Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

We are in an EPIC Battle Between Good and Evil. The TrumpNiks® are Similar to the Orcs in Lord of the Rings. We the People In Favor of Democracy are the Fellowship... The Banding together of Women, Minorities, Young People and College Graduates to Defeat Vladimir Putin (Sauron) and His Puppet DJ tRUMP...

 We all need to Campaign in Favor of HR-1. It's a Law That Promotes Democracy and Rejects Monarchy... Remember What George Washington Did in a Similar Situation? He Banded together With all His Friends and The Threw the Pro Monarchy People OUT! We Need an Effort Like That NOW... I Personally Will Write an Email to All 50 Senators Telling them To Vote for HR-1... and I'll use Valid Addresses and Phone numbers So they believe that I'm a Voter in their State... It's pretty easy to research that data using Google Maps and finding a Restaurant Nearby a Town in their State! Hey #MoscowMitch, I'm a Kentucky Voter and YOU SUCK! Vote for HR-1or Move to Russia... 

I said: Please Vote YES on HR-1, The For The People Act. It's all about Freedom, Democracy, Rejection of Monarchy and Fighting Corruption. As an American Patriot I Support VOTING... That's What Makes America Great... [I used The Valid Address and phone Number: 128 E Main St, Campbellsville, KY 42718 (270) 789- 0011]

420 Promises Made Promises Broken Upside Down American Flag - gvan42 HERE IS WHAT HR-1 IS ALL ABOUT... FREEDOM, LIBERTY, REJECTION OF BRIBERY... 

AN ACT To expand Americans’ access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and implement other anti-corruption measures for the purpose of fortifying our democracy, and for other purposes.

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and Then on a Totally Different Subject:

Trump's A Danger to Self and Others... Police Code 5150... The Lock Him Up and Throw Away the Key Blues!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

and Then on another Totally Different Subject:

SE SAID: This is so true. I remember anxiously awaiting the release date of certain albums by my favorite bands, and it was like a global collective experience because all of the fans all over the world were also waiting. And you got to hear the evolution of the band's music as you listen to their albums in order. And you'd go to the record store on the release date because you were so excited about the new album. Albums still have release dates, and I suppose fans still get excited about it, but it doesn't seem to have the same magic since most people are buying the album on their computer in their home by themselves, rather than at a busy record store full of excited fans of the band whose album you are there to buy, and often it will be playing in the store. I remember when I worked at Tower Records in 1989-1990, it was always busy and lively on the release date of a new album. One I remember clearly from when I worked there was the release of Bonnie Raitt "Nick of Time," and Queensryche "Empire." I also remember when "Vogue" by Madonna was released as a single. I rang up thousands of the cd's and cassette singles that day, and I still have mine.

NM Replied: To have the time and energy to stay awake to just listen to a new album like that.... those were the days....

An album should be consumed whole... 

Now we've got mp3s and mixed spotify-type playlists, splitting all the carefully designed song transitions, and removing the deep soul connection we used to be able to have with new music, as it was being told like a story of songs...

And you had to sit with one or 2 sets of new songs for weeks, maybe months, maybe years before you could afford another tape/cd... you got intimate with your music, and none of it was disposable...

Nowadays, though...

The trade-off i suppose is accessibility.  Almost anything can be found if you look deep enough... but also so much is lost because not all music in the world will be saved by digital restoration... 

People are able to choose from thousands of songs at any time... which is nice.  But we don't as often get put into the situation of getting really familiar with music, in a specific album order, because we had no choice but to wait for anything else... 

We appreciated the music more when we knew the CD or tape was our only source... 

Now we can download and delete music at a moments notice... convenient.... but doesn't make us focus enough to sit and appreciate like we used to... 

Some of us still choose to, of course...

SE REPLIED: Oh yeah, I loved all of the cool stuff inside of the album, especially the lyrics, but also the pictures and artwork and other stuff. It was even cooler with record albums. All of that is pretty much gone now. I mean, I guess it's virtual, but there was something about buying a physical album and holding it in your hands.

I SAID: Album Cover Artwork was a Major Part of The Culture... Remember Sgt. Pepper and Trying to Figure Out Who all those People were? and That was Created before Photoshop was invented... The Artist Took Prints of Photographs and an Exacto Knife and made a Collage... and Photographed That... 

who is who on Sgt Pepper... album cover

This Led Zeppelin Album Cover Had a Spinning disk and Peep holes so you could Change the Picture! You Can't Do That with Youtube...
and This Led Zeppelin Album Cover Had a Spinning disk and Peep holes so you could Change the Picture! You Can't Do That with Youtube...

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