ROY G BIV Rainbow Flag Ceramic Ornament/Necklace - and Many Other Rainbow, Math, Physics and Infinity Gifts For Sale on my Zazzle Webstore - BLING!

You may wear this as a Necklace 
if You can Find a String...
ROY G BIV Rainbow Ceramic Ornament
ROY G BIV Rainbow Ceramic Ornament
by gregvan

Link to All my Rainbow Gifts:

Fibonacci Rainbow Spiralism Shirt
Looks like a shell... 
popular with exercise machines...
Fibonacci Rainbow Spiralism Shirt
Fibonacci Rainbow Spiralism Shirt
by gregvan

Fibonacci Adoration Society of America postcard
Greetings from the President of FASA... a "joke" math club where all members were President... Created in 1972 by a math teacher at Los Gatos High School to be used as Resume Fodder for students applying to snooty colleges Like HAAAVAAAD or Stanford... Places that are impressed by nonsense like this... Fibonacci was the Father of Accounting and DID popularize Arabic numerals in Europe during the 1700s... before him, Europeans used Roman Numerals... quite cumbersome for multiplication or division... 
after all, what is mxlvii divided by lvxxi?
Fibonacci Adoration Society of America postcard
Fibonacci Adoration Society of America postcard
by gregvan

Link to all my MATH Gifts:

Physics Keychain
Physics: Not just for creating Atom Bombs Anymore... 
A lot of research is being done on the underlying nature of reality itself... Is it a wave, is it a particle, is that even a meaningful question? What if...
Physics Keychain
Physics Keychain
by gregvan

Hydrogen Fuel Cell & Peace Spiral Ornament
Different ART on the other side...
Click on the Picture To See It.
Chemistry & Physics give us a better battery 
for storage of electricity.

H2O --> H + O2 --> H2O
Hydrogen Fuel Cell & Peace Spiral Ornament
Hydrogen Fuel Cell & Peace Spiral Ornament
by gregvan

Geology ROCKS! Ornament
silly but it's just the right thing for some people...
Geology ROCKS! Ornament
Geology ROCKS! Ornament
by gregvan

No Nukes is Good Nukes Bumper Sticker
No Nukes is Good Nukes Bumper Sticker
No Nukes is Good Nukes Bumper Sticker
by gregvan

GO! Manned Mission to Alpha Centauri Postcard
Space Travel is just beginning. Write to your president to ask for funding of BIG NASA projects like the Manned Exploration of nearby Stars.
Manned Mission to Alpha Centauri  Postcard
Manned Mission to Alpha Centauri Postcard
by gregvan

Alien Flower Mug
please look at all sides... 
the design wraps around the coffee cup.
Click on the Picture...