Trump was Right. Being a Draft Dodger was a Smart Move. Getting a Doctor to say he had "Bone Spurs" saved His Life... Much Better than Actually GOING to Vietnam and Killing People for No Reason.


Bone spurs deferment flag

Trump Quote: "We Should Execute Spies and Traitors"

Trump was right. Hiring a Fake doctor to give a "medical" deferment was a better idea than going to Vietnam... to Kill people for No Reason... my friends that went are still angry about being drafted.

If you had money... you could go to college for four years and get a 2S deferment... THAT'S Motivation to get good grades... If you flunked out... you went to Vietnam... 58,000 Americans died for nothing!

Was the Entire POINT of the Vietnam War Marketing to sell Hughes Helicopters and DOW Chemical Napalm & Agent Orange?

I wish I Had Gone to MORE Anti-War Protest Marches... I'm Glad I Protested against the Vietnam war and I Protested Against the Idiot Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan too. Eventually the US Government Stopped Killing People for no reason... Because of Millions of Us Marching in the Streets!

Back in the late 1990’s Julia Hill climbed a 1500-year-old redwood tree named Luna and she didn’t come down for another 738 days.

From December 1997 to December 1999, she lived in the canopy of a giant 1500 year old redwood tree named Luna. She ended her revolutionary action when an agreement was made with Pacific Lumber Company to spare the tree and a 200 foot buffer zone surrounding the tree.

Once up the tree, she vowed not to come down until she had made a difference. Clinging to her mattress through violent storms, supported with food and necessities by a ground crew, she stayed two years and eight days.

Eco Activist...

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