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PragerU Says: Slavery = FREE Boat Ride to America... Guaranteed Job For Life! Who Would Turn Down an Offer Like That? Classic GOP SPIN... Technically True but Totally Missing REALITY...

PragerU SUXX - They write textbooks telling false tales about history... Like: Slavery taught skills that Blacks could use to improve their own lives. Contact Info... 

PragerU SUXX - They write textbooks telling false tales about history... Like: Slavery taught skills that Blacks could use to improve their own lives.

On the Florida K-5 ELA Supplemental Book 
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Link to Their Main Website: 

For general inquiries:

For Example: You Could Write 'em an Email Protesting False History Lessons!

I said: "Are Your Books Teaching ACCURATE HISTORY? I've heard that they are Republicriminal Propaganda Designed to Brainwash Children... "Grooming" Future Generations to be Mind Control Slaves. Is This True? Are You Demonically Possessed?"

Prager University Foundation
15021 Ventura Blvd. #552
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
(833) 772-4378

Headline: PragerU Says Florida Teachers Approved to Use Its Class ‘Curriculum’
It’s the latest shakeup to Florida’s public education curriculum, which has taken a sharp conservative turn under Gov. Ron DeSantis’ leadership.
The Florida Department of Education told The Daily Beast in an email that it determined PragerU Kids’ material “aligns to Florida’s revised civics and government standards” and can be used by school districts at their discretion.
The announcement comes less than a week after the state announced middle school students would be taught that slavery was beneficial to some Black people, and as DeSantis actively cheerleads the Moms For Liberty—classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center—as they fight to restrict education about race and gender.

Florida’s attacks on academic freedom just got even worse.

In a years-long campaign that now seems destined to end with a third-place finish in Iowa, DeSantis reshaped Florida in his image, pursuing culture-war fights that he hoped would grab media attention and convince Republican primary voters that he was hurting their most hated enemies.
Among these was the seizure and restructuring of New College of Florida, a public liberal arts college in Sarasota that was long known in the state for its curious students, eclectic faculty and countercultural bent.

Mass Exodus at New College After DeSantis’ Conservative Takeover.

New College of Florida is in complete chaos after Gov. Ron DeSantis staged a conservative takeover of the school earlier this year. Now, with the semester’s start just weeks away, students are being greeted with housing issues, canceled classes, and missing professors. Since DeSantis appointed six new right-wing trustees to the school’s board in January, more than 40 faculty members have quit the small public college. 

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