David Hogg: Activist and Parkland shooting survivor is running to be Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee. He Wants Democrats To Hear Uncomfortable Truths

David Hogg:  Activist and Parkland shooting survivor is running to be Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee.

When will we OUTLAW GUNS, COLLECT GUNS and MELT GUNS? Murder at Superbowl Parade... and at a Houston Church... and... and... and... 

Please write to Your Senators and Representative in the US House and Say: 


I wrote... You Can Too!

When will we OUTLAW GUNS, COLLECT GUNS and MELT GUNS? Murder at Superbowl Parade... and at Houston Church... and... and... and... SO MANY DEAD!

Did You Know? Trump Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law. If a Person is Getting a Social Security Disability Check Due to INSANITY... That Fact Can Now Be Kept SECRET on a Gun Purchase Background Check...

Trump made it easier for the mentally ill to get guns when he rolled back Obama regulation...
President Donald Trump responded to the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings by insisting Monday that “mental illness pulls the trigger not the gun,” but shortly after taking office he quietly rolled back an Obama-era regulation that would have made it harder for people with mental illness to buy guns.

Trump did so without any fanfare. In fact, the news that Trump had signed the bill was at the bottom of a White House email that alerted the media to other legislation signed by the president.

And it came after the House and Senate, both of which were Republican-controlled at the time, passed a bill, H.J. Res 40, which revoked the Obama-era regulation.

This joint resolution nullifies the “Implementation of the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007” rule finalized by the Social Security Administration on December 19, 2016. The rule implements a plan to provide to the National Instant Criminal History Background Check System the name of an individual who meets certain criteria, including that benefit payments are made through a representative payee because the individual is determined to be mentally incapable of managing them. (Current law prohibits firearm sale or transfer to and purchase or possession by a person who has been adjudicated as a mental defective.)

OUTLAW ASSAULT RIFLES - Americans Have Had ENOUGH Murder. Put It To A Vote In Congress To Find Out Who Is EVIL.

Contact Congress and Tell 'em: "END THE MASS MURDER BY ASSAULT RIFLE. Pass a Bill to Outlaw Them!" 

melt guns meme by gvan42

outlaw guns meme by gvan42

BUY AMERICAN MONTH = Shop at a Thrift Store. Here's a Guide to The Best Values in the USA. Remember: REFUSE TO BUY CHINESE JUNK. The Profits are Donated to Charity... Fixing Broken American Lives!

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Stock Tip: Sell Exxon BP Chevron - Obviously ExxonValdez, BP and Chevron are Destroying The Planet... I switched my investments to Carrier and Trane because Air Conditioners are Wonderful... Old People Die in Extreme Heat!

meme stock - sell Exxon BP Chevron - When People Sell, The Price Goes Down...

Deepwater Horizon Disaster - Gulf of Mexico

#ArrestTrump - Contact the DOJ and Tell 'em "Do Your Job!" - Here's the Link to Email the Department of Justice.

They Won't Enforce the Law Unless You Tell 'em:

The Midterm Elections Are Over. 
The Time Has Come To #ArrestTrump.
No More Excuses, No Special Commissions.
TODAY Would be a Great Day to 

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Trump Received Money From Russia. GOP operative convicted of funneling Russian donation to Trump’s 2016 campaign. Why Hasn't Trump Been Arrested and Convicted for This Crime?

Republican political operative Jesse Benton was convicted in federal court of funneling $25,000 from a Russian businessman to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

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My Best Pictures - Psychedelic Art and Travel Photos of California by Gregory Vanderlaan - Felt Pen Drawings and Potatoshop Freakouts!

 While Reviewing the Thousands of Pictures I Stored in Google Drive... I Found these Gems!
Infinite Rainbow by gvan42
Infinite Rainbow 

More My Best Pictures: A Psychedelic Art Show & Travel Photographs of my Journeys in California... With Comments about What the Pictures Show!

Drawing of the CALM Medic Tent at the Rainbow Gathering California..
CALM Medic Tent at the Rainbow Gathering California... It was an Excellent Experience to Sit in the Forest and Draw... While Campers Walked By... CALM is a Volunteer Health Center... Most Famous for Healing Blisters on Feet... and Providing Hot Tea to Cure a Cough... 


Sacramento River near Chico... at Scotty's Boat Ramp and Bar...

Sacramento River near Chico... at Scotty's Boat Ramp and Bar... Plenty of Water. This swim reminded me that We let Fresh Water Just Flow out into the Ocean at the Golden Gate Bridge... What a Waste... We Ought to Pump the water onto fields to grow crops... 


The Human Be-In, also remembered as the “Pow Wow” & The Gathering of the Tribes, was held in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco 57 years ago on this day back in 1967, in which the world was invited to join in spiritual togetherness.

The Human Be-In, also remembered as the “Pow Wow” & The Gathering of the Tribes, was held in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco 57 years ago on this day back in 1967, in which the world was invited to join in spiritual togetherness. It is generally considered to be one of the most important events in the hippie/counter culture movement. A prelude to the San Francisco Summer of Love, the gathering promoted key ideas of the counterculture ... personal empowerment, cultural and political decentralization, communal living, ecological awareness, and higher consciousness. Music, dance, and spoken word conveyed these messages. It featured “All S. F. Rock Groups,” including the Grateful Dead, Big Brother & The Holding Company, Country Joe & The Fish, Quicksilver Messenger Service, and a host of others including LSD guru Timothy Leary, Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Richard Alpert (Ram Dass), Dick Gregory, Lenore Kandel, and Jerry Ruben. Timothy Leary, set the tone for the Human Be-In with his famous phrase "Turn on, Tune in, Drop out." Several different posters and handbills were made for the event. This one was designed by Stanley Mouse, Alton Kelley, and Michael Bowen. I am fortunate enough to have the original plates to the poster & handbill here in my archives!
Also seen here is the Original Artwork to the poster…just WoW!

