Defended by GUN NUTS just like they did in Oregon This week... They keep on Talking about the coming Civil War and... IT'S ENTIRELY POSSIBLE.
The people of a nation must have common ideological, economic, political, and social ideas they agree upon or the nation, the civilization, will eventually die. Civil war is coming to the United States. Division, contention, fear, and silent invasion are being used to “reshape America.” The civil war that will emerge in the United States will not be like the previous one. This war will be for the mind and heart of the United States. It will be for the soul of the United States. What will we do when this occurs and what will be rebuilt.
The coming U.S. Civil War will not have the same outcome as the U.S. Civil War in the 19th Century. As society breaks down, other parts of our economy and civilization break down. Businesses will cease to operate. General services will become unavailable, and confidence in government is destroyed. The legal framework is being destroyed because justice is denied because of ideological lies. When the legal framework is destroyed, the entitlement among the population mindset will lead to murder, rape, destruction of property, starvation for some, and cannibalism for others.
There is no civilization without law and order. A barbaric society is a society with little or no law and order. When Europeans came to the Americas, they brought civilization, i.e. law and order, with them. While there were atrocities committed, the overall effect of European influence was to civilize, to bring law and order, to the peoples in the Americas.
One of the signs of barbarity, or the lack of law and order, is the systematic killing of babies and children (this includes unborn babies). Other signs of barbarity are the lack of children born in the bulk of a nation’s marriages and the decline of marriage.