Showing posts with label 420. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 420. Show all posts

Boycott Facebook and Twitter... Simply Refuse to read them. Too Much PRAVDA. Russian Advertisements, Posts, Groups and Events... LIES are Somehow OK for Political Advertisements? WTF?

There are alternatives... 
Parler, Gab, Ello, Mastodon, Minds, or Tumblr
I Post My Words and Pictures on ALL OF THEM.

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - TechnoPop Man
Facebook and Twitter push propaganda designed to make us hate each other... They sponsored flash mobs SUPPORTING "Black Lives Matter" and OPPOSING BLM at the same location at the same time! WTF? 

Artificial Intelligence programs select content that is designed to encourage users to stay on Facebook and keep on reading. Delivering Eyeballs to Advertisers. Targeted Advertisements really creep me out. 

They watch where I go on the Internet and then deliver ads that are on the same subject... I write and Post my Ideas on Facebook but I do not Read what they deliver... I refuse to waste my life looking at targeted content. No learning there... It's just a way to talk to yourself... endlessly repeating ideas that I already have... "Preaching to the Choir" amplified by Artificial Intelligent Bots. 

How can you tell if the "person" that writes the words you read are HUMANS or PROGRAMS? Chatbots can generate text messages that can fool a user... Especially when the Chatbot is agreeing with you and pretending to like your ideas... Get Smart America! Refuse to read Facebook. Go play a guitar, take a walk, write poetry, sing a song, read a book, kiss a girl, kiss a boy, go fishing, climb a mountain, paint a painting, surf the internet, write a blog, write a book, rant on Facebook... anything is better than READING Facebook.

MEME gvan42 Boycott Facebook
Boycott Facebook! Simply Refuse to read it. Too many Russian Advertisements, Posts, Groups and Events.

Boycott Twitter! It has been infected by Russian Propaganda Bots. Refuse to read the Brainwashing.
Time has come for a worldwide protest that hits the owners of Twitter in the pocketbook. When you unplug, their profits decline. Twitter needs to clean up the platform so that we do not see bizarre hash tag campaigns like #ReleaseTheMemo. The Russian Troll Farm promoted the Devin Nunes memo... and  then it turned out to be a dud... BUT THE DAMAGE HAD ALREADY BEEN DONE. 

Millions of people believed that there was something important in that memo. Russian propaganda agencies worked with Fox News to create a scandal when there was nothing there... Refuse to let those people into your mind... Anyone can type bizarre conspiracy theories. Just look at President Trump's tweets. Often they include blatant lies that are easily disproved. LIAR, LIAR PANTS ON FIRE. I still WRITE on Twitter but I do not Read it. ATTENTION Twitter Kiddies: Fix your broken platform.

MEME gvan42 Boycott Twitter
#BoycottTwitter Refuse to Read the Brainwashing

What's UP with Facebook Publishing KNOWN False Advertisements for tRUMP? Is Mark Zuckerberg a Liar for Money? Elizabeth Warren turns up heat over Facebook's ad rules...

“The policies they’ve announced are an explicit invitation to politicians to spread falsehoods,” Paul Barrett, the deputy director of the New York University’s Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, told The Hill. “And that is not something that we ought to applaud.”

MEME - gvan42 - EW4POTUS - Elizabeth Warren for President - Feel Free to Copy and Paste Worldwide! Have Fun! - Gregory Vanderlaan

Warren’s advertisement, placed on Friday, taunted Facebook by claiming Zuckerberg had endorsed President Trump.

“Breaking news: Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook just endorsed Donald Trump for re-election,” Warren’s campaign wrote in the first line of a Facebook advertisement, which featured a picture of President Trump and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg shaking hands. “You’re probably shocked, and you might be thinking, ‘How could this possibly be true?’ ”

“Well, it’s not,” the advertisement reads. “But what Zuckerberg *has* done is given Donald Trump free rein to lie on his platform — and then to pay Facebook gobs of money to push out their lies to American voters.”

According to Facebook’s archives, the post has accrued hundreds of thousands of views and cost Warren’s campaign thousands of dollars to run. 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Click and Enjoy the Bliss!

420: Now it is the Anniversary of the Columbine Gun Massacre... The March for our Lives People have called for a Walkout on that date. 4/20.

Guess What? They are NOT going Away... This group of high school students are going to simply TAKE OVER when the Baby Boom Generation retires... They plan to OUTLIVE us... WONDERFUL! The planet needs some smart stewards...

Great Movie:

Bernie Sanders calls for Legalization of Marijuana Nationwide. An Idea Whose Time Has Come. Please Sign Petition.

