Showing posts with label Thomas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas. Show all posts

Backstory (~);-} The Origin of Grateful Dead Artwork, Logo, Icons - Skull and Roses, Dancing Bears, Steal Your Face, AoxoMoxoA... Mouse, Kelley, Owsley, Bob Thomas, Rick Griffin, Wes Wilson, Victor Moscone, Bob Seidemann

Skull and Roses Album Cover - Grateful Dead

Stanley "Mouse" Miller said: We [Miller and collaborator Alton Kelley] would go to the San Francisco library and peruse the books on poster art. They had a back room full of books you couldn’t take out with great references. We were just going through that and looking for something. And found this thing and thought, “This says Grateful Dead all over it.” I hate to say this, but Kelley cut it out with a pen knife. I always say that we Xeroxed it, but there weren’t Xerox machines then. I finally found it about two years ago, the actual cut-out piece, and I went, “Oh, my God.” It’s from the book of poems “The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.” The edition was done by an artist called Edmund Sullivan. And the poem that goes with this illustration is fantastic. It’s short and sweet and had to do with wine, women and song.

Skull and Roses Album Cover - Grateful Dead Record
Skull and Roses Album Cover - Grateful Dead Record Cover

Oh, come with old Khayyam. and leave the wise to talk;
one thing is certain, that life flies;
One thing is certain, and the Rest is Lies;
The Flower that once has blown for ever dies.

Steal Your Face Logo (~);-}
Designed by Owsley and Bob Thomas

Owsley Said:

In 1969 the Dead were renting a warehouse in Novato, California. I was sound man for the band at the time, and lived in Oakland. Bob Thomas, an old friend of mine had just moved from LA to the Bay area and needed a place to stay, and we needed someone to look after the warehouse, which had had a problem with break-ins.

Bob was a superb graphic artist whose work is now familiar to most Deadheads in the form of the Live Dead album cover and the Bear's Choice cover, on which the popular Dancing Bears appeared.

The Dead in those days had to play in a lot of festival style shows where the equipment would all wind up at the back of the stage in a muddle. Since every band used pretty much the same type of gear it all looked alike. We would spend a fair amount of time moving the pieces around so that we could read the name on the boxes. I decided that we needed some sort of marking that we could identify from a distance.

I was in the habit of driving from Oakland to Novato in a little MGTF which had plastic side curtains, which were not very transparent, due to aging of the plastic. One day in the rain, I looked out the side and saw a sign along the freeway which was a circle with a white bar across it, the top of the circle was orange and the bottom blue. I couldn't read the name of the firm, and so was just looking at the shape. A thought occurred to me: if the orange were red and the bar across were a lightning bolt cutting across at an angle, then we would have a very nice, unique and highly identifiable mark to put on the equipment.

At the warehouse I told Bob the idea that I had, and he made a quick sketch. A mutual friend, Ernie Fischbach, who was visiting with Bob, said "Give it to me, I'll show you an easy way to put it on the boxes." 
Whereupon he proceeded to cut holes in a couple of pieces of stencil paper. One was a circular hole, about 5 1/2 inches in diameter, and the other was a part of a circle 5 inches in diameter. But it was a half circle with a jagged edge. Then he held the stencil to an amp and sprayed a circle of white paint. Then with one side up, the red half circle went on top of the dried white paint and after wiping off the red and turning the stencil over, the blue was applied. This was the first version, and we put it on to all our gear. It helped make it easier to find our stuff in the crunch. I still have an old toolbox with one of the stencils on it.

A few days later I was talking to Bob and suggested that perhaps the words "Grateful dead" could be placed under the circle, using a style of lettering that would appear to be a skull if you saw it from a distance (I guess I was influenced by too many posters of the time). Any way a few hours later he came down from the loft with the design we know and love.

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The Song "He's Gone," as originally written, referred to the disappearance of Mickey Hart's father, Lenny Hart, who was acting as the band's manager, with a good deal of money. 

The first verse has a line... Steal Your Face Right off you Head...

This line was lifted out as the title of the ill-fated album issued under duress. The Song "He's Gone" Does not appear on the Steal Your Face Album... What!

Since the cover of the album featured the logo designed by Stanley Owsley with the grinning skull and lightning bolt inside the circle, that logo has since been identified primarily as the "steal your face" logo, perhaps incorrectly.

The album was recorded October 17–20, 1974, at San Francisco's Winterland Ballroom... The Same Concerts were Filmed for The Grateful Dead Movie.


Printers Type Bear

Back when Newspapers were made using Moveable Type... If a Printer wanted a Bear... this was part of the set of Icons... 

Dancing Bears Logo

or is it part of the Travel Lodge Motel Logo? 

TravelLodge Motel Logo

Bears Choice Record Album Cover... Bear was Owsley's Nickname...

