I Wonder... Will "They" be Flying Drones at the Inauguration Insurrection? January 20th in Washington DC... I Certainly won't be doing that... I plan to go on a camping trip!
If the Trumpanzees start some kind of Crazy Civil War, I sure don't want to be around to be involved with that...
Two arrested after 'hazardous drone operation' near Boston airport...
Q: Where have all the flaming liberals gone? Why the sudden silence?
A: “Flaming” liberal here, American voter.
The “sudden silence” is because the election is over. We lost.
Now we wait, for the end of America. Republicans have voted against their own best interest to elect a man that promises to destroy Democracy, and can succeed in that goal; because we have a very flawed system of government and their are myriad cracks for him and his billionaire hate-club to stick some dynamite into.
We wait, to see what happens. America has chosen suicide. The Republican voters will not get “what they want”, they will suffer along with the rest of us.
The rest of the civilized world will never trust us again, period. They have learned our system is unstable, we cannot keep secrets, and we cannot keep our promises or treaties.
America has chosen to stop leading the world, and will no longer fight for Democracy or Human Rights, will side with Russia and other dictator countries like North Korea and China.
It’s out of our hands. It is out of republican hands. The Supreme Court is corrupt, the Senate will be corrupt, the House Republicans will continue to be corrupt, and of course the most corrupt President in History will preside over the decline of America into dictatorship and poverty.
Why the sudden silence? The plane is going to crash, there’s nothing left to do now. We failed to convince you lot the lies were lethally poisoned, and you dumb fucks swallowed them anyway.
Now we wait. It doesn’t matter if you ever realize we were right; it will be too late to undo the damage. No point in explaining that to you. The only thing that will truly convince you is the pain that is about to come. And by then, who cares? We’ll be dealing with our own pain.
I’m disappointed that more than half the country is this fucking stupid. I was wrong, I didn’t think they could be this stupid, but Yup … here we are.
<~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~>
Patriots! Take Action to Beat Trump... If We Lose in 2024, Democracy Will End as Trump Has Already Announced that He Intends to be KING... and RULE Forever... His Children will Inherit the Throne... Here's What You Can DO to Save America From Trump!
<~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~>
If You Have Money, donate to Democratic Campaigns...
and... Have private One on One Conversations with people you know that vote for Republicans... explain patiently that They Ought to Switch to Vote for Democrats because we PASS LAWS THAT BENEFIT THE AMERICAN PUBLIC... Instead of Doing EVIL...
Share these Memes Worldwide... Remember: FaceBorg is Not the Only Social Media Website... Post These Memes EVERYWHERE!
Painting of Rainbow Butterfly Wings
designed to stand in front of for a selfie
AND HERE'S SOME TEXT... Ya Gotta Have some text for the Google Search Algorithm to Chew on!
'm 63 yrs old and I have realized I still have so many unanswered questions! I never found out who let the dogs out... the way to get to Sesame Street... why Dora doesn't just use Google Maps... why we don't ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"... why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed... why "abbreviated" is such a long word... why lemon juice is made with artificial flavor yet dish-washing liquid is made with real lemons... why they sterilize the needle for lethal injections... and, why do you have to "put your two cents in" but it's only a "penny for your thoughts" where's that extra penny going to... why do The Alphabet Song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same tune... why did you just try to sing those two previous songs... and just what is Victoria's secret? ...and do you really think I am this witty ?? ... I actually stole this from a friend who stole it from a friend of her brother's girlfriend's Uncle's cousin's, baby mamma's Doctor...Now it is your turn to steal it from me... lol Enjoy the rest of your day!

xx p.s copy and paste and dont forget to change your age! Hahahahahahahaha, needed a laugh today.
'm 63 yrs old and I have realized I still have so many unanswered questions! I never found out who let the dogs out... the way to get to Sesame Street... why Dora doesn't just use Google Maps... why we don't ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"... why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed... why "abbreviated" is such a long word... why lemon juice is made with artificial flavor yet dish-washing liquid is made with real lemons... why they sterilize the needle for lethal injections... and, why do you have to "put your two cents in" but it's only a "penny for your thoughts" where's that extra penny going to... why do The Alphabet Song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same tune... why did you just try to sing those two previous songs... and just what is Victoria's secret? ...and do you really think I am this witty ?? ... I actually stole this from a friend who stole it from a friend of her brother's girlfriend's Uncle's cousin's, baby mamma's Doctor...Now it is your turn to steal it from me... lol Enjoy the rest of your day!

