Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

FTL Spaceship Art by gvan42 - Feel Free to Pirate Any Image and Use it in Your Own Creations... Blog, Webpage, or as Clipart in a Potatoshop Creation!

 Spaceship traveling over a Alien Planet
Spaceship traveling over a Planet near the Speed of Light

FTL Spaceship Playing Cards for sale: 

Playing Card Spaceship for sale on Zazzle Gregvan
Link: FTL Spaceship Art Printed on Business Cards: 
You may add Your Own words to Both the Front 
and the Back of these Cards...

Ceramic Christmas Ornament: 
Eyes Looking at You by gvan42
Eyes Looking at You by gvan42

Dual Rainbow Spirals and a Rose by gvan42
Dual Rainbow Spirals and a Rose by gvan42

Flying Eyeball by gvan42
Flying Eyeball by gvan42
Mural: St Francis of the Redwoods in Willits, CA - On Highway 101 at the Street you turn on to Go Ride the Skunk Train...
Mural: St Francis of the Redwoods in Willits, CA - On Highway 101 at the Street you turn on to Go Ride the Skunk Train... 

I first Embraced Lunacy Long ago when I Noticed That The Moon Looks Like a Solid Dot about the Size of a Quarter Held at Arms Length. AND The Sun Looks Like a Solid Dot about the Size of a Quarter Held at Arms Length. AND The Shadow of the Earth on the Moon is the Same Exact Size! That SIZE Co-incidence is what makes Solar and Lunar Eclipses and Phases of the Moon Possible.


A woman's Menstrual Cycle is the same length of time as the moon's phases... 28 Days. Humans are In Phase with the Moon...   

Our Calendar's Moonths are Named for the Moon but don't exactly Line Up... 28x13=364 We Could have made the Calendar 13 Months of 28 Days Each but... Somehow We Failed... OOPS! That One Extra Day Could be a Holiday for Fertility Rituals... 

more Psychedelic Art... 

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - cosmic trippy visionary abstract - purple64ets gregvan

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - cosmic trippy visionary abstract - purple64ets gregvan

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - cosmic trippy visionary abstract - purple64ets gregvan

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - cosmic trippy visionary abstract - purple64ets gregvan

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - cosmic trippy visionary abstract - purple64ets gregvan

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - cosmic trippy visionary abstract - purple64ets gregvan

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - cosmic trippy visionary abstract - purple64ets gregvan

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - cosmic trippy visionary abstract - purple64ets gregvan

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - cosmic trippy visionary abstract - purple64ets gregvan

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - cosmic trippy visionary abstract - purple64ets gregvan

Looking out the Front Window of a Spaceship Traveling thru a Wormhole... 
Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - cosmic trippy visionary abstract - purple64ets gregvan

What if "Billy" Went to a Grateful Dead Concert and Ate the Sacred Wafers? Then He Met God (just like Moses did) and Decided that Building Atomic Power Plants was NOT a Great Idea! That instead of Making the World a Worse Place to Live, He wanted to Write Poetry? Or Maybe Lyrics? There is a Long List of things a Person Can Do instead of Doing EVIL for Money... Organic Gardening, Learn to Play a Musical Instrument, Pottery, Macrame, Tie Dye Clothes, Paint Fine Art Paintings, Sailing, Mountain Climbing, Play with Their Children, Travel to India and Meet a Guru, White Water Rafting... SO MANY Alternatives...

For Example: You Could
Build Your Own Prank UFO
LED UFO Prank 

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