Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

PROPAGANDA: American Happiness Peaked in the 1950s BEFORE Television Brainwashing Convinced Us That We Were Unhappy Unless We Bought Their Plastic Crap.

The Movie PROPAGANDA States that Television is used to Brainwash People into Becoming Mindless Consumers... and that the Main Technique is to Convince Viewers that they Would Become Happy if They Simply Bought The Product Being Advertised...

Ever Notice that People DANCE Wildly With The Product in TV Ads? Ecstasy! Wayfair = BLISS! Instant Joy Thru Consumption...

is a 2012 New Zealand mockumentary[2] film directed by Slavko Martinov. It takes the view of the North Korean government and describes western media and culture as purely forms of propaganda.

This Film Uses Humor to Reveal Truth... Well Worth Watching...

refuse to buy plastic crap

How I Fight The Mind Control: I Mute the Sound Whenever a TV Commercial Starts... Then I Close my Eyes and Say a Prayer While Doing Deep Breathing. I Contact God Maybe 8 Times an Hour While Watching TV... and That's a Wonderful Thing to Do Instead of Absorbing Evil Messages Telling Me I'm Unhappy... and the Solution is to BUY! BUY! BUY!
"I Am the Slime From the Video" by Frank Zappa

and Even Weirder than Wayfair... The REAL REAL... Super Expensive "Designer" Merchandise 90% Off because it's Used... Because 90% of the Price of New Designer Merchandise is BOGUS!

Did You Know That There is an Entire Illegal Business Based on Using Stolen Credit Cards to buy Purses that Cost $600.00 and Reselling them Online...

The Worst Example of TV Advertising Brainwashing is PSYCH MEDS... because PSYCH MEDS Frequently Cause Mental Health Problems... That's More Customers for The Drug Companies... Try our Drug XYZ and if That Doesn't Help... Try our Drug EIEIO... Don't Worry, It's All Paid for by Insurance...

It Reminds me of "Soma" from the Book Brave New World...

Ever see an add for 1-800-GOT JUNK ??? That's a Business That Will Take Your Excess Plastic Crap Away... and the People That Use this Service Dance Wildly With Joy! We Consumed and it Failed to Make Us Happy but Now a Guy Will Haul Away all those Super Duper Excellent Purchases! WHEE!

I'm Angered by all the TV Ads for Prescription Medicine. Patients Pay for Those TV Ads in Higher Drug Prices... I Buy Doctor Drugs and Every time I See Some Crap being Promoted I Realize That They Took MY MONEY and Used it to Buy TV Ads.

and then there are the Endless Advertisements for Medicare Supplement Plans... That's Elder Abuse! When I Turned 65 I Had to Make Choices about My Medicare Insurance... I Could Not Understand the Cost vs Benefit of the Competing Insurance Companies... So I selected to Buy the Coverage Offered by the Labor Union I Belonged to When I was Working... I Figured that They Would Have Negotiated the best plan... SEIU is a Huge Union and Very Powerful... I find that My Sister In Law ALSO was Confused by Medicare Supplemental Plans... and She's been a Nurse for 40 Years... so she chose the plan offered by AARP because they are a Reputable Organization... However, Every time I see a TV AD Selling Medicare Supplemental Insurance I Have the Instinctive Emotion that I'm Getting Ripped OFF... and I Could Do Better... but I'm Afraid to Actually Call the 800 Number on My Screen because I Have the Gut Feeling That I'll be talking to a Hard Sell Telemarketer that'll try to Rip Me Off Even Worse!

also... Advertising and Mind Control is Used In ALL TV Shows... Especially TV NEWS... FOX uses the FEAR Reflex to Keep Viewers Watching... This Works Because a Million Years of Evolution Favored People That Were Afraid... and Vigilant... and Those People Had More Children that Survived to Adulthood... For Example: If a Member of the Tribe working as a Guard Said "DANGER DANGER" When a Sabre Toothed Tiger Approached People Sleeping... The People That WOKE UP and Got a Weapon to Defend Themselves Survived... and That Technique works Today... In Cave Man Days, Strangers Could Attack and Steal Food and Women...

TV NEWS Marketing Sells Hate of Strangers... and The Entire Republican Party Sells "Stranger Danger" - Look at Trump's Border Wall... Designed to Keep Brown Skinned People OUT of the USA...
and When Black People from Haiti Tried to Get In... We Bought 'em a One Way Airplane Ticket Right Back Where they Came From. That was a Democratic Party Action...

and it's Not Just FOX... All TV Shows Sell Fear... That way People will buy More GUNS... and More Burglar Alarm Systems... Look at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC... Endless Stories of Danger-Danger... and Stranger Danger...

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I took an Online Survey about Childhood Trauma and Recovery... and Had this to say: I don't know much about childhood trauma because I Had a Happy Childhood and everyone in my family did... Basically... we are good people and live our lives doing good... we are opposed to evil... and it's obvious to tell the difference... I believe we ought to arrest many more evil people and keep them incarcerated... that way they won't breed and their defective genes will not be passed on to the next generation...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Favorite Grateful Dead Concerts: I think that the Live Performances at Football Stadiums were Wonderful Experiences - It was Truly Amazing to be in a Huge Crowd High on LSD... I started in 1972 and Loved Every Era...

Stopped Going after the Fare Ye Well concerts... Attended Stadium Shows at JFK Philadelphia, RFK Washington DC, Three Rivers Pittsburgh and Levi Santa Clara... Of Course, My Favorite Show was Winterland 1974 when they filmed the movie... wall of sound...

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