Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

God, Heal Me - a How to guide. An Exercise and Meditation Program to Improve My Circulation. I'm Pre-Diabetic... Frankly Speaking, I Don't Believe in God BUT Maybe God Believes in ME!

I started doing this about a Week Ago and I Can Feel Some Improvement. However, I'm Still Going to Go to My Doctor Soon... 

My Main Exercise is Bouncing on the Balls of My Feet while Holding onto a Bar Mounted on the Wall of The Bathroom. While Standing, I Raise my Heels about an Inch off the Floor and then Lower them to About a Quarter Inch. Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy for about a Minute. I Do this Every Time I Go to the Bathroom... Maybe Eight Times a Day? I Don't Know... Occasionally I Bend my Knees but That's not the Main Event. 

The Meditation is Done Lying Down While Watching TV. During the Commercials I Turn Off the Sound and Close my Eyes. 

I Take an Extremely Large Breath and say the Word "God" - Then I Exhale Normally. Then I Inhale and Say "Heal" Exhale and Inhale and say "Me" Exhale... 

The Fundamental Technique is to Inhale as Much as Possible... Pushing My Belly out to Inflate My Diaphram... Say a Word... and Then Relax and Exhale Whatever Feels Natural... and All The While I'm Moving My Toes in a Circular Motion... Moving them as Far as Possible as I Rotate Them... 

The REASON I Do this Lying Down is I want to Make Sure I Don't Fall Down When I Get Dizzy... and after about Nine Breaths I'm Starting to Get Dizzy from Hyperventilating... and Then It's Time to Check to See IF The TV Show Has Restarted. At the Very Least, I Get to Reject The Advertising Brainwashing... and Contact God Instead! I often Change the Words... Like: "God, What Should I Write?" or "God, What is My Divine Purpose?" WhatEVER... 

I saw this Breathing Technique in a TV Show about Wim Hof. Supposedly He Cured Frostbite in His Feet Doing This... and Many Other "Unbelievable" Actions... Like: Climbing Mount Everest in Shorts and Tennis Shoes without Oxygen Tanks... Swimming in 32 Degree Water... and Training Other People to Be Able to Withstand Extreme Cold... I Don't Know if Any of This BBC TV Show was True but... I'm Taking What I can Learn and Doing It Myself!

and then Joe Blow on Mastodon said: 

There is no god. If you have pre-diabetes, better get a prescription of Metformin. That would be much more helpful.

and I Replied: I have a Real Doctor and He Prescribes Many Pre-Diabetes Drugs... and I test my Blood Daily - and Go to the Clinic every 6 months... OF COURSE, My health is NOT an Either/Or situation... I do Both! I don't actually believe in GOD but I might be wrong... anyway... Doing Meditation using a Sanskrit Mantra seems Absurd... So I Choose to Chant a Mantra IN ENGLISH...

Mural on a Health Food Store in Eureka, CA
Mural on a Health Food Store in Eureka, CA, USA
Of Course, I Stopped Eating Sugar a Year Ago.
No Coca Cola. Sugar Free Syrup on Waffles.
I Eat a Lot of Fruits and Vegetables but I
Still Eat Hamburgers, Bacon and Corn Dogs... 
My Practice is Kinda Like Stating: "Every Day in Every Way I'm Getting Better and Better." a Quote by Émile Coué de la Châtaigneraie (26 February 1857 – 2 July 1926) was a French psychologist and pharmacist who introduced a popular method of psychotherapy and self-improvement based on optimistic autosuggestion.[1][2]

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I Also Participate in the Webinars Hosted By Spiritual Teacher Sonya Sophia - She Does Healing Workshops at The Rainbow Gathering and Burning Man... and Online... 

Here is a Video of a Healing Ceremony She Lead at a Rainbow Gathering...

I met her at the Rainbow Gathering in Utah and Participated in her Workshop. I Took a Business Card and Later Participated in the Online Self Help Broadcasts. She Has a Fundamentally Valid Concept. I did it for about a Year... It's Worthwhile Technique... It's a A Combination of Acupuncture (without using actual needles) and Positive Ideas... I Still Use What I Learned... I plan to Use The Guided Meditation technique to relax and Focus Attention for the Rest of My Life... We put pressure on Specific Locations of our body by tapping lightly with our fingers while she told us reassuring statements and we would all repeat what she said... Like: "I Love and Respect Myself..." or... "I Love and ACCEPT Myself..."

