I Experienced True Enlightenment hiking in the mountains near Castle Crags, California... and Drinking the Water from the Rushing Stream... Pure melted snow... When I went home and told my wife she said... Yes, That's the Nether Lands Effect... and she put this song on the record player... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALMVPqtVZPY Dan Fogelberg...
Drive up Highway #3 starting at Highway #5 near Oregon... It's Wild Up There!
When I Drink Large amounts of Excellent water I feel optimistic... For Example: Swimming in the Trinity River after being stuck in a Construction Traffic Jam on Highway #299 from Redding to Eureka... on a Really Hot Summer day... and drinking the river water... Happy!
Did you ever want to make Crazy Movie Soundtrack 1950s Sci-Fi Music? Try This... Electric Guitar run thru Two Morley Phasers in Series and a Digital Echo Box set to repeat the sound almost forever... Move the foot pedal controls while soloing with a slide... It sounds like an analog synthesizer... with the resonance turned way up... Outer Space Whoosh Whoosh Music!
Crater Lake Oregon Ranger Station |
Why the Flag was at Half Mast |
Crater Lake Oregon Road Up The Mountain |
Crater Lake Oregon Historic Lodge
Crater Lake Lodge welcomes you with the warmth and hospitality of a bygone era. The lodge overlooks the lake at Rim Village, offering majestic views of the lake’s pristine blue waters and sheer cliff walls. After a day of hiking , swimming, fishing , or touring the lake , enjoy an unforgettable meal at the Crater Lake Lodge Dining Room before you unwind in your cozy guest room. |
Souvineer Coffee Cups and My Farmville Cow Traveling Companion |
Fireplace in the Historic Lodge |
Cattle near Ft. Klamath, Oregon |
Duane Flatmo Mural located
behind the Post office in Eureka, CA
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EFT Master, Sonya Sophia, guides hundreds of people through a potent workshop to get in touch with their Divine Purpose. Follow along to tap through blocks and fears and connect with the reason you're on Earth! Recorded Live at Red Lightning camp, Burning Man 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-vF6l_qyXs&t=2014s
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Tales I Posted on FaceBorg...
What is truly criminal is a retired friend of mine has to pay space rent that has gone up for no reason for her trailer... and she pays for everything using her social security check... so if the rent goes up $20 that means she has less for food... or gas... or catfood... or electricity... and the Landlord lives in New York City... some huge corporation... that charges "whatever the market will bear" - and all rents for all trailer parks in Fresno went up at the same time... SO, The Market is bearing about $20 More a Month for everyone...
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My Aunt was really interested in Geneology... She did research on the internet in the 1990s... then my brother collected all the Family photographs and wrote a paragraph about each one... collected some letters and essays and sermons written by our ancestors... published it as a book... and I read that book... of course, they totally ignored my mother's side of the family... because no one was an obsessive researcher as my Aunt... anyway... an Underwood Lived in the Queens Bourough of New Amsterdam... and then the English came in and renamed the City New York...
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I'm Still Amazed by the Murder Trial of Harley Hammers and Angel Tully in Humboldt County many years ago... Yes, His Real Name Was Harley Hammers... Him, his wife and a former girfriend and some guy were transporting METH from Lake County to McKinleyville when there was some kind of gun shot that caused two deaths... None of the witnesses could testify because they were inside the trailer at the time... when they heard the gunshot they went outside and "Mister Body" and "Mrs Body" were dead... also none could testify because they were just too stoned on drugs to remember anything accurately... and at trial they listed the drugs... Meth, Heroin, Psychiatric Medicine, Marijuana and Booze... anyway... the man who pulled the trigger put the ladies in his car and they drove way up into the Trinity Alps Mountains and they burned their clothes on a sandbar... then they went swimming in the Trinity river... Removing all gun shot residue... put on clean clothes... then he locked the murder weapon in a gun safe located in the engine compartment... drove back down the mountain and they got stopped by the police on highway 101 heading for Lake County... the police opened the hood of the car, found the gun safe, had the man open the safe... and found the recently fired gun. Everyone was arrested... at trial all were found not guilty because there were no witnesses that could testify what happened that night... TOO FREAKING STONED! The Guy who "supposedly" pulled the Trigger and the Two Dead Bodies were Outside the Trailer... The Witnesses were inside the trailer asleep... The Gunshots woke them up and... NO ONE Really knows wat Happened except Jason Michael Arreaga... the Man Accused of Murder...
The jury in the Fieldbrook double murder trial deadlocked 9-3 in favor of guilt this afternoon and a new trial date has been set for Dec. 14.
Lake County resident Jason Michael Arreaga, 30, is accused of two counts of murder in the fatal shooting of Harley Wayne Hammers Jr. and Angel Robin Tully, both 37, on Sept. 3, 2014, at a property in Fieldbrook. Arreaga pleaded not guilty.
Arreaga took the stand during the trial, pointing to Harley Hammers’ estranged wife Shavonne Hammers as the shooter.
Shavonne Hammers, who was given immunity by the prosecution, testified earlier in the trial that she asked Arreaga to give her a ride from Lucerne to Humboldt County. After a day of drug-fueled interactions in Fieldbrook, Blue Lake and McKinleyville, Shavonne Hammers testified Arreaga shot her estranged husband and Tully following an altercation between the groups earlier that day.
One juror explained outside the courtroom that they deadlocked due to the bulk of evidence coming from witness testimony.
Check back for updates.
EUREKA >> A Lake County man was found not guilty Tuesday of murder charges in the shooting deaths of two people in Fieldbrook in September 2014.
A Humboldt County Superior Court jury acquitted Jason Michael Arreaga of fatally shooting Angel Robin Tully and Harley Wayne Hammers, both 37, on Sept. 3, 2014, in front of a residence on Fieldbrook Road.
The trial was the second for Arreaga after a mistrial was declared in October when another jury could not reach a unanimous verdict and deadlocked at 9-3 in favor of convicting him.
Arreaga remained in the Humboldt County jail on suspicion of possessing a controlled substance while in custody.
One of the key witnesses for the prosecution in the case was Hammers’ estranged wife Shavonne Hammers, who was at the scene of the shooting with Arreaga’s 17-year-old girlfriend. Shavonne Hammers has testified that she did not witness the shooting but said Arreaga confessed to her that he had shot the couple as they were driving away from the scene.
Arreaga has testified that Shavonne Hammers pulled the trigger. She was given immunity by the Humboldt County District Attorney’s Office in exchange for her testimony.
The defense was primarily focused on showing that Shavonne Hammers had the motive to kill the couple as her husband was in a relationship with Tully.
Sherrie Barr, Hammers’ sister, said she and her family members are in shock over the verdict and the lack of justice they feel.
“I feel like the DA totally dropped the ball on this,” Barr said. “I really don’t understand why it’s gone this far and she (Shavonne Hammers) hasn’t been charged.”
District Attorney Maggie Fleming said the investigation uncovered no evidence indicating that Shavonne Hammers was legally responsible for the slayings.
“In order to secure her needed testimony for trial, she was given a grant of ‘use’ immunity, which does not preclude prosecution for any crimes related to the homicides in the future,” Fleming said in an email. “It merely prohibits law enforcement from using her testimony, or information gained from that testimony, in any future proceedings.”
Sheriff Mike Downey said he met with the investigators in the case after the verdict was reached, and they were confident with their case against Arreaga.
“The case was very clear-cut during the investigative process,” Downey said.
No other suspects are being investigated in connection with the slayings, Downey said.