This was another incredible event that helped usher in my involvement in the Hippie movement as a kid of just 16 years. It was a beautiful day in SF. LSD was provided en mass by the legendary chemist Owsley “Bear” Stanley, who was also the sound operator for the Grateful Dead and is the namesake behind the famous Grateful Dead dancing bears. The Diggers provided free food to the crowds, which were estimated in excess of 30,000. It was a day I will NEVER forget! This gathering changed a lot of lives.....

Kali Mandala by gvan42

Kali Mandala by gvan42

Hofmann Collection
The Albert Hofmann Collection is a collection of around 4,000 scientific articles related primarily to LSD, but also psilocybin, BOL (an obscure relative of LSD), and a handful of other psychoactive chemicals. These articles were nearly all cut from original journals and then bound with tape into 93 cloth bound binders. It covers almost all of the world's scientific literature about psychedelics through the early 1980s.
While Albert Hofmann was working at Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, where he first synthesized LSD, he and his staff collected any journal articles, news stories, and mentions of LSD that they could find, cutting them from journals or copying them, taping them into binders, and organizing them into a sequential physical library.
In 2001-2002, with Albert Hofmann's knowledge and permission, Erowid accepted the boxes of Hofmann's binders' from the Albert Hofmann Foundation. We carefully disassembled the binders and scanned the documents. The digital documents were entered into a database while the physical collection was returned to Switzerland. The result is this digital archive, The Albert Hofmann Collection, available to the public through Erowid.
Will post link to collection in comments

Remembering ALBERT HOFMANN (RIP) on his belated birthday! The Swiss scientist known best for being the first person to synthesize, ingest, and learn of the psychedelic effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). Hofmann was also the first person to isolate, synthesize, and name the principal psychedelic mushroom compounds psilocybin and psilocin. He authored more than 100 scientific articles and numerous books, including LSD: My Problem Child.
“It gave me an inner joy, an open mindedness, a gratefulness, open eyes and an internal sensitivity for the miracles of creation. I think that in human evolution it has never been as necessary to have this substance LSD. It is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be.” - Albert Hofmann, Speech on his 100th birthday

Malaria drug Trump touted as Covid cure increased chance of death.

Study calculated that there was an 11% increase in mortality associated with cases involving the use of hydroxychloroquine


meme - Anti Trump - GOP is Evil - gvan42 - share worldwide - we must Beat Trump in 2024

meme - Anti Trump - GOP is Evil - gvan42 - share worldwide - we must Beat Trump in 2024

meme - Anti Trump - GOP is Evil - gvan42 - share worldwide - we must Beat Trump in 2024

meme - Anti Trump - GOP is Evil - gvan42 - share worldwide - we must Beat Trump in 2024

meme - Anti Trump - GOP is Evil - gvan42 - share worldwide - we must Beat Trump in 2024

meme - Anti Trump - GOP is Evil - gvan42 - share worldwide - we must Beat Trump in 2024

meme - Anti Trump - GOP is Evil - gvan42 - share worldwide - we must Beat Trump in 2024

meme - Anti Trump - GOP is Evil - gvan42 - share worldwide - we must Beat Trump in 2024

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Difficult Question Jesus meme - gvan42

Border Problem meme - gvan42
Gregory Laan
The Catholic Church... Prohibiting Birth Control has CAUSED over-breeding and starving children... The Parents want a Better Life in a Country where they can FEED their Children...

The consequences of Over Breeding. meme gvan42
The consequences of Over Breeding. 

I am not exactly an Atheist but i have no respect for those who believe in Gods from Holy Books. The words describing any of these "Gods" basically describe them as super powerful human beings and therefore justify humanity being reckless and insane because that essentially is the only way that "Gods" are described. We are made in God's image and the only way to justify our tendencies towards cruelty and pure evil is by saying we are emulating and therefore honoring some inhumane supreme being. No one can describe or truly picture an all knowing and all powerful being so we instead make it out to be a being just like we are other than it is omniscient and super powered. It must be worshipped in order that we tolerate various degrees of indifference towards the welfare of humanity within ourselves and consider hatred and selfishness as holy and therefore desirable in ourselves.

and I said: 
reading about someone having a "Religious Experience" is so freaking LAME... Eat Psychedelics and have a religious experience yourself! Especially PEYOTE... It's Very similar to Moses and the Burning Bush...

<~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~>

My brother wrote: We Went To the annual memorial for those who died on the streets of San Francisco this past year. About 300 names read.

I was moved by this funeral... And Confused... I worked with homeless people for 7 years for the county of Humboldt and I had three clients die... Three... Of course that was a different era and Fentanyl had not been invented yet but... It seems like someone could be doing a better job of serving the homeless community...

One of my dead clients was an old wino sleeping in the rain and he died from exposure... He stayed at the mission a lot but they don't let you drink... He also stayed at the Humboldt County Jail a lot...

Another one of my dead clients was very rude when he was in the office... He was very angry all the time... And evidently he behaved like that out in the real world as well... Because he was mouthing off to a man that cut fish at The Cannery... And those fillet knives do an excellent job on murdering a loud mouth...

And the third client, took advantage of our transportation assistance program... Where we buy gas for your car so you can drive to some other location in the United States... Sadly... He took the money and bought heroin... And died...

I keep on thinking that the county of San Francisco probably has job openings for eligibility workers...

<~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~>

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