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The Best Part of the song "Iko Iko" is that it's Possible to Play it using TWO Chords! For Example "A" and "E" and You Can Make Up Lyrics If You forget Where You Are and What You Are Doing! I remember Playing this at Main Circle, Rainbow Gathering in Idaho.

and then Later, a young man and I Played Uncle John's Band at the Relaxation Station... That's The Very First Place a Camper would encounter on the way into the Rainbow Gathering... "Welcome Home!" We Played it about 6 times... because the Young Man said "I Don't Want to Learn anymore new songs" and since there was a Constant flow of People walking by... No One Knew That we were Playing the same song... except for the Tarot Card Reading Lady and other Pranksters That were Hanging OUT... One Guy had a Piece of FOAM that Looked Like a Concrete Block... He would ask a person to help him Carry the Block Because it was very heavy... and then ACCIDENTALLY DROP THE PIECE OF FOAM on the Visitor's FOOT... and then everyone would laugh because it was NOT Dangerous... It Was a Prank! The Realization That They Were Not Going To Be Hurt... and The relief... Caused Laughter...

A Journey to the Rainbow Gathering in California 2004. Photographs and My Story... and Memories of The Gatherings in Idaho, Utah and Pennsylvania...

What IS the Rainbow Gathering? To me, it is Woodstock with amateur musicians and I’m in the band… READ MORE:

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