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Governor Ron Death Santa fires Staff Because "SOMEHOW" IT'S THEIR FAULT HE'S A LOSER... In Reality, The More That Voters Learn About Ron, The Less They Like Him!

Ron DeSantis fires roughly a dozen staffers in a campaign shake-up. The Florida governor has struggled to break into Trump’s lead, and his campaign has been burning through money...
Governor Ron Death Santa fires Staff Because "SOMEHOW" It's THEIR FAULT he's a LOSER... The More That Voters Learn About Ron, The Less They Like Him!
Go Ahead and Share these Memes Worldwide!
Let's Make Sure that Everywhere People Go On Social Media... they Are Confronted With Truth!

wall between Church and State needed cartoon

Republicans are Crazy and EVIL - Let's Beat 'em All in 2024 - total extinction event - meme - gvan42

Republicans are Crazy and EVIL - Let's Beat 'em All in 2024 - total extinction event - meme - gvan42

Republicans are Crazy and EVIL - Let's Beat 'em All in 2024 - total extinction event - meme - gvan42

Republicans are Crazy and EVIL - Let's Beat 'em All in 2024 - total extinction event - meme - gvan42

Republicans are Crazy and EVIL - Let's Beat 'em All in 2024 - total extinction event - meme - gvan42

Republicans are Crazy and EVIL - Let's Beat 'em All in 2024 - total extinction event - meme - gvan42

Republicans are Crazy and EVIL - Let's Beat 'em All in 2024 - total extinction event - meme - gvan42

The GOP is Crazy and Evil... Let's exterminate the Republican Party Completely in 2024... Please Share these Memes Worldwide... gvan42

The GOP is Crazy and Evil... Let's exterminate the Republican Party Completely in 2024... Please Share these Memes Worldwide... gvan42

The GOP is Crazy and Evil... Let's exterminate the Republican Party Completely in 2024... Please Share these Memes Worldwide... gvan42

The GOP is Crazy and Evil... Let's exterminate the Republican Party Completely in 2024... Please Share these Memes Worldwide... gvan42

The GOP is Crazy and Evil... Let's exterminate the Republican Party Completely in 2024... Please Share these Memes Worldwide... gvan42

The GOP is Crazy and Evil... Let's exterminate the Republican Party Completely in 2024... Please Share these Memes Worldwide... gvan42

The GOP is Crazy and Evil... Let's exterminate the Republican Party Completely in 2024... Please Share these Memes Worldwide... gvan42

The GOP is Crazy and Evil... Let's exterminate the Republican Party Completely in 2024... Please Share these Memes Worldwide... gvan42

and then on FaceBorg SE Said:

I'm very sensitive to bright sun, so I always wear a hat and sunglasses when I need to be out in the sun. So when it comes to my car, I HAVE to park in the shade. I can't stand coming back to a car that's been baking in the sun, especially if it's parked facing toward the sun, because then I have to deal with the sun after I get back to my car, but I've just walked through the sun in my hat and sunglasses, so I want to return to a car which is in the shade. When I drive into a parking lot, the first thing I do is start scanning around for shade. I bypass all of the parking spaces close to the store entrance if those parking spaces are in the sun. I very often end up parking really far from the store entrance. But the only thing that matters is finding shade. Plus, I don't mind the extra walking. I actually appreciate things that force me to get a bit of extra exercise, so I don't have a problem walking a longer distance across a parking lot. When I get back to my car, it's nice and cool since it hasn't been baking in the sun.
As far as local businesses go, I know which parking lots have plenty of shade and which ones have very little. There are even a few which have NO shade, but I avoid those parking lots. If there is another location of the same store which has shade in its parking lot, I'll choose that location. But most parking lots have at least SOME shade, as long as you're willing to walk a little farther to the store...

Arizonans do this en masse. In the summer all the shade spots are taken before the close ones. I was driving once and went out to ásgase spot. My exboyfriend was the passenger and asked what I was doing. He didn’t speak English so I did my next to explain the Spanish. When I got done he made fun of the little tree I parked under because it didn’t really provide shade and then told me if I really didn’t care about walking vs parking in shade then we could have just left the car at home. It wasn’t always easy to find the opportunity to make jokes with our language barrier but I have to admit that one really got me laughing

and then SE Said: 
I sometimes have to resort to parking under a tree which barely provides any shade at all, but even a minuscule about of shade is better than none. I don't care how far I have to walk to make sure my car is parked in the shade. It can be a massive parking lot with plenty of spaces close to the entrance, but I'll park way, way out in the boonies if that's where the shade is.

Trump Looking for 11,780 Votes but finding 12... Jurors... meme

Trump has created a dangerous abyss in this country dividing it by his lies, use of racism, xenophobia and misogyny to appeal to those who have similar beliefs, He has made it ok to act on these beliefs.He has rebranded hate as patriotism, He and his evangelical supporters have made a mockery of Christianity. Those MAGAGS in Washington allegedly running Congress have made a mockery out of it with their faux investigations and lies. They have circled the wagon train around Trump and will support him to the end. He and these enemies of democracy need to go. All of them. Jordan, Cruz, Hawely, Scott, Perry, Biggs, Comer, Gaetz, Gohmart, Gosar,Greene,Paul to start.

Embroidered Baseball Cap 4 Sale:

Slogan says: "You Can't Spell Hatred Without a Red Hat!" 

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