Whether or not you consider yourself a Deadhead, you’ve certainly seen the iconic Grateful Dead “dancing bears” a time or two. Initially designed by artist Bob Thomas to appear on the back cover of the band’s 1973 release, The History of the Grateful Dead, Volume 1 (Bear’s Choice), the bears have become deeply ingrained in the culture surrounding the Grateful Dead, and have taken on layers of symbolic meaning over the years.
Before you understand the full meaning behind the Grateful Dead bears, you have to look at the man who they were designed for: Owsley “Bear” Stanley. In addition to being the band’s sound engineer in the early days, Stanley was also the chemist behind the creation and distribution of a large portion of the LSD that was being consumed in the United States in the 1960s and beyond.
AoxoMoxoA - Rick Griffin 
Rick Griffin

grateful dead, in folktales of many cultures, the spirit of a deceased person who bestows benefits on the one responsible for his burial. In the prototypical story, the protagonist is a traveler who encounters the corpse of a debtor, to whom the honour of proper burial has been denied. After the traveler satisfies the debt, or, in some versions, pays for the burial, he goes on his way. In another version of the story, burial is prescribed for religious reasons but prohibited by civil authorities. It is this version that forms the theme of the apocryphal Book of Tobit in the Old Testament.

The hero is soon joined by another traveler (sometimes in the form of an animal, or, in the story of Tobit, an angel), who helps him in a dramatic way. In some stories the companion saves the hero’s life; in others he helps him gain a prize. In many versions, the companion offers to aid the hero, but only on condition that they divide the prize. Then, as the hero is about to comply, the companion reveals himself as the grateful spirit of the deceased whom the hero helped to bury.

As I mentioned in my article about Peter Max, there were several less widely known artists who were actually much more instrumental in the creation of that unique blend of Op, Pop, Surrealism, Dada and Art Nouveau that came to be known as Psychedelic Art in the 1960’s.
Rick Griffin was one of the major contributors to this style, and is considered one of the “big five” along with Alton Kelley, Stanley “Mouse” Miller, Wes Wilson and Victor Moscoso.
Wes Wilson - Psychedelic Lettering
Wes Wilson - Psychedelic Lettering

Victor Moscoso
Victor Moscoso - Master of Putting Extremely different colors next to each other so the image VIBRATES - especially under Blacklight... 

The canvases of the psychedelic artists were concert posters, record album covers and comix (underground comics). Griffin was a standout in all three areas.
Griffin came out of the California surfer culture and created an influential comic strip character called Murphy, whose adventures he chronicled in Surfer magazine.
In Los Angeles he fell in with a group of artists and musicians called the Jook Savages, and was a participant in the legendary Watts Acid Test held by writer and psychedelic pioneer Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters.
At the time LSD was legal, and the influence of psychedelic (meaning “mind manifesting”) drugs was integral to the explosion of artistic and musical experimentation and creativity that marked the era. (To separate the impact of consciousness altering chemicals on creative individuals from the anti-drug hysteria that followed, see Aldous Huxley’s The Doors of Perception.)

Rick Griffin Hawaii Poster

ice cream kid

There are a Number of Horrible "Jokes" 
Explaining the Meaning of the Ice Cream Kid... 
I will not repeat them here... 
Not That Funny 50 Years Later. 

Rainbow Foot
Europe '72 Triple Live Album... Three LP Records!

Wes Wilson poster are we next?
Wes Wilson Poster

Mirrors Lighting up the Faces - Bob Seidemann photography
This photo was made by having five people 
behind the camera hold mirrors pointed at the faces... 
Note the Shadows on the Road... 
"Little Boxes" type Houses in South San Francisco

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The Annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics.

1997-98 Research Associate, Music Dept.

Dark Star Orchestra - Surfing Bear with a Rick Griffin Flying Eyeball
Dark Star Orchestra -
Surfing Bear with a Rick Griffin
Flying Eyeball and Roses... 

Ancestral Memory, It's Real by Sonya Sophia EFT
Insight I Gained from a Sonya Sophia 
Guided Meditation...

Suppose that the Wisdom/Knowledge of My Ancestors was passed on to me in my DNA... 

ABSURD! But Let's just take that as a Possibility... as if we were Doing a Mathematical Proof and that's an Assumption... 

I was doing the tap "Ancestral Memory - It's Real" and... 

I Had to think of what fear my ancestors worried about... and the fear that was passed on to me in my DNA... Well, My Ancestors Feared Starving to Death in the Winter. We Lived in Holland, Scotland and British Columbia... a Very Valid Fear back then... However... 

That's no longer a Valid fear because NOW we have technology to help us... Refrigerators, Central heating systems with a thermostat, grocery stores... ETC... 

 My ancestral fear manifested itself in Always Eating All The Food on my plate... Hundreds of years ago no one knew if they were going to get their next meal... 

