Showing posts with label Butina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Butina. Show all posts

CAN YOU SPOT A TREND? TRUMP'S CFO Allen Weisselberg ARRESTED... Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, Steve Bannon Arrested...NOTICE ANY SIMILARITY? GOT A CLUE, YET? Answer: Another Corrupt TrumpNik®

To Republicans, Right and Wrong JUST DON'T MATTER. A Morality Free Life. and That's Why So Many TrumpNiks Go to Prison! "I will hire the BEST People." Said Trump - A Classic Example of Promises Made, Promises Broken. 

Promises Made, Promises Broken 
Two-Tone Coffee Mug FOR SALE!

Upside Down Flag Signalling Distress  
Mockery of Mad King Donald 
Promises Made, Promises Broken Two-Tone Coffee Mug
Promises Made, Promises Broken Two-Tone Coffee Mug
by gregvan

The "Trump is Too Stupid to Commit a Crime" Defense is the GOP's Best Strategy for Avoiding Impeachment. Mainly because the FACTS Support It... Dot Dot Dot Means Words Were Removed From Transcript...

After all... It WORKED for Don Junior... He Was NOT Arrested and HE Used the "Too Stupid" Defense about the Trump Tower Meeting with Russians where he hoped to get DIRT on Hillary... 

and Since DJ Trump DID THE CRIME and then CONFESSED that HE DID THE CRIME and then DID THE SAME CRIME AGAIN on TV... Obviously he does not GRASP THE CONCEPT that only Americans should participate in American Elections... 

Sure, Trump got away with Receiving Russian Help in 2016 but... This Time Democrats Won the House... and NOW We Have Impeachment Coming... and All the Republicriminals will have to answer to their voters why they Ignored Reality and voted to give Trump a "Mulligan" - The Vast Majority of Americans Support Impeachment and The GOP is Likely to be Thrown Out of the Senate, House and White House in 2020. That will start a new GOLDEN AGE where Honesty and Good Deeds are Honored and CORRUPTION IS A DISGRACE...  The Exact Opposite of what Mad King Donald Believes... 

MEME - gvan42 - Wake UP!
an Alternative Defense is "Trump was Just Joking. " The GOP Uses this Line whenever Trump OBVIOUSLY DOES SOMETHING INSANE... 

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What IS Bubble UP Economics and How Does it Work? Simply Raise the Minimum Wage to Fifteen Dollars an Hour. Then all Those people will spend the extra money in their paychecks at American Businesses. Increasing Profits. Making Stockholders Happy! Then those businesses will have to hire more people to handle the extra Customers. Decreasing Unemployment Insurance Payments. Everybody WINS! With EMPLOYMENT AT A JOB becoming a Viable Alternative to Selling Drugs for a Street Gang, Some teenagers will choose Employment... Reducing CRIME... Reducing Costs for Prisons... Reducing Costs for Law Enforcement... People will buy more food for their Children. Causing Better Health and Smarter Kids... Starvation is Not Good for Children's Brains... Farmers will sell More. Truckers will move more merchandise to stores. Increased Competition for Workers will cause Everybody's Wages to Go Up. All those Workers will pay more in Income Taxes... That would make the Government happy... Right NOW, we are having a National Debt Ceiling Crisis because the Government is Spending More that it Takes in with Taxes... Bubble UP Economics would reverse that trend... The Money Bubbles UP Through Every Layer of Society... With a rising tide, every boat floats! We Tried Ronald Reagan's "Voodoo" Economics and It Has Failed... "People" Say That Bubble UP! Economics WILL MAKE Employers LAY OFF Workers... However... Employers HAVE ALREADY LAID OFF EVERYONE THEY POSSIBLY CAN... Have you Ever Seen a Business where People Work There but Have Nothing To DO? Never! 