and then on FaceBorg SE Said:
With more and more stores requiring masks in order to enter, try to remember when smoking was first banned indoors. A lot of people were angry that they could no longer smoke wherever they wanted to smoke, and they felt that the smoking bans were a violation of their rights. But ultimately, smoking was considered a public health issue...and the right of people to breathe clean air in public spaces was considered more important than the right of people to smoke wherever they wanted to. Smokers are still free to smoke, but they have to keep the smoke away from others. Over the years, the smoking restrictions have become even more strict. In the early 2000's, people would stand right outside of an establishment and smoke, and people entering that establishment often had to walk through a cloud of smoke on their way in. But now, smokers are required to stand a certain distance from the entrance of any building while they smoke - 25 feet or 50 feet, I'm not sure which. But the point is, the health of the general public is considered more important than the "right" of a smoker to be able to smoke wherever they want. The same is true of wearing a mask. Right now we're in a public health emergency. Much like how a smoker can't just smoke wherever they want, people can't go wherever they want without a mask right now because it poses a health risk to the general public. You are free to walk around maskless outdoors away from others, and of course in your own home, yard, car, etc. - basically, the same places you can smoke - but when you are out in a public place around other people, think of it like the smoking laws. Public health takes priority in public spaces.
and I Replied:
Good Health Practices always make sense... Strange Event in my life... When I went to Quest Diagnostics Blood Test Company, Masks are No Longer Required! and they are in the medicine business!
and then She Said:
I was talking about getting some higher-quality sunglasses to help with my sensitivity to bright sunlight...so I got some!
These are my new Oakleys!
I've had several pairs of Oakleys in the past, but it's been a long time since I've had a pair of really good quality sunglasses...and what a difference it makes! I wore them on my drive home from the mall, and I couldn't believe the difference from the cheap sunglasses I was wearing before. I've been wearing cheap ones for so long, I had forgotten what a striking difference it makes to wear quality sunglasses. I hope I haven't done too much damage to my eyes by wearing cheap ones for so many years. My vision is a mess, but hopefully my cheap sunglasses haven't contributed to that.
I love my new Oakleys! 

and then She Said:
There's a peach tree growing right along the street a couple blocks from where I live. It's on the curb strip, so not technically on anyone's property. I've picked peaches from it in the past, but I'm always a little nervous about doing that in case it actually does belong to the nearest house. But I've been eyeing it for a while, and it's loaded with peaches, and lately I've noticed that there are peaches all over the ground underneath the tree. So today I went over there and picked as many as I could, because apparently nobody else is picking them. I hope I don't show up on someone's Nextdoor video with the caption, "Does anyone know this woman who came and picked my peaches?!?" But there are still a TON more on the tree, because I could only get the ones I could reach. There are hundreds more still on the tree, and hundreds on the ground for the possums. I hope someone else picks the rest because it makes me sad to see beautiful fruit go to waste.
and I Replied:
EAT A PEACH... a Great record by the Allman Brothers... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eat_a_Peach
Go ahead and Pick all you want... it's a blessing that no one else is taking advantage of.
and she replied:
I figure either I'll eat them or the squirrels will...and I'm sure the squirrels will get their fill with what's left. I'm just surprised nobody else has picked them.
and then She Said:
Just because it’s hot OUTSIDE, I never understand why businesses want to go so far to the other extreme on the INSIDE. The a/c should be on, of course, but why must it be so uncomfortably cold?!? We have no control over the temperature of this office. It’s just blasting icy cold air. Most businesses are like this, and I’ve never understood why nobody sets the a/c to a moderate temperature instead of a deep freeze. If it’s hot enough outside that I would wear shorts and a tank top, I don’t want to require heavy winter layers while I’m INSIDE. It would be nice if I could just wear my outside clothes inside and still be comfortable. At home I don’t crank the air to a deep freeze because I want to be COMFORTABLE in my home. Comfortable means much cooler than outside, but not uncomfortably cold. I really wish businesses would do the same so people could wander in and out of places without the temperature difference being a shock to the system.