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Why Do Some People Want to FORCE Others TO OBEY? For Example: "Pro Life" activists want to Force Women to give Birth to Unwanted Babies... WTF?

Another Example: Police officers want to enforce the law... and Elected officials want to WRITE laws... Both of those ways of earning a living are voluntary... no one is required to become a policeman... Why would anyone apply for that job? What Motivates "Control Freaks" ???

and then... there are over 100 Million Land Mines buried Worldwide... What kind of Sicko would spend their life Designing or Building Land Mines?  At the end of every workday they have made the world a worse place to live... I personally worked making Electronic Equipment for the Air Force... It was a Short time Job but there was that nagging doubt... There I was making DEATH Machines... I took the Job because I was Married to a Woman that wanted to Buy A House... as soon as I was Divorced... my Career changed Magically from Creating Death Machines to Helping the USPS Deliver Junk Mail more Efficiently... at least I was no longer DOING EVIL for Money...

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Fortunately, People that want to own guns commit suicide more often than people without guns... and their children have fatal "accidents" more often... basically, guns are a way of removing defective DNA from the gene pool.

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How many White People are Migrating FROM the USA and Walking to GUATEMALA or HONDURAS? ZERO... No one wants to go live in a  country that is ruled by Brown Skinned People... Racism is Accurate... Brown people want to move towards Countries ruled by White People...

Another Example: Black People are Leaving Africa in boats and moving to Europe... Towelheads are leaving Arab Countries and Moving into Europe, England and Scandinavia... That makes perfect sense... #Runaway from Islamic Countries and Black Countries... Those places are awful...

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The Main CAUSE of Global Warming is Overpopulation... With SEVEN Billion People, air pollution caused by people is changing the Climate. However, as soon as Four or Five Billion People Die Off due to the Heat... The Quantity of Air Pollution will be within tolerable limits...

About 50 years ago, Scientists invented the Birth Control Pill and it was very popular with White People... A couple of Generations Later, Non Whites are the Majority of the People in the USA. Sadly, Their Beliefs and Culture will soon Rule the USA and We will become another "Third World" Country... Just like Guatemala... or Nigeria... 

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