Showing posts with label act. Show all posts
Showing posts with label act. Show all posts

While we were Distracted: The CIA wants MORE laws protecting the Identity of Agents from being exposed by Journalists and BLOGGERS... and WIKILEAKS...

 and maybe anyone who OPPOSES the CIA spying on Americans or torture or MKULTRA... well JUST ACCUSE them of violating the Intelligence Identities Protection Act... THAT will keep those NoGoodNiks from Talking about the US Government doing EVIL... and FOLKSINGERS... The New Laws would allow jailing of Pinkos... Like Singer Country Joe McDonald and Neil Young... and Scriptwriters who infest Hollywood with their Commie Ideas... NO ONE should be allowed to Question Authority!

 Editorial: Congress is rushing to make the CIA less accountable...

Remember Valerie Plame? George Bush the Son was OUTRAGED that someone, SOMEONE revealed that she was an Undercover CIA AGENT... and George promised to Hunt down the traitor and Charge them with treason... Until George found out it was his OWN EMPLOYEE Scooter Libby... and He did it under White House Orders... All to punish her Husband who exposed that the CIA Falsified Documents in order to Justify the Insane War in IRAQ... and the CIA did such a bad job of Forgery that they got CAUGHT!

and Then Czar Donald the Trump PARDONED Scooter Libby and Called Him a National Hero... BizarroWorld!

Valerie Plame, Outed C.I.A. Agent, Will Run for Congress in New Mexico... 

NSA Whistleblower Jailed - He Leaked Drone Airplane Killing Secrets - Espionage Act - 50 year sentence - The Intercept Newspaper - Press Freedom Defense Fund - James Risen
“IT’S LIKE POKING THE BEAR”: LEAKED DRONE-WARS DOCUMENTS LEAD TO A THIRD INDICTMENT OF APPARENT INTERCEPT SOURCE... Insiders say the arrest highlights the risks of publishing full documents. But “the whole leak-investigation process has been politicized under Trump.”
Former Air Force intelligence analyst charged with leaking Obama-era drone secrets
Court documents said the analyst gave classified documents to a reporter that were published on a news site federal officials have confirmed was The Intercept.

American History: The Chinese Exclusion Act Successfully kept Chinese People OUT of the USA.

The Chinese Exclusion Act was a United States federal law signed on May 6, 1882, prohibiting all immigration of Chinese. The Law remained in effect until 1952.

The first significant Chinese immigration to North America began with the California Gold Rush of 1848–1855 and it continued with subsequent large labor projects, such as the building of the First Transcontinental Railroad.

After the Railroad Construction was Done the need for Chinamen vanished and Laws preventing them from immigrating were passed. Many People who were here were violently encouraged to Go Back to China.

Imagine what a different world we would live in if 100 million Chinese lived in the USA... or even 10 million...

Elizabeth Warren Has Proposed TWO New Laws. The Anti Corruption Act and The Capitalism Accountability Act.
Read Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s speech unveiling a sweeping new anti-corruption bill.

Elizabeth Warren has a plan to save capitalism...

She’s unveiling a bill to make corporations great again

Elizabeth Warren proposes TWO new Laws

Sen. Elizabeth Warren's plan to End Washington Corruption. A Ban on Politicians owning stock in order to avoid conflicts of interest... becoming Lobbyists after they serve... and more!

Warren’s Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act is a plan to ensure a Trump administration never happens again.  

Sen. Elizabeth Warren envisions a United States government in which presidential and vice presidential candidates must — by law — disclose eight years’ worth of income tax returns. 

Her proposed fix envisions a Washington where the president, vice president, Cabinet members, and congressional lawmakers have a lifetime ban on becoming lobbyists, and other federal workers have restrictions — albeit less severe — on entering lobbying firms. The act would also bar federal judges from owning individual stocks or accepting gifts or payments that could potentially influence the outcome of their rulings.

And in Warren’s plan would be overseen by a new US Office of Public Integrity, which would go after violators and usher in a new era of ethics law enforcement.

How to comment on the Proposed Destruction of the Endangered Species Act. Help Save our environment and the Animals & Plants that live here with us.

Click on above link...

To whom it may concern: Do not make any changes at all to the Endangered Species Act. It is working great right now. I believe that Animals are more important than Corporate Profits. Republicriminals are trying to destroy our environment in order to increase corporate profits. Don't do that. 

Trump administration wants to weaken the Endangered Species Act... Republicans Feel That Corporate Profit is more important than Animals...

How to comment on the Proposed Destruction of the Endangered Species Act. Help prevent the destruction of our environment...

The Endangered Species Act, or ESA, is the key piece of US legislation protecting wildlife. Since its passage in 1973, it’s been credited with helping the rebound of the bald eagle, the grizzly bear, the humpback whale, and many other species living throughout the US and in its waterways.

The strict regulations put in place by the act are often frustrating (and costly) roadblocks for industry like mining, and oil and gas drilling and for developers looking to build in areas where protected species live.

"Please make no changes at all to the Endangered Species Act. It is currently working great. Proposed changed by the Trump Administration seek to harm animals in order to increase Corporate Profits."
use the link above to contact the Department of Interior 
use the link above to contact the Fish and Wildlife Service 

The proposed rules will publish in the Federal Register on July 25, 2018, and will provide detailed information on how the public can submit written comments and information concerning these provisions.

Comments for each notice must be received within 60 days, by September 24, 2018. All comments will be posted on This generally means any personal information provided through the process will be posted.

Trump says EPA chief Scott Pruitt has received Death Threats. That makes me ask some VERY TROUBLING QUESTIONS...

For Example: What if you invented a Time Machine and could travel to Austria in 1900, would you shoot Adolph Hitler as a child? Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one?

Yes, Scott Pruitt is causing damage to the USA by repealing Clean Air Laws and Clean Water Laws... and Yes, others in the Cursed Trump Administration want to repeal the Endangered Species Act... and Yes, Ryan Zinke wants to allow drilling for oil off the coasts... and in National Monuments...


Do they deserve to die? 

Why not Psychic Re-Grooving? Wouldn't THAT be a better solution? Simply take them camping and let them eat peyote and dance all night around a fire while people play the drums? That would re-groove their bad attitudes... They would learn to LOVE animals and plants...

We would have an Environmental Protection Agency instead of an Enable Polluters Agency...

Trump to end Endangered Species Act putting hundreds of animals in danger of extinction. CRAZY Profits are more important than life.

Interior Department Aims to Slice Section From Endangered Species Act
A new proposal appears to cut protections for threatened animals.
Read More... protections_us_5ac6fdaae4b0337ad1e63c96

A fierce opponent of the Endangered Species Act is picked to oversee Interior’s wildlife policy.
Susan Combs, a former Texas state official who compared proposed endangered species listings to “incoming Scud missiles” and continued to fight the Endangered Species Act after she left government, now has a role in overseeing federal wildlife policy.

Occupy. com ACT OUT! a news TV show written from the OCCUPY viewpoint... Anti-COAL - global warming

Act Out! [129] - Faking Green Energy + Blocking Coal Mines
Wed, 9/20/2017 - by Eleanor Goldfield
Looking at Germany's COAL fired power plants... pollution... global warming

I believe that emailing Senators and Congress is a way to inform them that we have had enough of Trump. Make sure you use a valid zip code when filling out the forms online so you will appear to be a US Voter. For Example: 95501 is good to use when Emailing California's Senators. You may live in Europe or Australia but they will believe you are a USA voter. Use Google maps to research valid street addresses. Use this link to find out how to email the House of Representatives... They are the body that calls for IMPEACHMENT. Use this link to email Senators...

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