Text Art Smiley:
The Grateful Dead "Steal Your Face" Logo.
Javascript Pattern by gvan42
Pink Floyd Tribute Art -
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun -
a Spectacular Laserium Show Song
Rainbow Gathering in California - Main Circle
Link to More Pictures and Stories:
What IS the Rainbow Gathering?
To me, it is Woodstock with amateur musicians and I’m in the band…
I wrote this to help me remember…
Thousands of People chant OM. This photo was snapped just before I decided it was time to put away the camera and experience the event… Yes, it’s important to remember to LIVE LIFE instead of DOCUMENTING LIFE.
Ship Traveling thru Time and Space... a WINPLOT drawing - gvan42.blogspot.com
Rainbow Squiral (a spiral made of squares) - geometric art by gvan42
Moonrise over the Misty Mountains - Surrealistic Art by gvan42
Virtual Journey: Eureka, Arcata, Trinidad -
Visit Northern California's Coast.
We Have Our Own Little World Here Behind The Redwood Curtain!
Bucky Waters playing at the Humboldt Folklife Festival in Blue Lake, CA - on Highway 299 Between Arcata and Redding.
Trinidad Pier. Photo taken from Inside the Restaurant. Note the Reflection.
Tropical Fish in a Fantasy Reef |
Ghost over the Misty Mountains |

and then on FaceBorg: SE Said:
It really makes me feel bad the way people are ripping on Madonna because of her plastic surgery. Yes, it's sad when a celebrity's plastic surgery goes horribly wrong...but the truly sad part is that female celebrities feel pressure to get plastic surgery in the first place. There is such a huge double standard in our society. Male celebrities are allowed to show their age as they get older. People talk about aging male celebrities like a "fine wine": they get better with age. But for some reason, female celebrities are not allowed to age naturally. Female celebrities are expected to go to great lengths to hide the fact that they're getting older. If you think the comments about Madonna's plastic surgery have been harsh, imagine the comments if she DIDN'T get plastic surgery. "She didn't age well." "She's past her prime." "I can't believe she would go out in public looking like that." I've heard comments like this about other aging female celebrities, and it always makes me feel so bad that women are held to a different standard then men. Why are we so hard on women, but we cut men so much slack? The same is true of weight. If a male celebrity puts on weight, it's considered "cute." But if a FEMALE celebrity puts on weight, she's lazy, disgusting, out-of-control. The double standard makes me sick. Yes, Madonna's plastic surgery looks awful. She either had a bad surgeon, or she went to the extreme with it, but either way it looks awful. So why are people making fun of her instead of feeling bad for her that she felt the need to do this to herself in order to stay relevant in a world where women are not allowed to age? What other choice did she have? I'm proud of her for being willing to show her face at the Grammys. I'm proud of her for not hiding from the public eye like other female celebrities have done after having bad plastic surgery. Remember Meg Ryan, America's sweetheart? She hardly ever shows her face in public anymore because she would rather avoid the ridicule. Bravo to Madonna for not caring what other people think.
We have a long way to go before women stop feeling pressured to go to unnatural lengths to look like fake Barbie dolls. I probably won't see that happen in my lifetime, unfortunately. Society has declared a certain thing is considered "beautiful" and that all women must strive for that thing...and if you don't achieve that unnatural standard of beauty, you're just an irrelevant waste of space. Even something as normal and natural as the fact that she is 64 years old doesn't stand in society's way of demanding that she live up to the same standard of beauty as a 30-year-old. I do think we will get there eventually, but it's not going to happen quickly.
In a similar way, it pisses me off when I hear people criticize Lizzo for being overweight. Like God forbid a female pop star look like anything other than a skinny, fake Barbie doll. Any man who criticizes Lizzo better be an Adonis himself, otherwise he's nothing but a hypocrite. And I'm tired of the hypocrisy. If women have to be unnatural and fake in order to be respected in show biz, the same should apply to men. But why can't people just listen to the music and respect the talent of a female artist without focusing so much energy on what she looks like? I personally hope that Lizzo sets a trend, and that we start seeing more female artists who are willing to stand up against society's ridiculous standards of beauty. Lizzo has shown that it is possible to be recognized for your talent alone, and that's the way it should be.
As for Madonna, if you really want to make fun of her plastic surgery, knock yourself out. That's what social media is for. But I hope that at least a few people will realize that Madonna did this because society tells her that she can't just age like a normal person. Madonna did this because it's the only way she felt that she could stay relevant at 64 years old, and that's sad. Don't laugh at her. Instead, channel that energy into making changes to our hypocritical society and our unrealistic standards of beauty for WOMEN ONLY. Women shouldn't have to undergo dangerous surgery to try to hide the natural aging process. It's time to put a stop to the hypocrisy.
and I replied: GEE, I did not know that Madonna Had Plastic Surgery.
I don't pay much attention to POP Singers...
One thing is for certain... Now that I Know, I just don't care...
Pink Clouds in Orangevale near Sacramento, CA
and then SG Said:
Proud of the work that progressive democrats have done in their freshman years! What I saw yesterday from the other side embarrassed me because when all is said and done, at a global level, both the left and the right make the government that represents me 
These people are not just conservatives, not even just extreme right republicans, they are flat out imposters…. Unqualified people who are there to fix the formula without understanding even basic arithmetics. Speaker McArthy looked like a bobble head in a car that is swaying while unable to decide what lane to veer towards; but I did appreciate the standing up and clapping and the respect he gave the proceeding…. Far less respect than it deserves, but far more than what the trump squad wanted to get to… Republicans need to fumigate fast or this termite infestation could someday succeed to bring this house down.
And we all know that is what they want… Trump was never a Republican… he wants a government that is not based in democracy… one where the power of the vote is nothing compared to the power of the oligarchs… You may think you have that now, but wait until that becomes official and you will find out just how much worse things can get…
Javascript Pattern
Color Table Design
and SOG Said:
Corporate stooges go all the way back to the 1870s!
"Americans had long believed their country was a classless society. But by the end of the 19th Century, that myth had been shattered. In the Gilded Age, a super-rich elite emerged. They spent lavishly on houses, parties, and luxuries, while also investing in education and philanthropy. In this chapter, we’ll discuss this new upper-class, as well as how wealth in the United States became so imbalanced. We’ll explore topics
like homesteading, Reconstruction, immigration, political corruption, corporate consolidation, and more."
Medicare for All Costs Less, Works Better... Just Look at Canada... They Pay Less and Live Longer...
An Alien Waving at You... gvan42
Black and White Squiral...