Goddess Temple Chico CA
Sonya Sophia at the Goddess Temple Chico California

Join us for a weekly interactive livestream self-healing event hosted by EFT master practitioner Sonya Sophia. Every Monday at 8pm CST / 6pm PST, an ever-expanding global community gathers to heal issues ranging from creative blocks to PTSD to chronic illness and pain.


EFT also called ‘Tapping’ is a scientifically proven self-healing technique which allows you to naturally release accumulated stress, trauma and pain from both mind & body at an accelerated pace.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

On FaceBORG SE Said: I know a lot of people are acting like there is no more COVID, but here in the Bay Area, we currently have the highest infection rate in CA. Now is not the time to let your guard down! It’s summer now, I’m sure you’ve got lots of things you’re looking forward to: vacations, etc. Do you want your summer to be ruined because you got COVID and had to stay home? Of course not! It isn’t hard to protect yourself by wearing a mask. The problem is that with no mandate, too many people have STOPPED wearing a mask. That’s why cases are surging yet again. I guess they aren’t planning to bring back the mandate, so it’s up to us to protect ourselves as best we can. Mask up, stay up to date on your boosters, and avoid crowded indoor spaces. Don’t let COVID ruin your summer!
and I Replied: Wearing Masks is a Good Idea... I have a New Housemate and Many People in His Family Come to Visit... and they ALL Wear Masks... and Whenever I Go Out, I Wear a Mask. However, The Current Residents Don't Wear Masks at Our Home... We all have been unmasked around each other for YEARS... Not Only is Masking Good For Preventing Infection by COVID - 19 but It Also Keeps THE FLU Away...
and She Said: Oh yes, I should have mentioned the flu and the common cold in my post, because those can also ruin a person’s summer plans. Wearing a mask is the best way to avoid all airborne illnesses, along with washing your hands. Protect yourself, stay healthy, and enjoy your summer!
SE SAID: Another thing I keep hearing about this latest COVID variant which is spreading rapidly here in the Bay Area: apparently most people are sick for a much longer stretch of time than they were with earlier variants. All the more reason to be extra cautious, in my opinion. You will most likely recover, but do you really want to lose several weeks of your summer from being sick? I sure don’t. I wish they’d bring back the mask mandate. I don’t understand why they aren’t bringing it back. With so many maskless people everywhere, it’s no wonder this thing is spreading so rapidly. Please WEAR A MASK in crowded indoor spaces. The pandemic is NOT over, despite what you may have heard.
GN Replied:
We split our time between Folsom and the Bay Area. In Folsom you can easily count the number of people still wearing masks in public (like me) because we stand out anymore, whereas in the Bay Area (Richmond, Berkeley, San Rafael) you can easily count the maskless because more people are still being sensible and wearing them. You also don’t see any tRump worship signs and raised trucks in the Bay Area, which is a pretty obvious correlation.
SE Replied: 
 Lately I feel like one of the only people wearing a mask, and I’ve started wearing a KN95 in some places because it freaks me out that so few people are wearing them. I just don’t get why people don’t care about getting sick. Don’t they have jobs? Don’t they have stuff they have to get done? Who can afford to just give up weeks of their life for an illness if there are ways of avoiding it?
I Said: Today we had an Inspection by the State of California Licensing... The People that Regulate Old Folks Homes and... ALL of Them Were Wearing Masks... and then Suddenly The Care Givers were wearing Masks TOO. 
We, The Residents Were Not... 
and Family Members that Come Visit ALL Wear Masks. 
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

And on a Different Subject... Here's an Artshow... and Some Music To Relax Your Mind... Or maybe Blow Your Mind! 

Edvard Greig: March of the Trolls!

Peace Sign Squiggle - 180 Degree Psychedelic Art done Using MirrorFun by gvan42
Peace Sign MindSprout - 180 Degree Psychedelic Art done Using the MirrorFun Quest by gvan42

Dancing Aliens by gvan42 purple64ets
Dancing Aliens 

180 Degree Mirrorfun Stars by gvan42
180 Degree Mirrorfun Stars 

a Fine Background - Useful as a Frame - gvan42
a Fine Background - Useful as a Frame

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Let's Ban Alcohol Ads on TV. We Banned Tobacco Ads and That Worked! Everyone Knows That Alcohol is Dangerous... Keep it Legal but STOP Promoting Use.

