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We Need an Energy Efficient Air Conditioner: We ought to Start a "Manhattan Project" to build our way out of Climate Change. Here are Two Worthy Ideas! gvan42

Last Summer we had Over a Week of 113 Degree Heat... and a Mighty BILL... as Global Warming becomes IN YOUR FACE REAL... People all Over the Earth will want to buy Air Conditioners... Especially Europe... Where the vast majority of people Do Not Own Air Conditioners... and Old People were Dying during the heat wave... and COST of Power is a Big Factor... What IF there was a Better Way?

Air conditioners are terrible for the environment, which is complicated by the fact that they’re increasingly necessary as outside temperatures increase. This could be one solution.

What IF We Made This a Practical Worldwide Solution? Maybe the Federal Government COULD Switch Funding for Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Use that Money to Do Good?

Share these Ideas with Your Elected Officials... Maybe they Could Work Smart! Pass Laws that Actually Make America Great... Ya Think? 

Contact Your Senators:

Contact Your Representative in the House:

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A Better Way to Cool Ourselves
A new technique doesn’t deprive us of fresh air. And because it uses less energy, it’s good for the climate as well. As an international collaboration of researchers from institutions in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Singapore, we developed a simple, cheap, scalable solution to keeping people comfortable without regulating indoor air temperature. Our technology relies on the concept of radiant heat transfer, which involves the cooling or heating of the surfaces surrounding people, instead of cooling or heating the air. We all experience radiant heat transfer, even if we’ve rarely heard the term. Radiant heating is the feeling of the hot sun on our face during a cool spring day. Radiant heating is the direct warmth of a campfire keeping us toasty during a cool summer night. Radiant cooling is the same physics, but in the opposite direction. Radiant heat always flows from warmer to cooler surfaces. Just as the campfire loses its heat to our cool skin, and we feel warm, on a hot summer day, we can surround our body with cold surfaces, and feel comfortable. We lose our body heat to the cool surfaces around us. In an initial demonstration of our radiant system that we installed in Singapore, called the “Cold Tube,” we made people feel cool with 100 percent fresh air using 50 percent less energy, and therefore, half the associated carbon emissions required by a typical air conditioner. In our latest research, we show that this technology can be used in every major climate zone, and would result in an average energy savings of 10–45 percent, while increasing ventilation substantially in critical spaces like public schools.

What WAS the Manhattan Project? Many People Will NOT Recognize the Name... SO... Here's a Link to Get Educated!

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