 I realized that at dinner, it's OK to simply NOT Eat Everything on the Plate... It's Really Likely that We Will Have Food Tomorrow... Don't worry about it! It's even OK to Throw Away Food into the Garbage Can... 

 The danger of Obesity is a greater threat to me than the Danger of Starvation... 

 SO... That's a deep insight I Got from a Tapping Session... Thanks! Sonya Sophia...

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I wonder who made That Four Way Windowpane LSD We ate in the early 1970s... It was a brown square of geletin and if I cut it into four pieces, four people could trip... So... maybe 80 Micrograms times 4 = 320 Mics... That's a LOT! I figure it was Owsley or the Brotherhood of Eternal Love out of Laguna Beach... I don't know any other names at that time except SANDOZ... and I'm certain they were not selling SANDOZ to High School Kids... or maybe it was made by some unknown chemist that didn't get arrested and wasn't famous... Just a Guy who said... "Hell, I Can Make That and The Kids Will Buy it!"

often it was of very poor quality and caused body cramps... people said it was strychnine but I don't believe that... usually I cut mine into four pieces and ate one Just too see if it was any good... and then if it WAS good, I realized that I didn't want to take any more so I'd give it away... Grateful Dead at UN Reno 1974 was one of those times... The Wall of Sound was not working properly... or at all... and the concert wasn't really that fun... but exploring downtown Reno that Night was EPIC! Giant Statues of Showgirls outside in Casinos... Blinking Lights!

Relax and Enjoy... Every Grateful Dead Cover Band Has its own flavor... Even the Cover Band that employs Bob Weir and Mickey Hart... and when I go to a public park and play Grateful Dead Songs on my Acoustic Guitar... for free... I'm a Cover Band... I played the Rainbow Gathering In Idaho and Had a Great Time... Me and a Kid Played Uncle John's Band for a Couple of Hours at the "Relaxation Station" - The First Place people pass by from the Parking lot... and you COULD stop and get a Tarot Reading, or Drink Ephedrine Tea... or Just Do Nothing! Many People Had Just Driven 10 hours... so... Sit Down... We will provide all from now on! Hey You Made IT! Relax and Enjoy!

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I'm Glad I took a couple of elective ART classes at Humboldt State University... I was a Computer Science Major and as an alternative to THAT... I Took Acrylic Painting, Black and White Film Photography (darkroom, Chemicals) , Adobe Photoshop and Advertising Layout for Magazines or Book Covers... I'm Glad... We took a Field Trip where we Took Canvas, Easel, Paint and Brushes to The Marina on Humboldt Bay... and that was FUN! I'm also really Glad to meet the Women in those Classes... Organic Earth Mothers...

Thomas Jefferson is Suddenly "Not Worthy" Because He Owned Slaves... ABSURD! What About George Washington? He Owned Slaves TOO.

Headline: Thomas Jefferson statue to be removed from New York City Council chamber...

Adams... a Light skinned black woman
Adrienne Adams... a Light Skinned Black Woman
She Has Some White People as Ancestors...
Maybe Jefferson Himself?
or Maybe George Washington!

"Thomas Jefferson was a slaveholder who owned over 600 human beings," Councilmember Adrienne Adams, co-chair of the Black, Latino and Asian Caucus, said in a presentation before the commission. "It makes me deeply uncomfortable knowing that we sit in the presence of a statue that pays homage to a slaveholder who fundamentally believed that people who look like me* were inherently inferior, lacked intelligence, and were not worthy of freedom or rights." 
*Well, Not Exactly Like You... People That Look Like You Worked in the House... and Were Treated Differently because they were the Master's Children.  Most were taught how to read and Write and were Given Names...
For Example: Most were Named Jefferson... 

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Having written that "all men are created equal" as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, he also enslaved more than 600 people and fathered at least six children with Sally Hemings, a woman he enslaved.

Not everyone supported the removal of the statue. Sean Wilentz, a American history professor at Princeton University, wrote in a letter read to the commission: "The statue specifically honors Jefferson for his greatest contribution to America, indeed, to humankind."

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,[Except Blacks and Women] that they are endowed by their Creator [Named Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, Odin, Thor, KRSNA, Buddha or a Thousand Other Names] with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”[Unless your Pursuit uses Marijuana or Psychedelics as a Sacrament] - DANG... So Many Disclaimers...

If a statue of Jefferson is unfit for City Hall, so is the statue of George Washington, owner of 577 human beings. And if we accept the principle that it is a moral mistake to put two of the most influential early Americans on pedestals there, we should remove Washington from the former site of Federal Hall downtown. Rename Washington Heights and Washington Square. And if slaveholder-founders are unfit for honors in America’s largest city, what are we doing naming the nation’s capital, and dozens of cities and counties and streets and parks, after them? Valid Questions... You may find some answers reading about our founding Fathers on Wiki... Take a Tour of the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC...  Founding Father... Revolutionary... Renaissance Man. Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, first Secretary of State for the United States of America, and a complex, 19th-century man with a wide ranging impact on the very makeup of America itself. Monticello is the autobiographical masterpiece of Thomas Jefferson—designed and redesigned and built and rebuilt for more than forty years. Its gardens were a botanic showpiece, a source of food, and an experimental laboratory of ornamental and useful plants from around the world.

Map of the USA - Thomas Jefferson

Concerned about losing access to the port of New Orleans, in 1803 President Thomas Jefferson sent James Monroe and Robert Livingston to Paris to attempt to buy the city from France, authorizing them to offer France up to $10 million for it.

Meanwhile, Napoleon had concluded that it wasn’t worth the cost for France to try to hold onto its vast North American territory. So when Monroe and Livingstone arrived to commence negotiations, they were astonished when France offered to sell the United States not just New Orleans, but the entire Louisiana Territory. They did not have authority to negotiate any such deal, but when France offered the entire territory for only $15 million (only $5 million more than they were prepared to offer for New Orleans alone), the deal was too good for them to turn down. On April 30, 1803 they signed the Louisiana Purchase Treaty, by which the United States would acquire 828,000 square miles of land, at a price of three cents per acre (sixty cents per acre in current dollars). The deal would double the size of the United States. “This is the noblest work of our whole lives,” Livingston remarked.

When the commissioners returned to the United States with the remarkable treaty, Jefferson was amazed and delighted. But the road to ratification was anything but smooth. There were very serious objections to the constitutionality of the treaty and there was also the inconvenient fact that the United States didn’t actually have $15 million. But in the end, the proponents of the purchase prevailed, the U.S. borrowed the money from financiers in Great Britain, and on October 20, 1803 (two hundred eighteen years ago today) the Senate gave its advice and consent to ratification of the Louisiana Purchase Treaty—one of the best real estate bargains in history. “From this day the United States take their place among the powers of the first rank,” Livingston said.

Thanks to several great comments the post has been edited to clarify that the funds were loaned by financiers in Great Britain, not the British government.

Great Book: "How to Fix the Future" by Andrew Keen and "Utopia" by Thomas More...

In his new book, How to Fix the Future, Keen focuses on what we can do about this seemingly intractable situation. Looking to the past to learn how we might change our future, he describes how societies tamed the excesses of the Industrial Revolution, which, like its digital counterpart, demolished long-standing models of living, ruined harmonious environments, and altered the business world beyond recognition.

There are five key tools that Keen identifies: regulation, competitive innovation, social responsibility, worker and consumer choice, and education.

Utopia is a work of fiction and socio political satire by Thomas More published in 1516.

Netroots Nation Conference - Al Gore Speaks about Global Warming - Climate Reality Project dot org

An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power documents Climate Reality Founder and Chairman Al Gore’s fight to solve the crisis as he travels the Earth, witnessing a planet transformed by rising temperatures and inspiring the next generation of citizen activists trained as Climate Reality Leaders.
Watch the trailer at link above...

This Summer Seattle had temperatures above 100 Degrees Fahrenheit. Only about 1/3 of the homes owned air conditioners... None of the trees in the forests have air conditioners... We also saw a green algae bloom in Miami Florida... This is creepy... Go Solar and Wind. Stop burning OIL, coal and gasoline... Electric cars are the future.
A decade after AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH brought climate change into the heart of popular culture, comes the riveting and rousing follow-up that shows just how close we are to a real energy revolution. Vice President Al Gore continues his tireless fight traveling around the world training an army of climate champions and influencing international climate policy. Cameras follow him behind the scenes - in moments both private and public, funny and poignant -- as he pursues the inspirational idea that while the stakes have never been higher, the perils of climate change can be overcome with human ingenuity and passion.

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Interesting TV I've seen recently:
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Thomas Linzey spoke at  Earth at Risk 2014 - He is an Environmental attorney - He recommends that local governmental organizations like towns or counties pass laws prohibiting fracking... That gives people local control of polluters, factory farms - preventing fracking, oil and gas drilling...

"We the People 2.0" documentary American citizens challenge the oligarchy - community bill of rights. Pittsburg Community rights ordinance 2010.
rights of nature ordinance. Broadview Heights.
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Gar Alperovitz: author - alternatives to corporate capitalism - plural commonwealth -
example: Cleveland hospital - worker owned - democracy
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Richard Wolff: Mondragon alternative to Corporate Capitalism -
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Odyssey in Two Biospheres: Ecological sealed terrarium simulator of the entire world.
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Documentary Movies:
Plutocracy II Solidarity Forever.
Plutocracy III Class War
IWW Industrial Workers of the World - aka - The Wobblies
U. Utah Phillips - singer of labor songs

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