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Almost Everyone Knows What They Were Doing on New Years Eve 1999... Y2K... Where Were You? What Were You Doing?

I was in a Cheap Motel Room watching VH-1 Behind the Music... Drinking Heavily... They Broadcast about 6 Hours of That Show... AND I MISSED GOING TO AN AA MEETING THAT NIGHT. That must have been an EPIC Event... Our Plan in the Event of Global Economic Collapse was for Celia and I To Go Live on Her Mother's Farm - Way Out in the Country... 

Mark: you didn’t miss anything

Me: What did you do?

Mark: haha not much I think I just stayed home

Me: You Don't Know? Gee, to me it was an Important night. Y2K was a Global "Thing" - Thankfully, all the COBOL Programmers Came out of Retirement and Reprogrammed the World's Computers...

 Mark: yeah it was. You would think I would know. Yeah the Y2K issue turned out to be a lot about nothing

 Me: Due to The EPIC LABOR of COBOL Programmers They Averted Catastrophe - My First Wife Got a LOT of Free Lance Work that year... They Recognized that there was a Problem, Figured out what the Solution was... and Did It... and the Public knew nothing about it... they all thought it was HYPE...

 Mark: haha yeah I knew a lot of programmers too it did feel like hype.

Steve: I was drawing caricatures at Canyon Oaks Country Club.

 Kathi: I was working in an Irish pub serving beers...we were SLAMMED! Lol

Tracey: I was a kid and it was stupid. The end.

 Sandy: I was in Hollywood! My now-ex-boyfriend and I were staying in a motel room on Sunset Blvd, and we had big plans to go out the following night because there was a club that night that we drove all the way from San Jose to go to. We didn't want to go out on NYE because places would be too crowded, so we stayed in the motel and drank champagne. Then at midnight, we drove to where we could see the Hollywood sign, because they lit it up for the millennium.

Brett: I went to a concert hall where my uncles were playing music, it was an eagles or something or other, one of those shitty club bars lol, but I was like 18, lots of friends and family were there who are no longer with us. We all got hammered, I don't know if there was a sober person in the place. My brother fell down and tried to hold on to a table with like a hundred drinks on it and tipped it over lol. Good times.

Me: I guess You Partied Like It was 1999...

Deborah: I was celebrating with my 3 young kids.....informing them about History and all kinds of various things other countries did to celebrate the "new year"....We watched all kinds of educational things on TV...Their Father had fallen asleep on the couch - so we covered him in Glitter to celebrate the date....It was a good night! LOL...♥️

Tim: Broadcasting the end of the world show on F.A.K.E.Radio

Travis: I was at the Pontiac silver dome watching Metallica, Kid Rock and Ted Nugent.

Shivendu: At home with family.

Stevie: The Stevie Cook Band was playing a new years show at Feather Falls Casino. Right about midnight all the power went off. We thought "Oh no, this Y2K thing really happened!" It turned out that a car had run into a power pole.

Ken: Shiiiiid idk wat I was doing last week 😒

Stratocaster Drawing - Free Coloring Book by gvan42

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