Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Addiction to Money: Paul Manafort is Just the Latest of a Long Line of Greed Freaks that have Gone to Prison... Martha Stewart, Ken Lay, Jeffrey Schilling, Ivan Boesky, Michael Milken, Charles Hurwitz...

I remember that a Narcotics Agent offered Alexander Shulgin a Million Dollars if he would create a Pound of LSD... Shulgin declined repeatedly because he ALREADY HAD EVERYTHING HE WANTED. "What would I DO with a Million Dollars? " Said Shulgin...

Think about this... Shulgin was working as a Chemistry Professor at Stanford University... Teaching the Best and Brightest Students in the World... Shulgin also invented about 230 new psychedelic drugs and wrote two books about that research... and he ate each new drug, just to see what they were like... his wife also ate the new psychedelic drugs...

Contract that Lifestyle with Paul Manafort who broke the law in order to buy an Ostrich Jacket... Imagine someone so stupid that they would WANT a Jacket made out of the skin of a giant bird... PATHETIC!

Alexander Theodore Shulgin (June 17, 1925 – June 2, 2014) was an American medicinal chemistbiochemistorganic chemistpharmacologistpsychopharmacologist, and author. He is credited with introducing MDMA ("ecstasy", "mandy" or "molly") to psychologists in the late 1970s for psychopharmaceutical use and for the discovery, synthesis and personal bioassay of over 230 psychoactive compounds for their psychedelic and entactogenic potential.
In 1991 and 1997, he and his wife Ann Shulgin authored the books PIHKAL and TIHKAL (standing for Phenethylamines and Tryptamines I Have Known And Loved), which extensively described their work and personal experiences with these two classes of psychoactive drugs. Shulgin performed seminal work into the descriptive synthesis of many of these compounds. Some of Shulgin's noteworthy discoveries include compounds of the 2C* family (such as 2C-B) and compounds of the DOx family (such as DOM).
Due in part to Shulgin's extensive work in the field of psychedelic research and the rational drug design of psychedelic drugs, he has since been dubbed the "godfather of psychedelics".[2]

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