Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

What If Gen XYZ Take Over the Government. Throw OUT all the Old People and Elect a New Generation to Lead... This HAS to Happen Eventually... What About 2024?

I Don't Know the Names of any Young People Except: David Hogg & Emma Gonzalez (March For Our Lives)... and He would Make a Great President... But He's only 23 Years Old... and She's 24... They Can't be President YET... 

David Hogg and Emma Gonsalez of March for Our Lives

Greta Thunberg is also a Powerful Political Leader... But She's Not an American... She Can't be President...

Elon Mush Cannot Run For President Because He was Born in South Africa. 

Mark Zuckerberg CAN Run for President. Over 35 Years Old and Born in the USA... Now THAT'S a Scary Thought!

The Only Other Name I Know is Taylor Swift (a Singer/Songwriter) I Wonder IF She would be Interested in Running for Office? She's 33 Years Old so too Young for 2024 but NOT too young for 2028.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Baby Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. They're currently between 57-75 years old (71.6 million in the U.S.)
Gen X was born between 1965 and 1979/80 and is currently between 41-56 years old (65.2 million people in the U.S.)
Gen Y or Millennials, were born between 1981 and 1994/6. They are currently between 25 and 40 years old (72.1 million in the U.S.)
Gen Z is the newest generation, born between 1997 and 2012. They are currently between 9 and 24 years old (nearly 68 million in the U.S.)
Gen A: Generation Alpha starts with children born in 2012 and will continue at least through 2025, maybe later (approximately 48 million people in the U.S.) 

and then Darryl Cherney Said:
My heart hurts. As Abby moves to go to middle school in Arcata and her mom has already emptied her place here to be up there with her guy, I look at all the gifts I've given that are being left behind and given away and I am reminded of the love, the big love, that went into each one. Each is a reminder of a moment, a time of happiness long gone. Sometimes I'm made fun of for giving too many presents, but I got that from my mom and I'm fine with it. There's the swimming pool, the playground, all the special furniture, the renovations, the clothes, the two sweet Mother's Day cats left behind (now I've got 5 cats), and so much more. It all hurts to remember the deep love that went behind every action and how it's been discarded. My farm hands are gone and I'm alone with Abby to make do before I move in 2 weeks(!) with our two small dogs half time or more to a good friend's RV in McKinleyville to support her schoolwork while I try to find some one perhaps to look over this place. Oh, I know I'm blessed and privileged to have found an affordable rental and that I have the resources to do all this. At 67 and living out the last third of my life with a lot of unfinished work, this major shift in my world is a lot for my heart to take in and all the while, a lot for my body to do.

and JB Replied:
As a man who has gone through similar changes in his life, I’m right there with you!! I applaud your ability to say here on Facebook…. I’m with you Darryl.. always thought you are a shining star for all of us since I was a teenager, deadhead, hippie, I looked to you for inspiration and guidance.. if there is anything I can do for you lmk?? I’m here on Hawaii.. so not sure but ??? Right?!

and Darryl Replied:
You taught me one important lesson I carry with me and quote to this day. It was about music but it can apply to everything: "give 'em space."

and SC Said:
As one who has lost everything in a forest fire, you find things vanish, but the memories & magic of their being fly within us forever, especially those imbued with love... This world of illusions is a transient place, about letting go of everything, even our lives eventually... Love is really all there is and lasts beyond the boundaries of time & space...

SE Said:
These material things may seem discarded, but I am sure the love isn't. You've poured all of that into her, and I feel quite sure she'll spring no leaks - in fact as she keeps growing, her vessel will enlarge to contain even more. 😉 💚

and JB Said:
There is a plastic Playschool Car sitting next to my garden house. I see it everyday and remember the joy I and m kids had while pushing them around in it. They are now twenty one and twenty three and it's almost hard to believe they grew up so fast. Have some reminders around of those to see and reflect. A favorite of mine are the self portraits they did at Skyfish School that hang in my kitchen...

and then BEAR Said:
Oh man, I can relate. I look back at all we’ve gave and it seems so much a flash in the pan. Me, I’m inundated with stuff. Stuff I’m not sure what to do with. The princess castles and old puzzles are one thing, but the pieces of one’s life are another.
What I think is that the blessings have yet to come. My, how raising children has changed me. I’m still in the throes. Soon we’ll have adult children and it will all change again.
Chin up compadre!

and then QB Said:
Take each hour at a time , moments even n don't sit down , than you will want to retire , sheer tenacity will get you through , fueled with desire of greater for your daughter , an invested father is such a gift , so many cut n run , i have complete faith in you ♥️👊🏽

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