Friends of Bernie Sanders

Sisters and Brothers -
I am writing you about an issue of grave consequence that affects the lives of millions of Americans and greatly impacts our democracy - namely the continued federal prohibition on marijuana and the need for reform of our criminal justice system.
As you know, a number of states (including my state of Vermont) have decriminalized or legalized the possession, use and sale of marijuana in recent years. Under the Obama Administration, the Justice Department took no action against these states or the people in those states. However, the Trump Administration has taken a very different stance with Attorney General Jeff Sessions threatening to prosecute. That would be a huge mistake and move us in exactly the wrong direction.
Here's why:
Millions of Americans have had their lives impacted by the federal prohibition on marijuana - arrests, convictions and even jail time. Even when people don't go to jail, the criminal record they receive makes it harder for them to find a job, get housing or go to college. Is this a widespread problem? It sure is. In 2016 alone, over half a million people were arrested for marijuana possession.
These harmful impacts are felt far more acutely in communities of color and poor communities because enforcement of marijuana laws is much stricter there than in more affluent, white communities. Incredibly, African Americans are four times more likely to be arrested for marijuana even though marijuana usage rates are basically the same across racial lines.
Of course, marijuana prohibition is part of a larger failed war on drugs that has led to the great national crisis of mass incarceration. Some 1.5 million people were arrested for a drug related offense in 2016 - over 80 percent of which were for possession alone. We need to stop criminalizing addiction. We need to stop criminalizing recreational marijuana use.
The criminal justice system is not the answer to drug abuse. Addiction is a health problem and we should start treating it that way. While communities all across the country lack adequate resources for treatment or prevention, we are spending approximately $50 billion a year on the war on drugs. That's absurd. We need to get our priorities right.
And that starts with making our voices heard:
This so-called war on drugs has led us to have over 2 million people in prison - disproportionately poor and from communities of color. Our incarceration rate is the highest in the world - higher even than authoritarian countries like China, Saudi Arabia, and Russia.
Further, what is not often discussed is how the war on drugs and mass incarceration is impacting the essence of our democracy. People with felony convictions cannot vote in many states. Today, for that reason alone, over 6 million Americans are denied access to the ballot.
Uneven enforcement and the fact that people of color receive longer sentences for the same offenses than white defendants means more felony convictions in those communities. And that means - surprise, surprise - fewer voters.
In other words, the war on drugs is robbing those minority and lower income communities of their political power. In Florida, Kentucky and Tennessee over 20 percent of voting age African Americans are disenfranchised because of felony convictions. It's not too hard to figure out what's going on here. The communities most impacted by these policies are systematically stripped of their ability in our democratic system to politically fight back.
Why hasn't something been done to fix this problem? You know the reason. The sad truth is that some politicians benefit from people not being able to vote. All too often these are the same politicians who are trying to disenfranchise voters in other ways, such as restrictive voter ID laws or extreme gerrymandering.
This has got to change.
We need the highest voter turnout in the world, not the highest incarceration rate. We need to provide treatment for people with substance abuse problems, not lock them up.
As a first step, we need to remove marijuana from Category 1 of the federal Controlled Substances Act where it is currently ranked alongside drugs like heroin. In fact, marijuana is classified more harshly than cocaine. That doesn't make any sense.
Let's have states decide the issue of marijuana for themselves like they do with alcohol. More and more states are moving in the direction of decriminalization. Let them make those decisions without federal interference.
Let's invest in the prevention and treatment of substance abuse.
Let's reform our criminal laws and take other steps to dismantle mass incarceration. Among other steps forward we need to ban private prisons and create new federal policing standards.
Let's restore the voting rights of all Americans.
If you share my goal of making these important reforms please sign this petition:
In Solidarity, Bernie Sanders
Legalize Marijuana Graphic - Free Art - Copy and Past for your own Blog

Legalize Marijuana Spinner - Free Art - Copy and Past for your own Blog

free wallpaper backgrounds trippy leaf art 420 marijuana graphics psychedelic

Colorful Marijuana Leaf
Click on the picture for a bigger image.
Legalize the Green Leaf
Rick Griffin Art and a squiggly drawing by me...
shake the camera
 Humboldt Bay
Trucks Passing by on the Freeway

Peace Sign
Quest for ART.

BeMushroomed Peace Sign
Free... Please Pirate these images...

Peace Frog

Smooth Palm Tree
Gentle Art

this black and white leaf is handy for creating your own photoshop art

4 way windowpane
squiral, a spiral made from squares.
link to spiral gifts on my Zazzle Store.

18 wheeler cruising down the freeway
camera shake abstract art
click on the above link to visit my zazzle webstore
"Leaf" related art...
the keywords 420, marijuana, weed, reefer, hemp
flag my store as "Rated R"
so I classify all as "Leaf"
to maintain my G rating... 

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics

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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics