Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh!

 A Friend of Mine got a Bachelors Degree in the History of Ancient Egypt, but Then He Couldn't Find a JOB... So He's Working on a PhD so He Can Teach College... His Education Plan is LITERALLY A PYRAMID SCHEME!

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42
and then I SHARE IT AGAIN... Because 
My Readers Have Found It WORTHY!

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

I'm watching Ancient Aliens and they are Saying that a 110 Hz Tone allows the Listener to Contact the Gods... or go into a trance... or SOMETHING... Make sure you choose SINE Waves as Square, Triangle and Sawtooth are really annoying! I'm wearing headphones NOW... I wonder if this note is playable on a bass guitar... one of the Strings IS AN "A" in standard tuning! Did Phil Lesh Do This to Us??? One thing I Do Remember is that he Played an "E" to Start the Song "The Other One"

Crepe Myrtle Tree with Red Flowers and BEES

I'm looking out the window at Our Crepe Myrtle Tree that is in Full Bloom with Red Flowers and... The Bees Love It! Seeing Bees fills me with Hope for the Future as Bees are required for Some Types of Food Growing... and Human Life depends on Food Eating...

I Just turned the Pitch down to 60 Hz... a Famous Frequency because AC POWER Oscillates at 60 Hz... and Electric Guitars that have a Single Coil Pickup will hum at that Freq... That's why some Guitars have HUMBUCKER Pickups...

Supposedly 8 Hz Causes Fear... Here we Go!

I Don't Feel Fear but the Sound has individual Tones going wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka... Eight Wakkas per second!

and sliding the Freak Slider up and Down Reminds me of The Soundtrack for the Movie Forbidden Planet!

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42
Empty Greene New Deal - showing First Hooker Melania Trump Nude Pictures to Congress
OMG! That's Not Hunter Biden... 
It's First Hooker Melania Trump!

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42
and then on FaceBorg there were MANY Comments about how a Liberal Arts Education is TOTALLY WORTHWHILE... I Guess That this is a Touchy Subject for People That Took Bullsh*t Classes in College... and REFUSE to Admit it was all WORTHLESS. Not ME! I Didn't Spend Thousands of Dollars on Quack Quack Quack... 

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

Rubber Stamp for Sale Zazzle Gregvan - I'm "WOKE" and Proud Of IT!

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

Zap Comix - Robert Crumb

Tom Tomorrow Trump and Rudy Freak Out over Losing

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

School Teacher at Blackboard protesting FAKE HISTORY in Florida

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

New Twitter Logo is also Used by the 
PORN MOVIE Industry...
Rated "X" or "XXX"
New Twitter Logo - "X" - also used by the Losers of the Civil War

Twitter's New Logo "X" Was also used by the Losers of the Civil War

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

Silly Cartoons and MEMEs - Just for fun... We ALL Need a Laugh! gvan42

Someone on FaceBorg Asked: What's something you were required to learn in school that you've never used in your adult life?

In College, a BSCIS degree required One Calculus Class and a BSCS required Two... So I chose BS Computer Information Systems just to avoid the second class.

and his reply was: Good decision. Half of my classmates dropped the class after the mid-term. I stuck it out. It wasn’t a fun or interesting nor beneficial class. 

and I asked... "Of What Value is Knowing Calculus?" and a Fellow student said: "It's used to design nuclear power plants and atom bombs." and I Replied: "OH! It's Evil Too!"

and he said: It was not a very practical class for me, a business major who has a keen interest in history. I think they should have offered a creativity class or speed reading. Or logic 101 instead.

and I Replied: as a computer designer/draftsman in a factory... I DID USE arithmetic, geometry, algebra and trigonometry... but never calculus...


Allen Weisselburg=Guilty, Stewart Rhodes=Guilty,  
Kelly Meggs=Guilty, Jesse Benton=Guilty, 
Lev Parnas=Guilty, Igor Fruman=Guilty, Steve 
Bannon=Guilty, Nikolas Cruz=Guilty, John 
Lambert=Guilty, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul 
Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael 
Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George 
Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, 
Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty and 
Over 900 QAnon Freaks Have Been Arrested for 
Storming the US Capitol on January 6th and FAILING to 
Overthrow The US Government and Crown Trump King... 
They are All TrumpNik® Swamp Creatures... 

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