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Trump is Confused. He Thinks Joe Biden IS Bernie Sanders. It's Difficult To Tell Them Apart UNLESS YOU HAVE A BRAIN! Trump Accuses Joe Biden of Being a Socialist... WTF? Trump Says Joe Biden is In Favor Of #DefundThePolice. ABSURD.

In Fact, Trump is Confused About Everything... He Lives in a Fantasy World and That's Why He FAILED... 
MEME - gvan42 - Get a Brain! Morans Guy is Now Giving  Free Advice For TrumpNiks!

Get a Brain! Morans Guy is Now Giving
Free Advice For TrumpNiks!


Chords and Lyrics Included So You Can Record This Song and Make a HIT RECORD!

Promises Made, Promises Broken - MEME - gvan42
Remember: In 2016 The Russians Proved That Campaigning Online Works... Putin's Puppet Won! SO... 

Like and Share MEMEs Worldwide! 

Even IF You Do Not Live in the USA You Can Campaign for Joe Biden... Trump is a GLOBAL MENACE!

EXORCISM at the WHITE HOUSE. A Million Patriots Need To Surround it and Demand That Trump RESIGN NOW! JOIN US For A Spiritual Healing Ceremony... Spread The Word!

Why Did Trump FAIL To Lock Her UP? Hillary is Free but... Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Paul Erickson = Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty, George Nader=Guilty - He REALLY Drained The Swamp. Corrupt TrumpNiks IN PRISON!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
and then a Guy on FaceBoob Said:

and then a Guy on Faceboob Said... 

I really admire people with principles... but I’ve grown to understand that “Democracy” technically means majority rules. Technically no one’s opinion is invalid no matter how stupid you think they are. Without discounting any one individual, what does the true majority actually want? Americans lost this concept... 😞 Americans think certain people are smarter and deserve more power than others.
All Americans are going to have to be confronted by November, with the reality we’ve all been avoiding:
You have one guy who purposely allowed more people to die in the pandemic, because he thought it would help his chances in the election. Biden’s true base supporters are oldddd, he gets like 90% of the 80+ crowd and 60% of the 60+ crowd. If a bunch of old people die, Trump wins. Trust me he’s well aware of this. In addition to that, Trump 2.0 will no longer need a strong approval rating. He gets 4 more years no matter what. Can’t put him on trial for anything until he’s out of office. He knows that Putin finances the Talaban to kill our soldiers. He had very specific instructions of what to do when only 5 Americans had the virus. He knows very well what he’s doing. He slides because liberal people think he’s “dumb” he’s not dumb. He’s been working with the KGB since the 80’s, look it up and research I dare you. People are scared to even look it up, it’s pathetic, they think he’ll find out... they want to be on his good side.
Then you have your other guy... Let’s face it, America has been a dual party system for a long long time. Y’all picked a fine time to hedge your money on Green... and I like green. But let’s not get carried away I want to talk about the uncomfortable reality of the “other guy” Biden. He has a terrible congressional record as far as being on the right side of history with his senate votes (trump never served a day in congress, nor any state government or even as a mayor in his life, and he illegally covers up his taxes to hide transactions with the Russians in his douche bank). Biden’s son got paid way too much money in Ukraine for a job he was under qualified for. (Trump’s son in law is a Zionist new world order overlord). Biden got a lot of help from the DNC, Hillary, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Klobacher, Warren, Obama & even Tulsi... until the odds got so steep, amidst a pandemic, that Bernie had to concede, to what some might call an illegitimate and unDemocratic primary. (Trump is highly favored by the Russian government whom pays trolls to purposely upset people on the internet in such a way where they get scared and desire Trump’s style of authoritarianism to protect them). Now this part is gross, so bare with me... Biden allegedly fingered his assistant, against her will, but my understanding is that the power of him being a US Senator caused her to freeze up in the moment, which deeply traumatized the woman, whom is now speaking out. (Trump tag team raped a woman with Jeffry Epstein... on an island known for its child trafficking ring, Trump has at least a dozen alleged rape allegations, all silenced with money and threats).
So unless we can get a sudden paradigm shift for a Howie Hawkins led Green Party to overwhelm the polls... it’s looking like it’s either gonna be Biden whom ought to have been disqualified but in all fairness appears to be having a born again progressive epiphany as of late...
Or we get Trump whom will purposely divide and conquer Democracy as a gift to Putin, whom will likely eventually invade and enslave us. 🤷‍♂️ Choices choices. No one said life was going to be easy.

and then another Guy on Faceboob Said: 
OK Boomer is funny to me. After years of listening to boomers complain about how overly sensitive and whiny millennials are, some of the boomers are literally saying it’s the N-word of ageism. I mean they’ve literally called us whiny and oversensitive, and then some baby boomers started whining about the phrase OK boomer. In some cases the same exact people who referred to millennials as whiny were the ones whining about being called a boomer.🤣 I have no problem with boomers if their 60s flower children. Those people are literally my heroes. However the holier than thou people who have fucked up this country and then judge the next generation for not doing enough to clean up the mess that these boomers have made, and literally block every attempt of the next generation to step up and take charge and actually tackle the issues. These people literally say we don’t need any radical new ideas and where are all the young people with fresh new ideas. These boomers are mainly politicians, and Democrat and Republican party members. Basically they fight any youth influence in the primary and then when the youth doesn’t enthusiastically volunteer and vote in the real election for a candidate they didn’t even want in the first place, they get blamed for the state of the country.  you’re too young and stupid to pick our leaders in the primary but still vote in the actual election otherwise everything is your fault. And it’s ironic because that’s exactly what the “greatest” generation did to the boomers.  Look up Chicago democratic convention riot. Basically the strategy is ignore activists until they become disillusioned and stop caring, then listen to them.

and Then Someone Else Said:
I don't like this continually finding ways of blaming entire groups of people for the actions of some. I mean, I could turn around and remind the younger generations that they have an abysmal voting record compared to older generations. But maybe, instead, we could work together - you know, actually accomplish good things.

Personally, I've never whined about any group - well, except trumpsters. They ask for it.

I Was born a flower child, have fought the power all my life and I will fight them til we win or I die. It’s really inspiring to see the millennials and Zoomers. You guys really inspire us too. I grew up in the sixties and it’s like reliving both the horror of those days and the power of being part of a movement of change. Keep fighting the Good Fight!

My Reply:
Nobody Uses That Insult Anymore... It HAD Its 15 Minutes of Fame and Then Vanished...
Bubble UP Economics Works MEME - Please Like and Share Worldwide - Thanks - gvan42

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