Showing posts with label merchandise for sale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label merchandise for sale. Show all posts

GO SIGN - Looks Like a STOP SIGN but expresses a Positive Emotion... So Needed in these Troubled Times...

 Click Here to Buy This Button

GO SIGN Button for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan
Link to: All My Buttons!

Remember: You May Transfer 
this Artwork to Any Zazzle Gift!
free art - GO SIGN by gvan42

Or Pirate the Image Above and Use it
Anywhere! Spice up a Blog, 
Make a Decorated Gift... 

pretty Tax the Rich Art

TAX THE RICH. CUT TAXES ON EVERYONE ELSE. We ought to Repeal and Replace Trump's "Tax Cut for the Rich Law" - At the Very Least, The Rich Ought To Be Arrested for Income Tax Evasion... Just Like You and I Are... #France1789

Let's CUT Taxes on 99% of Americans and Increase Taxes on the Top 1% - It's Not Complicated.

Tax the Rich cut taxes on everyone else -
free coloring book ART by gvan42 -
make as many copies as you like -
give 'em to friends

LINK to all my Merchandise:

TAX the RICH Embroidered Baseball Cap
by gregvan

TAX the RICH & Cut Taxes on the 99%

by gregvan

Please Let Your Elected Officials Know That WE Have Had Enough of the Madness!

and Now... The DOJ is investigating the REPORTER that Told the Truth... WHY NOT FIX THE ACTUAL PROBLEM? The Super Rich are Cheating on Their Taxes... Mainly by Bribing Lawmakers to Pass LOOPHOLE LAWS That Make it Legal to Avoid Paying Their Fair Share...

If we simply Taxed the Rich like we Do The Middle Class... We Could Afford Wonderful Things... Like Free College, Medicare For All, a Clean Environment...

Tax the Rich meme for
Sharing on Facebook - your story

GOP = Greed Over People

Everyone knows that the Trillion Dollar a Year giveaway to the 1% leaves the Federal Government without Money to Pay for Basic Services...

Even CZAR Donald says we can't afford to pay a RAISE to Federal Employees...

That standard COLA increase is used to keep PAYCHECKS as big as INFLATION. No one gets any more REAL money because retail prices are going up...

SO, When the Democrats take over the House and Senate... we need to Repeal and Replace Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich Law.

When WAS America Great? MAGA? 1969? 1954? 1854? 1776? 1620? 1492? 1000 BC? What Year Does tRUMP Want To Go Back To? I'm Looking Forward to 2021. Biden in the White House, tRUMP in Prison.

Each Year Has it's Own Cultural Meaning... My Favorite Year was 1969... We Walked on the Moon, Danced at Woodstock and Rioted at the Stonewall Bar in NYC... and AIDS Had Not Been Designed by the US Military Bio-Warfare Division Yet...

tRUMP has a Fantasy Desire to Return to 1954... Back Before The Women's Liberation Movement, The Civil Rights Movement, The Gay Rights Movement... He's Confused the TV Show "Happy Days" with Reality... and in the Fifties, His Father Could Buy Donald Out of Trouble... Not True in 2020...

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and then I read on FaceBorg...
Trump has too much control of the republicans and it’s dangerous
Strategic, surgical efforts by former President Trump’s campaign to overhaul obscure Republican Party rules in states around the nation, including California, have created an opportunity for the GOP front-runner to quickly sew up his party's presidential nomination.
The former president's aides have sculpted rules in dozens of states , starting even before his 2020 reelection bid. Their work is ongoing: In addition to California, state Republican parties in Nevada and Michigan have recently overhauled their rules in ways clearly designed to favor Trump.
The Trump campaign succeeded in changing the rules "in part because they knew what they were doing and in part because everyone else is asleep at the switch," Ginsberg added.
The changes could discourage campaigning and decrease voter participation , said Dan Lee, a political science professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
We cannot allow this deranged man in the White House again or we will have a dictatorship and no more democracy

and then I read on FaceBorg: SE Said...

I see a lot of posts where people think it's absolutely hilarious that people "used to" print out directions on Mapquest rather than just using GPS to direct them everywhere. I find this to be slightly offensive, because some of us prefer using maps. I don't like relying on GPS to direct me everywhere. I prefer having a paper map to refer to. I particularly hate the sound of the computerized GPS voice, especially if I'm riding with someone else and we're trying to have a conversation. A paper map won't interrupt your conversation, but an obnoxious computer voice can totally derail your train of thought. Also, for me, it really helps to see an actual map of where I'm going because it gives me the layout of the area, and I'm able to figure out how to get around a lot easier than if I just blindly follow a computer voice's turn-by-turn directions. I actually prefer REAL maps. I have a collection of AAA maps which I love to look at, and I still have several old Thomas Guides.
For example: how could anyone possibly learn the layout of the San Francisco Bay Area by relying on GPS? Without looking at an actual map of the bay, you'd have no way of knowing if you're in the South Bay, the East Bay, or the Peninsula. The GPS will just tell you where to turn, and then you'll be going alongside the bay somewhere, but how would you even know which side of the bay you are on? Using a regular map makes it clear which side of the bay you're on!
It's weird that some people act like maps are some relic from the distant past which nobody uses anymore. Maps are an important tool in learning the layout of an area, and that has not changed. Maps are not going anywhere.

and I Replied:
When I worked at Domino's Pizza we had a Map of our delivery area that was SIX FEET TALL and Twelve Feet Wide... Because we REALLY wanted to know exactly where to deliver the Pizza. and We Wrote instructions on the wall map (watch out for dog - DO NOT Turn Right at the bottom of the Hill because the owner will fire a shotgun warning blast ETC ETC)

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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics