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Chevron's Absurd "Human Energy" Company Greenwashing. What Could That Possibly Mean? THE MATRIX??? Remember: Higher Gas Prices = Vast Profits = Price Gouging!

Chevron Corp posted its highest quarterly profit in 10 years as oil and gas prices surged... 

Corporate Greed is Causing Inflation... 

Is the Chevron Human Energy Greenwashing a MATRIX Movie Satire

This is an identity correction remix that turns Chevron's multi-million dollar Human Energy greenwashing PR blitz on its head. Though the video targets Chevron Oil and their Orwellian "Human Energy" campaign, it also focuses more broadly on corporate control of global oil supplies and the connection to aggressive American foreign policy. In this corrected commercial the company's true nature is exposed for what it is, a heartless profit-driven oil machine. The Chevron corporation is not only an ecological catastrophe around the world but still does business with the Burma dictatorship, has oil contracts in war-torn Iraq and is responsible for human rights atrocities in the Niger Delta, among other unpleasant and nasty things. This Political Remix Video is a critical and transformative work that constitutes a Fair Use in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. Source footage from Chevron TV ads, US Army ad, BBC News, Future Weapons, CSI and several other short clips recorded off television.

Absurd Chevron Human Energy Greenwashing Video

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