Who Could Possibly be Opposed to the JOY of Bubble UP! Economics? Well, there are people in this world that have COMPULSIVE HOARDING OF MONEY SYNDROME. It's a Mental Health Disease just Like The Crazy Cat Lady or People that save thousands of newspapers until their house is a maze of paths thru stacks of papers that they never read. People with CHOMS want more, more, more money even though they cannot possibly spend what they already have. Think about it, Once someone owns five mansions, what is the motivation to buy a SIXTH Mansion?  OH! That's right, it's a disease! COMPULSIVE HOARDING of Money! However, We can Help these people... If you meet them, have a talk, explain that doing evil for money is not the best way to live life. Simple Conversations Can Have an Effect. Repetitive Conversations... It May Take Many, Many, Many Explanations because PEER Pressure is REAL... Currently, people with CHOMS are surrounded by Other Greed Freaks... Encouraging Evil Behavior as a Sick Game. I remember that Michael Milkin and Ivan Boesky competed to see who could win the most money on the stock market and they used DOLLARS AS A WAY TO KEEP SCORE. Then they went to prison... Well, Maybe we could talk to CHOMS Victims before they Get Arrested. And if not, maybe we can expose them in the press or online and help them by PUTTING THEM IN JAIL.  

For Example: The CEO of Dow Chemical makes a Pesticide (sulfoxaflor) that is Killing BEES. The EPA just ruled that they can continue to sell the pesticide if they just put a warning label on the side of the barrel... BUT BEES CAN'T READ! It is possible to GOOGLE Dow Chemical and find out Who the CEO is and Where He Lives... Maybe a person could get a Job as a Waiter at the Catering Company that serves his Mansion... Maybe they could ask him to stop Killing Bees? Tell Him: NO BEES, NO FOOD. MASS STARVATION... and even You Can't Eat Money... 

BUT... There is Hope for the Future! Hey, If Katy Perry and Taylor Swift can bury the Hatchet and become friends, then anything is Possible. Maybe the 1% and the 99% Could stop fighting... Lions laying down with Lambs... It's All Possible... All you need is LOVE, La, la la la lah... 

LINKS TO MORE PSYCHEDELIC ART AND... My Purple64ets Blog on Wordpress!

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Psychedelic Art by gvan42

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Monarchy SUCKS! The GOP Wants to Prevent YOU from Voting So They Can Crown tRUMP CZAR!

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Reject The GOP Hypocritical Race Theory! Let Teachers Teach TRUTH in School…

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Donald Rumsfeld is Dead. WONDERFUL! Now He Cannot Do Evil Anymore…

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4th of July Tip: Many Veterans Hate Surprise Firecrackers. They Think That The Enemy is Shooting at Them. SO… If You are at a Party With Veterans… Don’t Blow Things UP!

and DOGS Don’t Like Firecrackers Either…

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Let’s Stop Advertising Prescription Drugs on TV. Those Ads COST a FORTUNE and The Patients Pay for Them in Higher Drug Prices!

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Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves what Medicine is Best…

tRUMP DOES NOT PARDON: Maria Butina, Michael Cohen, Steve Bannon nor The Manson Family. However, In General, Crime is Now Legal for TrumpNiks!

POP QUIZ! WHAT DO THESE PEOPLE HAVE IN COMMON? Steve Bannon=Arrested, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Paul Erickson = Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty, George Nader=Guilty, Elliott Broidy=Arrested

They are all TrumpNiks!

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AI in my Home's Thermostat Often Makes Idiot Mistakes. Running the A/C on Half the House and the Heater on the Other Half. In My Human Opinion, a World where we Have to Manually Override Artificial Idiocy All Day Every Day... Would SUCK.

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The PEACE CORPS is Fundamentally Racist. White People Teaching Non-Whites HOW TO LIVE.

Weed is Legal and Haircuts Aren't - the Hippie Won - meme - Cheech and Chong
Weed is Legal and Haircuts Aren't 
Looks Like the Hippies Finally Won.
 meme - Cheech and Chong

I am actually In Favor of the Second Amendment. I can't tell you WHY because I don't want to attract the attention of the FBI.

 I have noticed that Supposed "GUN NUTS" are watched and their Social Media Posts are used as Evidence to arrest them. There was a Lady Recently in Colorado who they determined that she was 5150... a harm to self and others... because of something she wrote on Facebook. This was at the time of the Columbine Anniversary. The FBI READS THIS STUFF... So does the NSA and The CIA and the DIA and the EIEIO!

I will say that there may come a time that we really need a Militia... Suppose Trump loses the 2020 election and then REFUSES TO LEAVE THE WHITE HOUSE? Just declare himself King... for life... and Junior would be Prince... in a situation like that, it might be very handy to own a gun... Maybe there will be a violent civil war. The Boogaloo... IT COULD HAPPEN. A Violet Overgrow... What if the USA became like Venezuela? or Africa? 

