Showing posts with label WW2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WW2. Show all posts

I remember that Dad bought some Land in the Mountains behind Saratoga and we went there to SURVEY it. Dad used the Transit and I climbed up the mountain and held the Rod. Whenever you buy land, it is important to have an accurate Map so you can plan for builders to construct a home on it.

 There are laws that say how far you have to be away from a creek. There are also practical restrictions due to the slope of the ground. Dad worked as a Professional Surveyor for Decades. He measured the land for the San Francisco Airport. Then he worked at San Jose Title Company drawing Maps of Santa Clara County. VERY Handy to know who owns what and where. When he became a Realtor he used that information to arrange good locations for customers. "Just Ask Van..."
The land is located up Highway Nine. You go up a couple of miles and take a left hand turn at the road that goes to a Rod and Gun Club. There is a Shooting Range at the end of the road. Los Altos Rod and Gun Club?

Anyway, the land he bought was UNUSABLE for construction of a Home... and Unsellable... So he donated it to West Valley College as a Biology Classroom. Then He simply DEFINED the value of the Donation and wrote it off on his income taxes.

Strangely, neither my brother nor I went to work as Realtors... Often a son simply inherits the family business but... Martin became a Biologist at Genentech and I designed Computers for the Air Force... and the NSA... and then later Sold Electronic Equipment for Radio Shack. My work for the NSA was very interesting. I helped build a Secure Telephone in a Briefcase. Data Encryption and Telecommunication so Soldiers could talk without the enemy listening in... I met some Brilliant engineers there. One fellow knew how to predict which horse was going to win a horse race... we went to the track and won money... Just do what John Does and WIN! That man also beat me at Chess 9 out of 10 times... and then we stopped playing...

One piece of land that he DID subdivide was Apollo Heights. The name of the street is "On Orbit Drive" Saratoga. Driving down Highway Nine towards Saratoga you take a left hand turn at the Library and drive past the Cemetery and JUST KEEP ON GOING AND GOING AND GOING... His Saleslady, Dadi Nogerath Named the Street. In the German Language, "ON Orbit" is the correct term for what we call "IN Orbit" in English. She took customers up to see the property and before the roads were constructed, she rode a burro over the hills... Her Husband, Wolfgang, worked at Laugh Head (Lockheed)... They were people that came to America at the End of WW2. Just like Dr Wehner von Braun... I wish that I had worked for Lockheed and One time I was almost Hired. I was at a Job Fair at the Santa Clara Convention Center and there were hundreds of Companies recruiting... The representative from Lockheed said they wanted to hire me because I had work experience in the Computer Aided Design program CADAM. He said go to building number XXX on Monday morning for a Second Interview. I went and the office HAD NO PEOPLE. Just a Computer and an IN Basket to drop off your resume. I dropped off my resume and NOTHING EVERY HAPPENED. I Believe that at that time. Lockheed was Laying Off and the only reason they had a booth at the Job Fair was to KEEP UP APPEARANCES... so no one would know that their business was in trouble... this was in the late 1990s...

One basic problem with Facebook is My Words Vanish after about a Month... No matter how far I scroll down the page, they are gone. That's Why I copy and paste everything into Googles Blogger so my words are preserved forever... ALSO, it's important to me that Google knows everything about my life so that when THE SINGULARITY happens I can be born again as an Iduru... Just like in that CyberPunk novel by William Gibson...

American History: WW2 and Japanese Internment Camps. They Were Successful in Preventing Sabotage and Espionage.

People often say that rounding up American Citizens who were of Japanese Descent and putting them all in jail WAS A BAD IDEA.

We certainly cannot know if Japanese People who were US Citizens would have actually committed Sabotage or Helped the Country of Japan Win World War Two but JUST TO BE SAFE the US Government rounded them up and jailed them in Prison Camps in California... 117,000 People...

We won the War and released the Prisoners...

We did NOT imprison people of German Descent... That might have been a good idea...

"Japanese internment camps were established during World War II by President Franklin Roosevelt through his Executive Order 9066. From 1942 to 1945, it was the policy of the U.S. government that people of Japanese descent would be interred in isolated camps. Enacted in reaction to Pearl Harbor and the ensuing war, the Japanese internment camps are now considered one of the most atrocious violations of American civil rights in the 20th century."