The Main Trouble with Those TV Ads Is:
I'm an Alcoholic and Those Ads Make Me want to Drink. We Have Delivery Service Here and I Could Simply Order Online! So Two or Three Times an Hour I'm Tempted... 

Crown Royal promises a Psychedelic Trip in their TV ADS
It Appears That Crown Royal is Promising a Psychedelic Experience...
Drink and You'll Go to "Pepperland" in a Yellow Submarine Just Like the Beatles Did!
That's Simply Not True...
They are Just Encouraging People to Drink More and that Leads to Brain Damage, Liver Damage and Automobile Crashes... DUI Tickets and Eventually Death... But That's Balanced Out by all the Bad Decisions that Lead to Unwanted Children... 
BOGUS Alcohol Ad - Misleading - Could Cause Harm - meme by gvan42
It's Damn Unlikely that You will become "The Most Interesting Man in the World." More Likely You Will Become Just Another Loudmouth Drunk... and a Menace to Society... maybe get in a Fight...

We don't see Tobacco Ads on TV anymore... Because WE, as a Society, Refused to Allow Obvious Poison on TV.
We don't see Tobacco Ads on TV anymore...
Because WE, as a Society,
Refused to Allow Obvious Poison on TV.

Psych-Meds TV Advertisements - Totally Creepy!
Notice the Side Effects Printed in Tiny Letters 

Let's Stop Advertising Prescription Drugs... and Non Prescription Drugs as Well... Who Benefits from these Advertisements? NOT THE VIEWERS... NOT PATIENTS...

Corporations make money selling Alcohol, Drugs and so do the TV Networks... Corporations that have a Horrible Track Record of Abusing People... Remember The Massive Lawsuit that Purdue Pharmaceuticals Lost about Oxycontin? Killing People, Causing Addiction... Billions of Dollars... and The People that Caused the Nationwide Crisis Got To Keep Millions of Dollars... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Ronald Hadley Stark & The Brotherhood of Eternal Love... One Kilogram of Liquid LSD

Stark told them that he had a mission to use LSD in order to: “facilitate the overthrow of the political systems of both the capitalist West and communist East by inducing altered states of consciousness in millions of people.”

The Brotherhood was impressed, and the Golden Era of cheap, high-quality LSD began. From then on through to 1973, Stark and the Brotherhood dosed almost an entire generation of America’s youth.

Ronald Hadley Stark - Brotherhood of Eternal Love - meme

Here's an Interesting Radio Show that was broadcast from Foothill Junior College near San Jose, CA in the 1990s. David Emory Inherited Mae Brussel's Show when she died... 

Program Title: 
The C.I.A. and L.S.D. / produced by David Emory.


Documentaries about U.S. intelligence agencies and the military's development and popularization of LSD for their own purposes.

r.1. pt.1. The influence of the CIA on the cultural and intelligence figures who helped popularize the use of LSD in the 1960's (13:36) ; pt.2. Captain Al Hubbard as an agent : Humphrey Osmond, Aldous Huxley, Louis Jolyon West and Jack Ruby (13:39) ; pt.3. Louis Jolyon West's work on LSD for the CIA : Aldous Huxley, Ken Kesey, Timothy Leary (12:44) ; pt.4. The CIA and Timothy Leary (11:20) ; pt.5. The Brotherhood of Eternal Love : Timothy Leary and William Mellon Hitchock (12:08) -- r.2. pt.1. Brotherhood of Eternal Love : manufacturer and world distributor of LSD (13:03) ; pt.2. Ronald Hadley Stark : U.S. intelligence supplies the Brotherhood of Eternal Love (13:14) ; pt.4. The world and work of Ronald Haldey Stark (14:19) ; pt.5. Ronald Hadley Stark and the underworld of intelligence agents (13:46) -- r.3. pt.1. Ronald Hadley Stark and American intelligence (12:37) ; pt.2. Ronald Hadley Stark and Timothy Leary (12:26) ; pt.3. Timothy Leary's international flight in the 1970's : the CIA denys involvement with LSD (12:56) ; pt.4. CIA's attempts to distribute LSD : efforts to blunt political activism (12:20).

