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Original Art For Sale Printed on Gifts: 

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How y'all feel about the "death is completely safe" quote that Ram Dass used to always say, when lecturing and working with the dying? Everything I read from Hinduism/eastern mysticism, pretty much teaches that death is actually sketchy as f*ck if it isn't entered properly.
For example, if you die before your biological clock finishes (murdered, suicide, accident, etc. ) it's said that your soul wanders and experiences heavy feelings of hunger and thirst, but with no physical body to satiate it, so you just suffer for the amount of time it would have naturally taken for your body to eventually die (refered to as "parabdha karma") , before the energies are feeble enough to assimilate into a new womb to reincarnate.
Also, yogis talks about heaven and hell not as a geographical place you end up after death, but a frequency of consciousness you end up in based on what the quality of your consciousness was before your soul left your body. If you were in fear mode before you die, when your soul leaves your body, the energy snowballs into a millionfold fear, because there's no longer a discriminatory mind to deal with the emotion once it leaves the body. Pleasantness/peace at the time of death would manifest a millionfold into "heaven." So it can go either way.
So all that said, if death is completely safe, it would have to mean that there's zero chance of suffering post death... And that seems too good to be true. That would make suicide a pretty reliable way to end suffering completely, and I'm highly skeptical of the nature of reality being that conveniently escapable.
What you think?

Down the Rabbit Hole by gvan42


All predictions about what happens after Life are totally BOGUS... No One Knows... Anyone Can Make up an Opinion... I believe that NOTHING Happens... Might as well use my body as fertilizer for a Tree... I won't know what is happening... Recently I signed a Doctor's Instruction Form: Do you want us to save your life if needed? I said YES... even if that puts me on life support for years and a huge hospital bill...

Color Chart Peace Sign by gvan42

and Some Dude Said: 

In conscious, dying and death one begins with communion, merging into the source of life. Irreversibility never returns unless you want to…
If you carry your thoughts, memory and dislike to your sleep and you spend most of the time in dreaming.
In the same way while at the moment of death if you have regrets attachment, inner changing to objects and individuals. If you cannot stand the idea of being separate from them then that clinging that attachment that thought may bring back to the earth clothed in another form.
When we realise the body cannot carry anymore. Sense and brain cannot function anymore. There is a possibility one can depart consciously dying in a state of Samadhi. Because in dyanam, in meditation one has removed all the entanglements. One is free, completely letting go and ready to take off.
In unconscious sleep we pretended to sleep ended up in dream state and comes back in the next morning. There is no take off. There is no quality of change in consciousness if we are pushed in to death and do not die consciously . With awareness result is incarnation.

Chernobyl, Whole Earth, Extinction Rebellion LOGO - gvan42
Chernobyl, Whole Earth,
Extinction Rebellion LOGO - gvan42

and another Dude Said: 

When there is a holistic movement even while living that person is dead as liberated. Death is liberation. Meditation is moving in the elegance of death what does that mean? Everything is brahman (cosmic intelligence). Everything is immortality therefore nectar.
When you live holistically right from your breathing is related to the subtle essence in the physical reality, the immortal essence in the physical reality. So whether you speak or one do not speak one is not only in harmony but united we are one with that reality.
The reality clothed in the form of human body and reality clothed in the form of cosmos is quite identical in quality and essence. So a human being separated from reality is no more there. The separation has ended.
Death is the death of the illusion of the separation from the cosmic reality and liberation is the awareness of the illusion of being separate. one is liberated when the myth of separateness is exploded. So as a separate individual one is dead and as a united wholistic expression of reality one is alive as human being, become the wholstic expression of that reality.

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gvan42 - google image search screenshot

gvan42 - google image search screenshot
It's Pretty Damn Obvious that we live in the end times prophesised by John in the Book Revelation. #TrumpIsTheAntiChrist

What historical moment stands out the most in your mind? The Assassination of JFK... and RFK and MLK and John Lennon... "Death under Mysterious Circumstances" Abbie Hoffman, Gary Webb, Dr Frank Olson...

Every time I Go to the Rainbow Gathering I have a Different goal... and so I have a different experience... At UTAH 2014 I was looking for a really Big Idea! I was working as a Midnight Fire Tender at Welcome Home Kitchen and I had the Desire to LEARN Something Significant... and two days Later I Met a Teacher and We've been friends ever since...

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