Brian Butler, known as “Trump Employee 5” in court records, told CNN on Monday that he rejects Trump’s assertions that the criminal obstruction charges brought against him are politically motivated, and he outlined how he unknowingly participated in transporting boxes of classified documents.
‘Trump Employee 5’ Says Former President Should End 2024 Run
PottyGate: Trump Confesses - Refuses to Accept Plea Bargain
Donald Trump Made 'Confession' Over Classified Docs...
Wall Street Dumps Trump - Why Does the Smart Money Reject Madness? Global Economic Collapse! They Believe That He Will Declare Bankruptcy for the Entire USA and That will Cause a Worldwide Financial Disaster...
"The Debt Ceiling is just one more thing Trump doesn't know very much about." - Said JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon
Former President Donald Trump urged Republican lawmakers to let the United States default on its debt if Democrats don't agree to spending cuts. MAY 10 2023
How will you buy food when a Hundred Dollar Bill is Worth a Quarter? The Only People that will Survive are Hunter Gatherers and Subsistence Farmers...
Vote 4 Joe Button for sale at Zazzle Gregvan

Headline: Why Republican donors on Wall Street are abandoning Donald Trump. It was always a marriage of convenience; now they see him as a loser...
Trump is Terrified of being Executed for Treason. That's Why He Wants Absolute Immunity... He Knows He's GUILTY and He Knows He's Going to Hell... and That's Frightening!

Really pisses me off that the news people keep going after Biden's memory,when it's the wanna be Dictator's mind they should be looking at,you don't hear Biden in front of people Babbling and making no sense at times and saying things you can't understand,Trump is a Babbling psychotic nut who just needs to vanish,the man makes me sick,I can't stand to listen to his voice or look at him always waving his hands around like a mime does.
I replied:
They just want to get more viewers... for their INFOTAINMENT shows... Someone in corporate marketing has decided that the public wants to see Biden fail at memory... to keep the race interesting...
Trump's Intentional Failure at the Border...
He needs CHAOS to Win...
EVIL! Trump's campaign goes into damage-control mode after he suggests cutting Medicare and Social Security benefits
Oil industry has sought to block state backing for green tech since 1960s
Research shows industry lobbying against support for solar panels and electric cars while enjoying subsidies itself...
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Rainbow Gathering July 1-7 2023 - White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire. Near Berlin... 44.4329757, -71.3122475 Driving Directions and "Heads Up" Raps!
Source: Howdy, Folks! All beings invited to… The 2023 Northern Appalachian Annual Rainbow...

Similar Espionage Cases: Both Donald Trump and Jack Teixeira have recently been arrested for Stealing Classified Military Secret Documents. However...
Unlike Jack Teixeira, Reality Winner and Edward Snowden, Donald Trump is given Special Treatment Under the Law... Both Stole Documents an...

PHOTOS: Boxes of Classified Documents Stored at Trump's Mar-A-Loser Hotel... Treason: Will Trump Get the Electric Chair? WAS TRUMP SELLING SECRET DOCUMENTS? That's a Violation of The Espionage Act...
Spilled Boxes of Secret Documents Shower Storage of Secret Documents Ballroom Storage of Secret Documents

Kinetic Grand Championship: NEW PHOTOS! May 27-29, 2023. Arcata, Eureka, Ferndale. Whimsical Art Bicycles That Travel on Roads, Sand and In the Water... FOR THE GLORY!
LINK: LINK: Video of the start of the race! Broadcast on KEET TV! (You CAN fast forward to get pas...

Trump Is Afraid. Very Afraid. The Rosenbergs Were Executed for Stealing Secret Nuclear Documents... The Same Exact Crime Trump Was Arrested For... Or Maybe He'll Get 20 Years in Prison...
Of Course, Drumpf Might Write a Great Prison Book: "MY STRUGGLE" Just Like his Hero Did...

WOKE means Aware of Reality. ANTI-WOKE Means Brainwashed.
I was surprised that when I Posted these words as a MEME on FaceBorg, Many People Commented... For Example: Wokeness, was first coined in...

Every Day There Are Fewer and Fewer Trump Supporters. His Family Has Abandoned Him. The Crowds (Always Small) are Even Smaller. He is Fading into the Dumpster of History... Thanks For Failing! Now GTFO!
#RUNAWAY from The Loser! and Ivanka Says: She is Interested in Her Children... not participating in Politics... Ivanka has abandoned him an...
Entire List of 500 Americans Banned from Russia - Includes Job Title. Pirated from Russian Website and Translated into English. US citizens under personal sanctions, including a ban on entry into the Russian Federation as of Ma...

Rock Music: Best Bands Ever - Top 15 List... and My Own Top 88 List! - Who Did I Forget? It's Amazing that there are So Many Bands Worthy of Mention! The List from the Magazine... 1. The Beatles 2. Prince And The Revolution 3. Pink Floyd ...

"Doing Evil for Money - A Novel" by Gregory Vanderlaan - Sequel to The Violet Overgrow...
Chapter Zero: A Continuation of "The Violet Overgrow: An Eco-Warrior's Journey" They Were Motoring West on Route 66 When Sus...
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Trump Was a Disaster as President. Over a Million Americans Died from COVID 19... There Were Massive Lines at the FREE FOOD Soup Kitchens Because People Could Not Afford to BUY FOOD! Record Unemployment... Stock Market Crash!
HEADLINE: Trump Plans to Start Holding More Campaign Rallies... WONDERFUL! More Superspreader Events "Designed" to Infect His Foll...
Drumpf Uber Alles! The Trump NAZI Occult Connection: A Search for Magic Powers that will let Him and his Children Rule the World Forever... and His Grandchildren...
The Black Sun is a type of sun wheel symbol originating in Nazi Germany and later employed by neo-Nazis and other far-right individuals ...

Will the Corrupt Supreme Court Rule that CRIME IS LEGAL for Trump? Question: Would Total Presidential Immunity Allow Biden to Murder Trump LEGALLY?
Hey SCOTUS! The Reason Ford Pardoned Nixon was to Prevent Nixon's Arrest for Crimes Committed While President. Get it? Supreme Court to ...
Would Trump Survive Another Term? Who is the Vice President? The My Pillow Guy? Rude Julie Anna? Sucker Tucker? Ivanka? Why Won't Trump Tell US?
Trump Says: DO NOT VOTE! The 2024 Election is Rigged and Voting Just Legitimizes Their Corrupt System. STAY HOME - BOYCOTT ALL ELECTIONS! He...
"We Were DUPED by a KGB Agent." - Says Jim Jordan - The Biden Impeachment Inquiry has become a Disaster for the House GOP! "WE GOT NOTHING!"
Republican impeachment probe 'Insane' US president's son Hunter Biden says.

How to Escape the Cult of Trump: Deprogramming by Family Members of the MAGA MORON is Essential... If Someone you Know has been Brainwashed... RESCUE THEM!
Just like Helping people Escaping from Scientology, MOON or Jim Jones... It takes a Personal Family Rescue Effort... an Intervention... Tell...

Trump's Dementia: Is His Failing Brain a Danger to the USA? Obesity and Advanced Age are Undeniable... #RUNAWAY Movement Gains Momentum... Millions of Former Republicans Leave Party.
Trump's cognitive deficits seem worse. We need to know if he has dementia: We all see signs that the president's abilities are dec...

Trump's Economy was Horrible. Biden's Economy is GREAT! Good Jobs, High Pay. Stock Market Highest Ever. GDP UP! Don't Believe the GOP LIES: Trump Did a Horrible Job as President... Unemployment Went to 14.7% and there were Massive Lines at the FREE FOOD Giveaway Locations. Now, Unemployment is 3.9% and People Can BUY FOOD at the Grocery Store! Thanks, Joe!
SOURCE: Trumps Top 10 Failures: Like and Share these Facts ...

What Can I Do to Beat Trump? Click Here for Some Easy Actions!
If You Have Money, Donate Money to Democratic Campaigns... Like This One... Donate to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris OK... The Vast Maj...

Trump's Appeal is Fading... "He's Just Not Very Appealing Anymore." Said Marge S. of Springfield... "All That Losing is a Turn OFF!"
and Now for Something completely different... Is Trump on Suicide Watch? His Life is Such a Mess Right Now... and Soon to be Even Worse...
Oil industry has sought to block state backing for green tech since 1960s
Research shows industry lobbying against support for solar panels and electric cars while enjoying subsidies itself...
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Rainbow Gathering July 1-7 2023 - White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire. Near Berlin... 44.4329757, -71.3122475 Driving Directions and "Heads Up" Raps!
Source: Howdy, Folks! All beings invited to… The 2023 Northern Appalachian Annual Rainbow...

Similar Espionage Cases: Both Donald Trump and Jack Teixeira have recently been arrested for Stealing Classified Military Secret Documents. However...
Unlike Jack Teixeira, Reality Winner and Edward Snowden, Donald Trump is given Special Treatment Under the Law... Both Stole Documents an...

PHOTOS: Boxes of Classified Documents Stored at Trump's Mar-A-Loser Hotel... Treason: Will Trump Get the Electric Chair? WAS TRUMP SELLING SECRET DOCUMENTS? That's a Violation of The Espionage Act...
Spilled Boxes of Secret Documents Shower Storage of Secret Documents Ballroom Storage of Secret Documents

Kinetic Grand Championship: NEW PHOTOS! May 27-29, 2023. Arcata, Eureka, Ferndale. Whimsical Art Bicycles That Travel on Roads, Sand and In the Water... FOR THE GLORY!
LINK: LINK: Video of the start of the race! Broadcast on KEET TV! (You CAN fast forward to get pas...

Trump Is Afraid. Very Afraid. The Rosenbergs Were Executed for Stealing Secret Nuclear Documents... The Same Exact Crime Trump Was Arrested For... Or Maybe He'll Get 20 Years in Prison...
Of Course, Drumpf Might Write a Great Prison Book: "MY STRUGGLE" Just Like his Hero Did...

WOKE means Aware of Reality. ANTI-WOKE Means Brainwashed.
I was surprised that when I Posted these words as a MEME on FaceBorg, Many People Commented... For Example: Wokeness, was first coined in...

Every Day There Are Fewer and Fewer Trump Supporters. His Family Has Abandoned Him. The Crowds (Always Small) are Even Smaller. He is Fading into the Dumpster of History... Thanks For Failing! Now GTFO!
#RUNAWAY from The Loser! and Ivanka Says: She is Interested in Her Children... not participating in Politics... Ivanka has abandoned him an...
Entire List of 500 Americans Banned from Russia - Includes Job Title. Pirated from Russian Website and Translated into English. US citizens under personal sanctions, including a ban on entry into the Russian Federation as of Ma...

Rock Music: Best Bands Ever - Top 15 List... and My Own Top 88 List! - Who Did I Forget? It's Amazing that there are So Many Bands Worthy of Mention! The List from the Magazine... 1. The Beatles 2. Prince And The Revolution 3. Pink Floyd ...

"Doing Evil for Money - A Novel" by Gregory Vanderlaan - Sequel to The Violet Overgrow...
Chapter Zero: A Continuation of "The Violet Overgrow: An Eco-Warrior's Journey" They Were Motoring West on Route 66 When Sus...
Popular Posts
Trump Was a Disaster as President. Over a Million Americans Died from COVID 19... There Were Massive Lines at the FREE FOOD Soup Kitchens Because People Could Not Afford to BUY FOOD! Record Unemployment... Stock Market Crash!
HEADLINE: Trump Plans to Start Holding More Campaign Rallies... WONDERFUL! More Superspreader Events "Designed" to Infect His Foll...
Drumpf Uber Alles! The Trump NAZI Occult Connection: A Search for Magic Powers that will let Him and his Children Rule the World Forever... and His Grandchildren...
The Black Sun is a type of sun wheel symbol originating in Nazi Germany and later employed by neo-Nazis and other far-right individuals ...

Will the Corrupt Supreme Court Rule that CRIME IS LEGAL for Trump? Question: Would Total Presidential Immunity Allow Biden to Murder Trump LEGALLY?
Hey SCOTUS! The Reason Ford Pardoned Nixon was to Prevent Nixon's Arrest for Crimes Committed While President. Get it? Supreme Court to ...
Would Trump Survive Another Term? Who is the Vice President? The My Pillow Guy? Rude Julie Anna? Sucker Tucker? Ivanka? Why Won't Trump Tell US?
Trump Says: DO NOT VOTE! The 2024 Election is Rigged and Voting Just Legitimizes Their Corrupt System. STAY HOME - BOYCOTT ALL ELECTIONS! He...
"We Were DUPED by a KGB Agent." - Says Jim Jordan - The Biden Impeachment Inquiry has become a Disaster for the House GOP! "WE GOT NOTHING!"
Republican impeachment probe 'Insane' US president's son Hunter Biden says.

How to Escape the Cult of Trump: Deprogramming by Family Members of the MAGA MORON is Essential... If Someone you Know has been Brainwashed... RESCUE THEM!
Just like Helping people Escaping from Scientology, MOON or Jim Jones... It takes a Personal Family Rescue Effort... an Intervention... Tell...

Trump's Dementia: Is His Failing Brain a Danger to the USA? Obesity and Advanced Age are Undeniable... #RUNAWAY Movement Gains Momentum... Millions of Former Republicans Leave Party.
Trump's cognitive deficits seem worse. We need to know if he has dementia: We all see signs that the president's abilities are dec...

Trump's Economy was Horrible. Biden's Economy is GREAT! Good Jobs, High Pay. Stock Market Highest Ever. GDP UP! Don't Believe the GOP LIES: Trump Did a Horrible Job as President... Unemployment Went to 14.7% and there were Massive Lines at the FREE FOOD Giveaway Locations. Now, Unemployment is 3.9% and People Can BUY FOOD at the Grocery Store! Thanks, Joe!
SOURCE: Trumps Top 10 Failures: Like and Share these Facts ...

What Can I Do to Beat Trump? Click Here for Some Easy Actions!
If You Have Money, Donate Money to Democratic Campaigns... Like This One... Donate to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris OK... The Vast Maj...

Trump's Appeal is Fading... "He's Just Not Very Appealing Anymore." Said Marge S. of Springfield... "All That Losing is a Turn OFF!"
and Now for Something completely different... Is Trump on Suicide Watch? His Life is Such a Mess Right Now... and Soon to be Even Worse...