These terms will not bring up a complete list of all items in our catalog associated with this subject. Click here to search our entire catalog.

Los Angeles : Pacifica Radio Archive, 1990.
PRA metadata viewPRA metadata view
This recording is currently on a 1/4” reel tape and has not been digitally preserved. If you would like to contribute to the cost of transferring this recording, and receive your own personal copy on CD, please complete this form and we will return your request with pricing information. You will hear from an archive staff member once your request has been researched. We can also be reached by phone at 800-735-0230. 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

and on FaceBORG I Said:
The Johnny Depp Amber trial is a Classic Example of The Fall of the Roman Empire: "Bread and Circuses" - THIS is the Circus that's designed to Distract Attention from The Reality that Western Civilization is Collapsing...

And Biff Rose Replied:
you know better than that oh Saint Gregory II.....that ol' cliche about The Fall of the Roman Empire....everyone knows there was a transition....bridged over and re-glued Saint Augustine's BEST SELLER....1500 years on the NY Times Best Seller list...." The City of God"... where the "Rome's Caesar" was renamed "The Pope" and the Roman Senators were all re-named Cardinals and Bishops....and the Vestal Virgins were re-named nuns.........and the mystical "God of the Army" was shifted from MITHRAS whose birthday was Dec 25th to Jesus whose birthday was shifted to Dec much..OR MOST of "that Old Time religion" was continued intact..just like NOW as N.O.W..... the New Order of the Word...where the Roman Empire CONTINUES thru "Caesar CZAR" Vlad Putin...and Moscow the THIRD ROME arising...petulant as a kid...blocking food for the world's poor.....unless the old dead..dying and corrupt WEST Hollywood... release some of those great and totally decadent fleshpot flicks Czar Putin likes to watch late at nite before halting another shipment of grain to Sri Lanka,,WTF's WRONG witchoo Saint Greg?
You know damn well every thousand years there's a BIGGIE to satisfy and tittylate yo' Tupac....a THOU years ago it was the eastern Orthodox SCHISM where the original Nicaean Creed ( the Apostle's Creed of 325 a.d....) was re-invoked where grace PROCEEDS from the FATHER...some Monks in the 6th century I read inserted "and the SON" and so the gospel read "Grace proceeds from the Father, AND THE Son and the Holy Spirit".....SPIRIT used to be GHOST but as the tired and waning West's white male.........began losing it in Nam......grace began proceeding from a FATHER MACHO dude once more and the Patriarch Kyrill in Moscow has blessed that move by coronating Czar Putin whose gonna beat the WEST cuz he's ONE with the FATHER fig...the WEST meanwhile keeps praying to the SON GUY....the fall guy come riding in on the silver stallion...from Calvary to the cavalry....Czar Putin meanwhile keeps dangling the Atomic Carrot over the heads and those GIVING head in the WEST'S Hollywood...

and I Replied:
and today the verdict was read... She got fined 15 Million for lying about Johnny Beating her up and He Got fined for Lying about How it was all a Hoax... She Called the cops, they found nothing wrong... so she threw wine all over the living room and tipped over some furniture AS IF there had been a Fight... and She Called the Cops again... and They Found Nothing Wrong Again... BUT... When Johnny said That action was a Hoax... the Jury awarded her 2 Million... because they didn't think it was a HOAX... it was Just another day in Paradise!

Colorful Pattern by gvan42 purple64ets

768 Javascript Series by gvan42 purple64ets

768 Javascript Series Business Card Shape by gvan42 purple64ets

768 Javascript Series by gvan42 purple64ets

768 Javascript Series business card shape by gvan42 purple64ets
Looks Like a Flower... a Digital Flower That is!

Ask your Doctor - Mushroom meme - gvan42 purple64ets

Here's a Great Song That I'm Playing 
while Posting on this Blog...

and the Movie: Magic Trip by Ken Kesey...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Links to My Wordpress Website:

Let's FIX the Crazy Gun Laws - Ban Assault Rifles Like We Did in 1994 - That Was Proven to Save Lives.

CONCLUSION: Mass-shooting related homicides in the United States were reduced during the years of the federal assault weapons ban of 1994 to 2004.

LINK: The Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act or Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) was a subsection of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, a United States federal law which included a prohibition on the manufacture for civilian use of certain semi-automatic firearms that were defined as assault weapons as well as certain ammunition magazines that were defined as large capacity.

