Another BEATLES "REVOLVER" Style Drawing by Klaus Voormann. Bee Gees 1st and Many Other Album Covers... Including A Doll's House (The White Album original Painting)


I see Sgt. Pepper... a Walrus... Abbey Road... HELP... The Early Years wearing Identical Suits... a Yellow Submarine... and a GURU - the Floating Boot is a "Beatle Boot" from their early Years...

another Klaus Voorman REVOLVER Drawing
another Klaus Voormann REVOLVER Style Drawing

A Doll House - The Original Album Cover for The White Album
A Doll House - The Original Album Cover for The White Album
By the famed artist Patrick... Whoever THAT was...

Bee Gees 1st album cover by Klaus Voorman
Bee Gees 1st album cover by Klaus Voormann

Klaus Voormann  cartoon strip about designing Revolver
Klaus Voormann  cartoon strip about designing Revolver

The Album Cover - REVOLVER by the Beatles - Klaus Voorman
The Album Cover of REVOLVER by the Beatles
by Klaus Voormann

the Beatles early days in the Kaiserkeller club - Klaus Voormann
 the Beatles early days in the Kaiserkeller club - Klaus Voormann

an Insightful Interview With Country Joe McDonald MANY Years Later... Talking About Woodstock...


Insightful Movie: "The Medium Is The Massage" (1967) by Marshall McLuhan... He Uses The Medium of Television to Study Television... Therefore Proving his Idea...

Interviews and Many Psychedelic OP ART backgrounds... English Fashion Models Dressed in MOD Clothes and 1967 Computers with Punched Cards... He Really Got That Global Village Idea Correct... as we Have seen Movies Filmed by Terrorists as they Stormed the US Capitol Building using their Phone... and We Saw the Murder of George Floyd by a Policeman... Caused Riots Nationwide... 

I Remember My Brother Martin Had Two Books by McLuhan on his Bookshelf at home. "Understanding Media" which was a Thick Book WITH ONLY WORDS... It Was Too Boring and I Only Read 10 Pages... The Other Book was Profusely Illustrated with Cartoons and Pop Art Images and Maybe 12 Words Per Page...  "The Medium is the Massage" THAT ONE I Really Liked and He Got His Message Across... 

This Film is the Most Effective Treatment of His Ideas YET... and since it's on Youtube... It's Proof of the Global Village Idea... Now, Anyone Can Publish Their own Story on Youtube... I Do... 

Never Once Does he Mention that the Title was a Typographic Error... The Original Title was "The Medium is The Message" - and That Makes Sense... Message... NOT Massage... a Word that Means Rubbing the Body by a Professional... Including Prostitutes...

FREE CHART - where the notes are on the guitar fretboard and piano keyboard - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - Most Popular Blog Labels Trump art evil California protest idiot war disaster fail psychedelic freedom free question authority book cosmic fraud music ecology question global failure magic election insane crazy trippy mushroom liar Donald quest #DumpTrump Eureka republican Impeach visions vote GOP people video power gvan42 loser corruption lsd authority #ImpeachTrump Russia corporate fire reality climate white 2020 CIA EPA great President murder vanderlaan money peace USA change rainbow campaign marijuana NRA humboldt American fake #BogusPotus news arcata brainwashing coronavirus fun liberty nuclear pollution song Putin hippie house warming madness TV death history guns love NSA revolution Family facebook guitar #DitchMitch FBI corrupt Congress bogus sanity Sanders Chico hippy police #runaway absurd economy waste legalize solar Republicans Russian World life coloring mkultra obama rich satire senate wall crime lie #MAGAKiller America March cannabis children autobiography prison Suicide dead law science truth zazzle arrest economic forest atomic speech gun health party propaganda secret Biden DARPA

My AutoBiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in Chico, Washington DC, Eureka and Orangevale.

Link to Read More: 

Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All the Cannabis Prisoners. A Dramatic Savings of Government Spending CURRENTLY WASTED On Law Enforcement and Incarceration and a MASSIVE INCREASE IN VOLUNTARY TAXES! Everybody Wins! We Could Use the Extra Money to Pay for Education and Healthcare for All.

If you don't smoke you wouldn't pay a cent. It's a Win-Win situation. More money going into the Treasury and Less going out.  In addition, states that have legal medical marijuana have fewer deaths due to opioid addiction. Some people simply choose the safer drug... DUH...

MEME - Legalize Marijuana - gvan42

Peace and Love: 
Not Just a Good Idea but 
a Practical Way of Life...
Peace Sign Two-Tone Coffee Mug