Guns Don't Kill People, Bullets Kill People... When posting a meme on social media try to be accurate... When you make statements that are obviously false it undermines your credibility... And people will assume you're an idiot...

 Guns Don't Kill People, Bullets Kill People... When posting a meme on social media try to be accurate... When you make statements that are obviously false it undermines your credibility... And people will assume you're an idiot...

Recently, we have had two White Men try to assassinate Donald Trump using guns... They both failed... Perhaps the next assassination attempt should be done using a ballpoint pen... By this time, it's safe to assume that the Secret Service is looking for guns... Even a mindless vegetable would have noticed a trend... But I've seen that Trump is often walking around in public... And anyone can have a ballpoint pen in their pocket... 

Of course, this is a bad idea... Because ideally, we would want Trump to spend the rest of his life in prison... To serve as an example to the Next Mad Man Who wants to Crown themselves King... Look! There's Donald! Tweeting from sing sing! "I WON! I WON! I REALLY REALLY WON!" maybe Trump's time in prison would help a lunatic select a different Hobby! Instead of ruling the world maybe they'll choose to learn to play the guitar!

I found this on Tooth SoCal

Button Zazzel Gregvan

"Think for Yourself and Question Authority." Excellent advice given by Dr Timothy Leary... But that quote has been censored or ignored by the mainstream media... And they always published his quote "Turn on, Tune in Drop out..." 

Did you ever wonder why one quote is repeated so often by the ruling class? That's because...  Turn on Tune in Drop Out is not a threat to their power... They would love it if kids would stop protesting against the war in Vietnam and go "back to the land" and live in communes and grow marijuana... Because those kids will not disrupt the military industrial complex... 

But if you start having kids who think for themselves... Well... They might refuse the draft and then who would drop the napalm? Who would fly the Huey helicopters? Who would spread agent orange all over the jungle? You can't have a war if people refuse to participate... And the last thing the ruling class once is people that think for themselves and question authority...

Guns Don't Kill People, Bullets Kill People...

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