That's the Official History... on History Dot Com... BUT, ARE THEY RIGHT?

"Canada soon followed suit, relocating 21,000 of its Japanese residents from its west coast. Mexico enacted its own version, and eventually 2,264 more people of Japanese descent were removed from Peru, Brazil, Chile and Argentina to the United States."

~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~

Some People say that the Atomic Bombing of JAPAN was a bad idea... 
Really, I'm not making this up. 

                                                                 ~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~

an interesting Science Fiction Book explores the theme of What IF Japan had won the war... 

At significant branches in the story, the main character Throws the I Ching in order to decide what to do... Philip Dick actually Threw the I Ching himself to assist him in plot decisions... Depending on fate, it might have been a completely different book... 

Casualties of American Soldiers reduced dramatically during my lifetime. War is simply not fashionable anymore.

When the US Government tells you to go fight pointless wars, Decline. Be Disobedient, It Might Save Your Life.
US War Casualties
click on the picture to see it bigger.
Civil War=750,000,
Vietnam 58,000

about 7,000 total in all the recent wars:
Panama, Nicaragua, Gulf War, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Not Shown is the Unknown Quantity of Soldier Suicides.

Since 1975 war has changed... many wars, few Americans Die...
Now with DRONES... we can commit genocide from an office in the USA.


Here is a Revelation told to me by a Vietnam Veteran friend. It was not his fault that his men died in combat. It was JFK and LBJ that put them in harm's way. If we had not gone halfway around the world to fight someone else's civil war, those men would be alive. This understanding helped with my friend's PTSD.

One thing I learned from the book "Will" by Gordon Liddy. He states that we could have won the Vietnam War if we had simply ATTEMPTED to win. Gordon was shy about stating exactly what it would mean to Attempted to win but... I believe what he was hinting at was... an Atomic Bomb on Hanoi... we had the technology and we knew exactly what worked... Hiroshima and Nagasaki... but we did not actually try to win. Many believe that the Vietnam War was really the USA vs China... and the Vietnamese may not have surrendered after Nuking Hanoi... so If we REALLY wanted to win we would have also had to Nuke Beijing. However, the Mission was to sell a lot of weapons to the pentagon. Corporate Profit. Monsanto and Dow Chemical sold a lot of Agent Orange... and Hughes Aircraft sold Helicopters... as he sang... "There's plenty good money to be made, supplying the Army with the Tools of the Trade" - Country Joe McDonald.

I'm Reading a sequel to 'Ender's Game' by Orson Scott Card. This book is Great! 'Ender in Exile' ... Two (2) predictions of his that came true already.
1. We would Fight War by Remote Control... like a Video Game... like DRONES... 2. Ender's brother and sister publish thoughtful essays on the 'net' as 'Locke' and 'Demosthenes' and influence public opinion and therefore political policy... kinda like Huffington Post, anonymous, online Cannabis Activists or Cop Block... self appointed sages online... Me too...

"Never has so much Military, Economic and Diplomatic Power been Used so ineffectively as in Vietnam. If after all of this time and all of this sacrifice and all of this support there is still no end in sight, then I say the time has come for the American People to turn to new leadership, not tied to the policies and mistakes of the past. I pledge to you we will have an honorable end to the War in Vietnam." - Richard Nixon Television Advertisement

We have to thank President Nixon for ending the Vietnam War. He Campaigned on Ending the war and KEPT HIS PROMISE!

Nixon's Idea was Vietnamization of the War. Simply put, Let those people over there fight their own civil war... It's really none of our business.

Our DNA is evolving every generation... Not Just Physically but also Spiritually... By studying the mistakes my parents and grandparents made, I can recognise them and not repeat them... And this is not just me... 
Everyone Worldwide is Moving Forward to a Bright Future... 

Think Back to The Dark Days of the Past...
My Uncle, A Korean War Veteran Said: "In My Day, When the Government Told You to Go to War, You Just Went." Well, those Days are Gone. Since Vietnam, No One is Told to Go Fight Wars Anywhere... It's All Volunteers... 

Once Upon a time, "The Numbers Games" were Illegal Gambling... 
And The Mafia ran it...
Now we have the Lottery, Run by the State 
and the Crime of Illegal Gambling Magically Vanished.
Zero Tax Dollars are Spent on Enforcing 
The Laws Prohibiting The Illegal "Numbers Games".

Once Upon a Time, Homosexuality Was Illegal.
And there was a Lot of Tax Dollars Spent
Enforcing The Laws... Police would
send undercover agents to hang around
men's bathrooms to catch Gay Men...  
Really! They were called the Vice Squad. 

***** (~);-} *****

A Hobby of Mine... Distributing Truth on Facebook...

Fact: JFK and LBJ have the blood of Vietnam on their hands... It was Nixon that ended the war. His policy of "Vietnamization" makes so much sense... Those people over there ought to fight their own civil war... It's none of our Business.

VK: OK, who hacked into Greg's FB and is writing like a revisionist Republican? Are you saying my first teenage vote to re-elect Nixon was the historically correct action? NROTC boy done good?

Greg Vanderlaan: I read a lot of history books, VK and while Richard Nixon campaigned against the war in Vietnam in 1968 he didn't actually end it until 1973... so he had 5 years of blood on his hands too... When we got to vote in 1972, both candidates were against the war... An insightful book is 'Will' by G. Gordon Liddy... and ALL of Bob Woodward's Books.

end war
The Wall that Heals. A traveling Vietnam Veterans Memorial

My Dad was a WW2 Veteran. Worked in the War Crimes Trials about Bataan Death March

My dad was in WW2 in the Philippines... He was given a test when drafted and he proved that he could type on a typewriter... so he was stationed in an office in Manila. He worked on the War Crimes Trials about the Bataan Death March. They convicted the Japanese General Masaharu Homma and he was executed by firing squad. Often students would interview dad on veterans day and write newspaper articles about him.

On Facebook, my friends Posted:

HWP: My dad served in the Philippines as well.

MW: my dad too, he was in a pow camp. for 3 1/2 years

HWP: Oh Michael, how horrible for him! God bless those men who fought for our freedom that we tend to take for granted!

KD: Greg, my dad was in the Philippines too during WW2. He never did anything as interesting as your dad. He was too young. He did get to go to Japan when the war was over.

CR: My Dad was a paratrooper with the 101st "Screaming Eagles" he didn't talk about it much he jumped behind the lines in the Battle of the Bulge.

HWP: My dad was a civil engineer and was in the Seebees. I think that's how you spell it. He told some stories to my brother and sister and me, but it wasn't until he got Alzheimer's disease he started remembering the horrors of what he had seen. I had never seen my father cry until then. He was tormented with the memories he had stuffed way down and had bubbled to the surface.

PRM: A friend of my folks was part of the Bataan Death March. He died at age 59, his health was severely compromised as result.

HWP: I too knew a man who had been forced to walk on the Bataan Death March.

KOK: My grandfather was shot in France, but he made a full recovery. And not by a German soldier either, but by a French fascist guerrilla, weeks after the Germans had already surrendered in France.

JVD: So sorry Pam. In gratitude for his service, may he rest in peace .

DSW:  My dad flew a P47 fighter. He was shot down in Jan.'45. They told his parents and my mom he was presumed dead. He was actually in a German prison camp that was eventually liberated by Patton. Got home June 14, 1945.

CR:  I've read several books on the Bataan Death march. It's heart breaking to learn what our soldiers endured. I can never do enough to thank them.

JT: My 4 year old father and his family was shipped to a relocated camp in the desert for being of Japanese heritage by the US govt. Bless our veterans for fighting for our freedom, but we civilians have to do our part to ensure we don't allow government to take away those freedoms.

HWP: John, I'm sorry about your family's experience. I absolutely agree with you that we should never allow that to happen again in our country!

My Dad also brought back dried Moths. 4 inch wingspan. It's incredible to imagine what they would be like fluttering around... especially in swarms of a hundred or more.

I was born in San Jose Hospital in 1954. Lived on Hedding Street in the flight path for the Airport. When I was six, they started landing Jet Airplanes and all the people had to leave our neighborhood. We moved to Los Gatos and we moved the House my grandpa built to Almaden. They just picked it up and put it on a truck... 

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