I do think we ought to outlaw assault rifles... We already outlawed Machine Guns, Hand Grenades and Bazookas... Once upon a time Assault Rifles were illegal and the Murder Rate in the USA went down. So we know what works... Obviously the NRA is an EVIL organization. They supposedly funneled Russian Money into Trump's Campaign. That's why Maria Butina was thrown in Prison. and Paul Erickson was arrested... 

I also oppose arming the Police with Army Surplus Weapons. Often the People who choose Lawn Forcement as a Career are of Below Average Intelligence. Really! Have you actually KNOWN any cops? They are some really strange people. For one thing, they choose to put people in cages... and they choose to enforce ALL THE LAWS even when the laws are Obviously Wrong! You always see Pigs enforcing the Law against Protest Marches... Like During the Vietnam War, millions of people protested and sometimes the Police BEAT UP the Protesters. Obviously the Protesters were RIGHT and the Pigs were WRONG... Sometimes the National Guard battled the Protesters and Four were Killed at Kent State University in Ohio. How do those people feel now that almost everyone has WOKEN UP to the fact that the Vietnam War Was INSANE! 

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You don't read like a gun nut *at all*, Greg, although I wouldn't mention the words President and gun in the same sentence.
Guys that shoot Lapua 338 magnums, or 50 caliber BMG cartridge scare me. These are anti-materiel weapons against civil infrastructure or long-range sniper rifles that can kill at half a mile.
Deer hunting is different in the oak savannas of California: you need a longer range gun than on old 30-30 brush rifle, but nobody needs anything bigger than a 30-06.

@seachanged I Oppose Guns and Think They Should All Be Melted... HOWEVER... There May Come A Time When Dictatorship or Monarchy Happens in the USA... I personally DO NOT OWN ANY GUNS... I am Not Afraid of "The Man" Arresting Me For What I Say Online... I am Ready to Go to Prison for FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

Totally agree with your blog post, except for President thing.
I have .. six guns, I guess. I have to count them each time I tell anyone.
When the !@#$% deer are in the yard, I get the 30-30, sneak up on them, check downrange, and pull the trigger: CLICK! (no bullet), to see how I feel about it. Slaughter/butcher is a fuckload of work, but haven't had any good venison in .. years.
Got a pig once that couldn't be eaten: blue fat, from squirrel bait. All wasted work )-:

@seachanged Call me lazy but I get my meat at the Grocery Store... Since I Live in Eureka, There are many Hunters at work... Many Big Truck OFF Road Guys too... It's an Interesting Town with Three Very Different Social Groups. Loggers, Hippies and Indians. The YUROK Tribe is a Major Power Here. HOOPA Too.

seachanged I don't believe that private ownership of guns will help us during a constitutional collapse. In that situation, I think it's far more likely that citizen will turn on fellow citizen, and it won't be the Democrats and liberals who attack and murder the Republicans and fascists.
I'm glad to be in California, that way.

I'd eat a lot less meat if I had to slaughter and butcher it myself, especially big animals. Grandparents lived on a farm, so I've done a lot of that.

@seachanged I do not plan to own any guns, ever... I hope The Boogaloo does not happen but... I plan to remain in rural Humboldt County... safe and minding my own business...

Yes, not having a gun in the household makes it safer against gun violence (probably because over half of gun deaths are suicides).
Funny you use the word Boogaloo, though. That's apparently (I had to look it up) a euphemism for civil war adopted by the far right, but your politics seem to be refreshingly far left. Where did you first hear that word? Friends? NPR?
None of my guns are for "protection" against "enemies".
@seachanged I am trying to PREVENT The Boogaloo... The entire idea of Massive Civil War Lead by TrumpNiks and Tea Party Frightens me... However, I Do Support the Violet Overgrow.

Picture of My Home in the Redwood Forest and a Tower of Jewels Plant.

@Emilyhelmut I Live in Eureka, California near the Oregon Border on the North Coast of California... On the Edge of the Redwood Forest... I sit in my backyard and smoke tobacco in an easy chair looking at the trees every day. No smoking in the house because my Friend wouldn't like that... Here is a picture of my backyard and a Cross at the entrance to Mount Saint Mercy Recovery Center.

