Showing posts with label Sykes Camp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sykes Camp. Show all posts

Directions to Sykes Camp Hot Spring Big Sur - Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour "History of America" Film - "The World of 1968" Film. Thousands of Photographs Shown Very Very Fast...

Once I walked 12 Miles to the Sykes Camp Hot Springs in Big Sur... Took two days in and two days out - The Trailhead is a Mile South of Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park... On Highway 1... Follow the Trail that Goes along the Big Sur River... After Six Miles of Up and Down and Up and Down... Camp at Barlow Flats... beware of Poison Oak... and a Raccoon Ate all our Food so We fasted...
Ventana Wilderness Map

Sykes Hot Springs Campground Map 

Here are a Couple of Gems... from the 
Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour...
The History of America until 1968... Photos shown very fast... insightful... Especially because 1969 HAD NOT HAPPENED YET!

The World of 1968 - Thousands of photographs shown very fast... with the Iron Butterfly Drum Solo... another American Time Capsule... Remember that 1968 was a Horrible Year... The Assassination of MLK & RFK Riots in Every City - Chicago Democratic Convention... but also... Rowan & Martin Laugh In TV Show! and the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi with The Beatles...

and Just for Fun...
"I Need a Miracle Every Day" Performed on New Years Eve 1978 by the Grateful Dead...

5 Eggs Psychedelic Art by gvan42

Screenshot of Javascript Program by gvan42

and then Liz Merry Posted on FaceBorg:
I am reposting this from a friend's wall. A mutual friend of ours is in the hospital and may not make it. I also just learned my editor at the Red Bluff Daily News passed away suddenly. You just never know, folks. We have done NONE of this, but we need to in the event we go together.
💰Make sure all bank accounts have direct beneficiaries. The beneficiary need only go to the bank with your death certificate and an ID of their own.
ðŸĄ TOD = Transfer On Death house deed if you own a home. Completing this document and filing it with your county saves your heirs THOUSANDS. This document allows you to transfer ownership of your home to your designee. All they need to do is take their ID and your death certificate to the county building and the deed is signed over. Doing this will avoid the home having to go through probate.
🚗 TOD = also Transfer on Death your auto title(s). You can do that too. All these things will help your heirs avoid the probate process!
ðŸ‘Ļ‍ðŸ‘Đ‍👧‍ðŸ‘Ķ Living Will: Allows one to put in writing EXACTLY what you want done in the event you cannot speak for yourself when it comes to healthcare decisions as well as other final decisions.
ðŸ‘ĐðŸ―‍⚖️ Durable Power of Attorney: Allows one to designate a person to make legal decisions if one is no longer competent to do so.
ðŸĨ Power of Attorney for Healthcare: This document allows one to designate someone to make healthcare decisions for their person.
🛍 Last Will and Testament: Designates to whom personal belongings will go too.
ðŸŠĶ Funeral Planning Declaration: allows one to say exactly one’s wishes as far as disposition of the body and the services.
If the above documents are done, you can AVOID probate. If all the above is not done, you have to open an estate account at the bank. All money that doesn’t have direct beneficiaries goes into this account. You have to have an attorney to open the estate account. The attorney also has to publicize your passing in the newspaper or post publication at the county courthouse, to allow anyone to make a claim on your property. - It’s a complete PAIN.
📚 ðŸ’ģ Make a list of all banks and account numbers, all investment institutions with account numbers, lists of credit cards, utility accounts, etc. Leave clear instructions as to how and when these things are paid.
📂 Make sure your heirs knows where life insurance policies are located.
📝 Make 100% sure SOMEONE knows your Apple ID, bank ID account logins and all passwords! A password keeper will streamline that - only one password needed to access all accounts.
🚗 Make sure you have titles for all vehicles, campers, etc in the SAME PLACE.
Set up a trust for intended beneficiaries that are too young, and appoint a trustee of said trust.
MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!! - Talk with those closest to you and make all your wishes KNOWN. Talk to those whom you’ve designated, as well as those close to you whom you did not designate. Do this to explain why your decisions were made and to avoid any lingering questions or hurt feelings.
⚡️Hope this helps! ⚡️I also hope this lights a spark to encourage all your friends and family to take care of these things to make it easier for those we all leave behind!
Do it! Start an important conversation with your loved ones.

and I replied:
This is a useful post... I've done almost all of these but... I need to document all my passwords, usernames... ON a Piece of Paper... One really cool thing I've done is My Royalties from my Zazzle Store are Automatically Deposited into the Bank... So I'll be earning a Profit after I'm Dead... and My Heirs Will Get the Money!
Curved Line Background Image by gvan42

Bob Emerson Posted:
Mission San Jose was founded on June 11, 1797, by Father Fermin Francisco de Lasuen on a site which was part of a natural highway by way of the Livermore Valley to the San Joaquin Valley.
It is the fourteenth of the 21 Spanish Missions in Alta California. They were founded to secure Spain's claim to this land and to teach the native people Christianity and the Spanish way of life.
A fully developed mission was a self-sustaining village. It was occupied by local natives, a few soldiers, several artisans with families, and one or two priests. According to Spanish law, the mission's lands and resources belonged to the natives and would be put in their control when they had learned to manage themselves in the Spanish way. The Ohlones lived close to the land in harmony with nature, taking what they needed for their sustenance but never wasting irreplaceable resources. Their food included seeds, roots, berries, acorn meal, small game, and seafood.
Three years after the founding of Mission San Jose, several hundred Ohlones had come to live at the Mission. They were introduced to a new way of life by the Spanish Franciscan missionaries. Thousands of cattle roamed the mission ranges. Acres of wheat and other crops were planted and harvested under the direction of the Padres.
The original mission complex consisted of over 100 adobe buildings. Restoration efforts by the Native Sons and Daughters of the Golden West in 1915 and 1950 saved the surviving portion of the mission wing and converted it into a museum set in gracious surroundings of flowers and palm trees.
In 1956, the town of Mission San Jose incorporated with four others to become the City of Fremont. Plans to reconstruct the church of Mission San Jose were launched in 1973. The Victorian Rectory was relocated to nearby Anza Street and the Gothic wooden church was moved to San Mateo where it has been restored as a house of worship by an Anglican church group.
Though the pueblo (city) of San Jose was founded 13 miles south near the Guadalupe River, the only connection between the pueblo and the Old Mission is that both were named in honor of St. Joseph.

Automated Psychedelic Art Generator - Potatoshop - gvan42

and on Tribel RD Said:
I'm So proud to be on the side of an American hero like Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and not on the side of a creepy disgusting racist criminal like Stephen Miller who is an architect of the MAGA crimes against humanity plot that ripped brown children out of the arms of their parents.

It’s amazing to see people telling the fascist Republican cult to go fuck themselves, but it should also be a crime to purposely make people stand in line for over 2 hours to vote as a ploy to suppress voters.


JFK meme Ask Not. - gvan42

If Only Guns were as Regulated as Cars - meme - gvan42

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