The 10-year ban was passed by the U.S. Congress on August 25, 1994 and was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on September 13, 1994.[1]

On FaceBorg SE Said: 

Whenever people attempt to have a rational conversation about gun safety or common-sense gun laws, some gun nut always brings up the subject of gang violence in Chicago. Because there are gang-related shootings and street crimes in Chicago and other cities, somehow this cancels out the need to do anything about mass shootings. To me, it's apples and oranges. Yes, gang-related shootings are a problem, but it's not at all on the same level as mass shootings. I'm not sure if there is any way to stop gangs from wanting to kill people in rival gangs. But to compare this to a school shooting is ludicrous.

JD Replied: Chicago is also really close to Indiana which has very lax gun laws. So, while the city of Chicago does have strict laws, a lot of the guns on the street in Chicago were purchased in Indiana.

VKK Said: Apparently as of 2020, the leading cause of death for kids is mass shootings. Not cancer, not car accidents. Mass shootings.

AI Said: it's guns in general including accidental discharges that are the leading cause of death for children, not mass shootings. Not that this makes it any better and not that I have the stats at hand to show you (that article is in an open tab on my work computer) but I had this discussion just after one of last month's mass shootings. And what a fucking horrible sentence THAT is.

I Said: Outlaw Guns, Collect Guns, Melt Guns. It's Not Complicated. I have to point out the Facts... Most of that "Gang Related" Murder is Really Black on Black Crime. Ask your Gun Nut Friends When they Started Caring so much about the lives of Black Men. Was It When George Floyd was Murdered?

Guns do not save lives meme by gvan42 purple64ets

NI Said: Gang shootings aren't just limited to gang on gang tho. Lots of innocent bystanders, especially young kids, get caught in the cross fire too.

SE Replied: True, but it's still unreasonable to try to compare them to mass shootings. Apples and oranges.

I Repeated Myself: If we simply Outlawed Guns, Collected Guns and Melted Guns there would be Fewer Gun Deaths... Fewer Gang Related Deaths... Fewer Suicides... Fewer Massacres in Schools... Fewer Deaths by Accidert... It's Not Complicated.

NRA Skull Word Art by gvan42 purple64ets

SE Said: I agree, I wish we could do what they've done in other countries where mass shootings aren't a problem like they are in the USA. But unfortunately, the 2nd Amendment apparently makes it impossible to do the obvious. We can't outlaw guns, but there is no reason why we can't regulate them better. The 2nd Amendment does not prohibit us from doing that much.

I Replied: It only Takes 60 Votes in the US Senate and We Can Get Things Done. Campaign Online for Democrats Nationwide...

It Costs You Nothing... 
Could Save America From Disaster... 
Rainbow Democratic Donkey Logo

We Need to Outlaw Guns... The Problem IS GUNS! Not Video Games, Not Lack of Jesus in the Schools, Not Missing Fathers... The Problem Is Too Many Guns... IT'S GUNS! Write to Your Senator and Tell 'em What You Think! I Just Did...

If Marching in the Streets Waving a Sign that Says BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS is What YOU DO, Then By All Means DO THAT!

On a Different Subject:

Backstory (~);-} The Origin of Grateful Dead Artwork, Logo, Icons - Skull and Roses, Dancing Bears, Steal Your Face, AoxoMoxoA... Mouse, Kelley, Owsley, Bob Thomas, Rick Griffin, Wes Wilson, Victor Moscone, Bob Seidemann

Skull and Roses Album Cover - Grateful Dead

Stanley "Mouse" Miller said: We [Miller and collaborator Alton Kelley] would go to the San Francisco library and peruse the books on poster art. They had a back room full of books you couldn’t take out with great references. We were just going through that and looking for something. And found this thing and thought, “This says Grateful Dead all over it.” I hate to say this, but Kelley cut it out with a pen knife. I always say that we Xeroxed it, but there weren’t Xerox machines then. I finally found it about two years ago, the actual cut-out piece, and I went, “Oh, my God.” It’s from the book of poems “The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.” The edition was done by an artist called Edmund Sullivan. And the poem that goes with this illustration is fantastic. It’s short and sweet and had to do with wine, women and song.

Skull and Roses Album Cover - Grateful Dead Record
Skull and Roses Album Cover - Grateful Dead Record Cover


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