Photo of our vacation by the lake
Photo of our vacation by the lake
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"gvan42 Free Coloring Book" 
In Google Image Search to find more art!
Use the Keywords: "gvan42 Free Coloring Book" In Google Image Search to find more art!

Use the Keywords: "gvan42 Free Coloring Book" In Google Image Search to find more art!

Use the Keywords: "gvan42 Free Coloring Book" In Google Image Search to find more art!

Use the Keywords: "gvan42 Free Coloring Book" In Google Image Search to find more art!

Use the Keywords: "gvan42 Free Coloring Book" In Google Image Search to find more art!

Use the Keywords: "gvan42 Free Coloring Book" In Google Image Search to find more art!

Use the Keywords: "gvan42 Free Coloring Book" In Google Image Search to find more art!

Use the Keywords: "gvan42 Free Coloring Book" In Google Image Search to find more art!

Use the Keywords: "gvan42 Free Coloring Book" In Google Image Search to find more art!

Use the Keywords: "gvan42 Free Coloring Book" In Google Image Search to find more art!

Use the Keywords: "gvan42 Free Coloring Book" In Google Image Search to find more art!

Use the Keywords: "gvan42 Free Coloring Book" In Google Image Search to find more art! CEO Resigns in Disgrace over "Deep State" Remarks. SEE, Do Evil - Get Punished... So Many TrumpNiks Going Down... INSTANT KARMA...

Or maybe he will have Fun on a Beach in the Bahamas... Hey, Since he won't be Working, Plenty of Time for Swimming, Working on his Tan and Drinking Margaritas... On the Other Hand... He says he was "Romantically Involved" with Mariia Butina... Convicted Russian Agent, NRA Gun Freak and Astonishingly Beautiful Woman... Lucky Fellow... I Too Would Sell my Country Out to be "Romantically Involved" with her! So, He Lost his Job of 20 years but... TOTALLY WORTH IT!

QAnon: Did Jeffrey Epstein REALLY DIE or was He Secretly Helped to Escape to a Tropical Island? Is There a REAL BODY? or Did "They" Substitute another Old White Man Prisoner... 

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Peace Sign (trippy-hippie) sticker FOR SALE!

Raise consciousness wherever these stickers are viewed... Imagine that you are just going about your business and then you see one of these... automatic bliss... oh, I remember... life is good!

Did you see the Airplane Crash near Oroville, California? 

It Left A LOT of Burned Airplane WRECKAGE... Parts all over the Place... I Wonder WHY we never saw a Photograph of the Airplane that Supposedly Flew into the Pentagon on 9/11/2001... Go Ahead... Do a Google Image Search... TRY to Find a Photo... You Can't... Nothing... Except one REALLY SHINY UNBURNED Airplane Part that Could have been Planted... Brought in by a Truck...
Google Image Search for: Airplane 9/11 Pentagon - NO real pictures of an airplane found - many fake photographs
Google Image Search for: Airplane 9/11 Pentagon - NO real pictures of an airplane found - many fake photographs

Digital Rainbow Spiral Business Card FOR SALE!


Why is the NRA Is SILENT About Maria Butina? (The recently arrested gun rights activist and accused Russian agent.)

the NRA has issued no public comment about this week’s arrest and indictment of Maria Butina, a 29-year-old Russian gun rights activist who had spent years ingratiating herself with the NRA, as well as Republican politicians and conservative notables. Butina is suspected of conspiracy to act as an unauthorized agent of the Russian Federation within the United States without the authorization of the Attorney General.

The NRA Has Deep Ties to Accused Russian Spy Maria Butina
Here is the years’ worth of evidence.

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*Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics

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*The Passage of Roe v Wade Led to Fewer Unwanted Babies Being Born... and 20 Years Later, Less Violent Crime... Because Unwanted Babies Grow Up to Become Violent Criminals...

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*My Music Video: FREE ALL THE CANNABIS PRISONERS - A Mockery of Nancy Ray Gun... Jest Say KNOW

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How To Remove Smoke from Indoor Air. Tape a Filter to a Box Fan. During Wildfire Season the Air Indoors is Bad to Breathe...

Pretty Soon the Filter Turns Brown
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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics