Marijuana, the Mexican Mafia would be in deep trouble... Are they bribing Senators and Congressmen? We do not know because that money is in cash and not traceable...


Write a BLOG explaining the Case for Legalization... Post on Facebook... Post on Google+... Email your Representatives:

Find your Representatives Here:

US Senate

US House of Representatives

legalize marijuana
The US Government says Heroin is as Safe as Marijuana. 
That's a Lie. Both are Classified Schedule One... What are the Motives behind this Absurdity? Who Benefits?
legalize marijuana

Also... Corporations that make products that compete with hemp. Let's suppose the corporation makes paper, rope, cloth or medicine... Those businesses would lose sales to hemp. Who makes these products? The Koch Brothers. Paper Towels... Oil... Polymers...

and who makes Nylon Rope? Dupont.

and who makes Cotton Clothes? and if farmers made cloth from hemp... the cotton business would have increased competition...

and... Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Corporations. Imagine if a patient grew their own medicine? No profit for the pill makers... Some medicines are extremely addictive and dangerous to the health of the patients... All the makers of opium based medicines would face increased competition from the medical marijuana industry.

and... Recreational Drug Manufacturers... Beer, Wine and Whiskey... If there was FREEDOM OF CHOICE, many people would leave the booze on the shelf. No Cirrhosis, No Hangovers, No Traffic Fatalities...

and... The DEA seizes property...

and... The ATF sells guns to Mexican Drug Gangs. Operation Fast and Furious...

That's who is in favor of keeping Cannabis Illegal. Follow the Money...
Follow the Money.
Please Pirate these images, words and concepts
and build your own blog.

If we Legalized Marijuana we could save over a HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR in California alone. Refund this wasted money to the taxpayers.

Feel Free to Pirate Any of these Images... copy, paste, like or share...

Legalize the Kind Herb. It is IMMORAL 
to put people in cages for a plant.

There ARE people that care about popularity of ideas. For Example: Politicians. They take the zeitgeist of the voters and craft their campaigns to echo what they hear. I believe the millions of Facebook posts promoting Legalization of Marijuana have an effect on laws. Keep on posting and emailing congress... Their jobs depend on voting for what is popular. Not all are paid puppets of the super rich.
click on above link to visit my webstore on zazzle
to buy "Green Leaf" gifts... 

political satire
Feel Free to Pirate Any of these Images... copy, paste, like or share...
It's Essential the We Do Not Elect Another Bush President.
The Last Two were Disasters... 

and now... Psychedelic Art...
psychedelic art
Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics
and remember... after we legalize marijuana worldwide... the next step on the path to global awakening is to legalize medicinal psychedelics... maybe Doctors and Patients ought to have the freedom to choose what is the best medicine...
psychedelic art
Moonrise over the Misty Mountains

Full Moon at Dawn by Gregory Vanderlaan 
photoshop layer styled

You may use the LABELS below to visit pages on similar subjects.

Music Video: "Big Medicine Song" Written and Sung by Greg Vanderlaan

Written at an Amerindian Christian Tent Revival Meeting we attended. The lyrics simply appeared in my mind full formed while playing the Father Drum.

Awaken the giant within...(E,G#/BE, G/BE, E)
Awaken the giant within...(E,G#/BE, G/BE, E)

Went down to the river (E,G,D,D*,D)
Went down to the sea (A,A*,A)
Drank deep of the water of life (E,G,D,D*,D)
and set my soul free,my soul free (A,A*,A,E,E)

Ya Way is the mountain (E,G,D,D*,D)
the ocean and the sea (A,A*,A)
may the four winds of the ancients (E,G,D,D*,D)
become one with thee,one with thee (A,A*,A,E,E)

Ya-way,your way (E,G,D)
lead on mighty spirit (A,A*)
Ya-way your way (E,G,D)
fill me with light (A,A*)
Ya-way, your way (E,G,D)
the path is calling (A,A*)
Ya-way, your way (E,G,D)
Rainbow warriors to the fight (A,A*)
Ya-way use me (E,G,D)
make me a healer (A,A*)
Ya-way, use me (E,G,D)
Big medicine is yours (A,A*)
Ya-way, use me (E,G,D)
flowing waves of compassion (A,A*)
Ya-way, use me (E,G,D)
My hands are your tools... (A,A*)

The spirit of the buffalo (E,G,D,D*,D)
the spirit of the bear (A,A*,A)
teach us to live in balance (E,G,D,D*,D)
mother eARTh we will share, we'll share (A,A*,A,E,E)

Psychedelic medicine: the potential, the people, the politics... New Scientist magazine Article... 

Psychedelic treatments:
There is a growing body of evidence that some psychedelic drugs can be used to treat a variety of conditions. Carhart-Harris performed the UK’s first clinical trial of psilocybin – the active ingredient in magic mushrooms – for treatment-resistant depression. It was a small trial with no control group, but the results gave cause for optimism, with 5 of the 12 participants no longer clinically depressed three months after the treatment.

In other psilocybin research, one dose was found to help people with life-threatening cancer face death. Ayahuasca, a hallucinogenic concoction drunk for centuries as part of religious rituals in South America, has also been found to improve hard-to-treat depression. It contains the psychedelic compound dimethyltryptamine (DMT).

While research into psychedelics is still thin on the ground, a meta-analysis of six studies carried out between 1966 and 1970 concluded that LSD was as effective as the standard treatment for alcoholism. And Ibogaine – derived from the iboga plant – has been used to treat heroin addiction. MDMA, or ecstasy, was found to help people who have experienced trauma.

What IS New Scientist Magazine?

Ask Your Doctor: Are Magic Mushrooms Right For Me?

Psychedelic medicine: a re-emerging therapeutic paradigm... Canadian Medical Association Journal...  In clinical research settings around the world, renewed investigations are taking place on the use of psychedelic substances for treating illnesses such as addiction, depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics

Free Marijuana at the Medi-CAL office. Prescriptions for Medical Cannabis ARE COVERED in California. Stay High, Stay Dry is the patient's Motto. (name withheld -HIPPA Security Requirement)

If you apply for benefits, it is possible that YOU will be eligible for FREE MARIJUANA. I've seen it happen. Try it. Could save you a LOT of money. FREE WEED! $15.00 an Hour Jobs. NorthCoast California is Heaven.

and now... Positive Worldbeat Music by WOMAMA - HSU Students You Rock! Yurok.

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Pretty Soon the Filter Turns Brown
from Smoke, Pollen and Dust.

Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote) Then He went to India Looking for Enlightenment and Met a Guru. Changed His Name and Published a Great Book... "Remember: Be Here Now" - It Has His Autobiography and then Many ART Drawings Explaining Eastern Religion. Real Name: Dr. Richard Alpert...

Who WAS Ram Dass? In the Sixties, He was a Psychedelics Researcher and Promoter at Harvard with Dr. Timothy Leary. (LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Peyote)

My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.

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Peace Sign Pie Chart
History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 Americans Died for Nothing... Something They Don't Teach in School Now... "Too Controversial" -

During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

During the height of this hysteria Vice President Richard Nixon went on Television and explained "The Domino Principle" while pointing to a map of Asia. His theory was...


Who Won the War? DOW CHEMICAL AND HUGHES AIRCRAFT. Selling Napalm, Agent Orange and Helicopters...

Military Death Chart USA

AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS - Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The USA, Not Even Once.

Ever since Victory in Japan, All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics