Lefty Leaks is An Alternative to WikiLeaks... This Twitter Account shows all the Examples of "The Left" doing Dastardly Deeds... Liberals EXPOSED! - Actually, no leaks are posted... Maybe it's Satire? Maybe they JUST FAILED...


Victor Koman: It's been around awhile, but I don't think anyone has posted anything of value on it (yet). It's probably just an attempt (without any dedicated followup) to encourage disgruntled leftists to leak. But, as we know, the left maintains brutal party discipline upon its accolytes, who Know The Price For Failure (as Ernst Stavro Blofeld of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. described it). And the mainstream media won't publicize or reward the anti-Deep State leaker the way they do with anti-Trump leakers/fake-news-generators.
I notice you're its only follower. I'll follow too, so we can be fellow travelers, comrade!

Gregory Laan: Global Awakening is Real and Happening Now - gvan42

Gregory Laan: Are there any Specific Examples of Fake News? Seems Like The Fake News Generators are Imaginary... a Paranoid Delusion... By The Way, I Wonder WHO Leaked the Trump/Ukraine Phone Call to the Whistleblower... My Guess is Kellyanne Conway... She and George Conway Might have Orchestrated the whole thing... THE LEAK WAS DONE BY A TRUMP EMPLOYEE INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE... WHO DUNNIT?

Victor Koman: Gregory — Yes, that's why pro-Liberty candidates are beating socialist candidates worldwide!

Gregory Laan I don't think Socialism would work in the USA. Socialism works great in Scandinavia, where all the people are White... and Socialism Works great in Israel, where all the people are Jewish... but... I feel that the USA, Socialism would fail... since we have Black people and Hispanic People and Asian People... The colored folk would just lay about and suck up the FREE FOOD! FREE SHELTER!

Gregory Laan It has become obvious to me that there IS NO DEEP STATE. That's a Paranoid Delusion... There are NO Leftist Fake News Generators... That's just a Trick to Discredit Anyone That reports Truth that Makes Trump look bad... Since he CAN"T DISPUTE THE MESSAGE, He attacks the Messenger...

MEME - Kellyanne Conway was the leaker of the Trump/Ukraine Phone Call - gvan42

Victor Koman: Pete Buttigieg pulled out early? I'm so disappointed. However, his and Tom Steyer's withdrawal prior to Super Tuesday supports my opposition to extended voting, especially in primaries. In California, we have had voting by mail since Feb. 3rd (everyone gets a mail-in ballot now) and in-person voting since Feb. 22nd. Think about everyone who may have voted for Pete or Tom already (or Andrew Yang or Marianne Williamson, for that matter). Their votes are essentially wasted.
If they had only one day to vote — Tuesday, March 3rd — they would have been able to pick a second choice (or third, fourth, or fifth as the candidates continue to fall) and have their vote count for something. Instead, they are disenfranchised by this process that serves no purpose but to allow California democrats to virtue signal that they care about everyone voting, when in fact they are cancelling votes for innumerable early voters.
It will be interesting come Tuesday to see how many votes each of the dropouts receive. How many of them would have voted for Biden because they wanted to vote against Sanders? How many of them would have voted the other way around, for similar reasons? And how angry will they be at the whole system when they realize that their votes really don't matter to the very people who urged them to Vote Early?
If you are the voting type, for your own sake — and the sake of your sacred vote — always vote on Election Day itself. After all, with the speed of news these days, an October Surprise could now occur as late as the First Monday!
Vote once... vote twice... for Bill McKay!

Jennifer Siebel Newsom For President 2024. She would make a WONDERFUL POTUS and Gavin would be First Man. WHAT A TEAM!

Jennifer Siebel Newsom 4 POTUS 2020 gvan42
Jennifer Siebel Newsom 4 POTUS 2024

Gavin Newsom and Jennifer Siebel for President 2024... It will be like JFK and Jackie Kennedy - CAMELOT 2.0 - Gavin is Smart, Digital, Has Work Experience Running California, LGBTQ Friendly...

Gavin Newsom and Jennifer Siebel for President 2024
Imagine Having a First Lady We Can Be Proud Of...
OR... Imagine if She was President and we had a First Man we could be Proud Of...

Are You UNHAPPY Living in California? Why Not GTFO? Move to the Beautiful Oregon Coast. It's Cool and Rainy and HAS NO WILDFIRES.

Instead of Trying to Recall Gavin Newsom, Why Not Get Up On Your Own Two Strong Legs and FIX YOUR OWN PROBLEMS? The Cost of Housing is 1/4 What It Is in The Cities of California. Taxes are Lower. People with "Conservative Values" are Tolerated. Instead of Being Unhappy with MAJORITY RULE... When People Like You ARE THE MINORITY, why not Solve Your Own Troubles by Going to Live in a Place where there are Plenty of Loggers, Fishermen and Farmers... and very few Hippies, High Tech Wizards or Gays!

Ever Hear of an Author Named Ayn Rand? She recommends Taking Responsibility For Your Own Life... Instead of Complaining That Your Candidate Lost The Election... Take Action! MOVE! If You Can't Figure Out How to Earn a Living in Oregon, Why Not Try Idaho?  I've Been there and It's GREAT! Lots of Computer Factories in Boise... OR... You Could Own a Ski Resort in the Sawtooth Mountains... Or Work at a Resort... Lead Hunting Trips in the Summer...

The Possibilities are Endless! Once You Stop Whining... Such Crybabies! FORGE YOUR OWN DESTINY! When I Needed to Take Action, I Left San Jose and Moved to Washington, DC and Became a Defense Contractor Designing Equipment for the USAF. Made Me Proud to Know that I Was Helping Protect the USA from Enemies... AND... High Pay!

Deport Melanija Knavs, FLOTUS. Send her and her Chain Migration Parents right back where they came from! She is a classic example of Foreigners taking jobs away from Real Americans. New Jersey Working Girls could have done the job of Presidential Prostitute... "HO" Of The United States (HOTUS)

One problem I foresee with ICE rounding up Illegal Aliens is: Will they be rounding up American Citizens who just happen to LOOK LIKE Illegal Aliens (Hispanic)? What if you get deported IN ERROR? What if you left your Driver Licence in your other pants? Vaya Con Dios! Adios Chico!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Infinite Rainbow Compact Mirror FOR SALE!

A Rainbow Circle Twisted in Potatoshop to Create an Infinity Sign Floating Over a Cosmic Background... EYE CANDY... 
Deport Melanija Knavs, FLOTUS. Send her and her Chain Migration Parents right back where they came from! from r/politics

How to Make Money and Campaign Against Mad King Donald the Corrupt AT THE SAME TIME! Google Pays People to Allow Advertisements on Blogs. Whenever a Person Clicks on an ad in YOUR BLOG, You Get Paid.

I Remember that it Felt Wonderful to get a Check from Google. YOU CAN DO IT TOO! Simply Write a Popular Blog and Allow Google to Advertise on it using an AdSense Gadget.

Arrest Trump - Lock Him UP!

Stock Market Crashes Again Today 2/28/2020... DJIA - 961 Points... Trump is Currently Causing Global Economic Collapse... Good Luck in Your New Career as a Subsistence Farmer... I Hear They are Hiring Hunters and Gatherers TOO... 

EXORCISM at the WHITE HOUSE. A Million Patriots Need To Surround it and Demand That Trump RESIGN NOW! JOIN US For A Spiritual Healing Ceremony... Spread The Word! Beat the Drums, Blow A Whistle, Burn Some Sage, Chant, Sing and Dance All Day and All Night Until The EVIL ONE IS DRIVEN OUT... MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE! If You Cannot Come To Washington DC, Stage an Exorcism in Your Own Home Town.

"Truth Trumps Trump's Lies" Embroidered Baseball Cap
For Sale! 

Here ---> https://gvan42.blogspot.com/ <--- is a Bunch of FREE Words and Pictures to Help You Get Started. Copy and Paste ANYTHING You See Here onto your own Blog. And Then Write Your Own... Have FUN! Do Good! and GET Paid! You Can Also Blog About ANY OTHER SUBJECT That You Want To... Surprisingly, My Most Popular Blog Post is about Anti-Coal Mine Tree-Sit Protest in Germany... 

Click Here to Get Started---> https://www.blogger.com

A good Way to Attract Visitors is to Post a Few Words and a Small Picture about Your Blog and a LINK to READ MORE on Social Media... Do it For Every Individual Post as a Way to Get Your Words of Wisdom on Facebook, GAB, Ello, Mastodon, Twitter, Tumblr, Minds and Wordpress... They will let you post for free... You have the Satisfaction of Posting Your Opinions where Millions Can Read and BECOME EDUCATED. Your Country Needs You to HELP THROW DONALD TRUMP OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE AND INTO PRISON. Get Busy! Remember: Always use Large Bold Type so People Can Read it on a Phone. 

I accepted Google's $150 worth of Free "Search" Advertising... and... NOTHING HAPPENED to Improve my Online Business. ZERO Increase in Sales of My Stuff... SO, I Stopped Using ADWORDS before I Had to Pay Actual Money... They Say I Had 233 More Visitors to My Store but... Sales Remained the Same...

My Van at Bidwell Park in Chico, CA in the Redwood Grove - Picnic Area 37
My Ford Windstar Van at Bidwell Park in Chico, CA
in the Redwood Grove - Picnic Area 37

Hey TrumpNiks: Afraid of Hearing Truth? Do you Refuse to Allow anyone to Play in your Sandbox unless THEY OBEY Trump's Commands? If You're So Smart Why Aren't You Rich? I Am... I Made a Fortune Designing Computers and Now I'm Retired With Servants That Cook, Clean and Drive me around... and I Refuse To OBEY... That's for Employees, not Employers...
Click on the Picture to See it Bigger!
Hey TrumpNiks - WAKE UP Meme - Get more Memes at Google image Search Keywords: gvan42 MEME

Find more at Google Image Search
using the Keywords: gvan42 free coloring book 
or click on this link!

Support the Troops - Bring 'em Home Embroidered Baseball Cap
Support the Troops - Bring 'em Home Embroidered Baseball Cap
by gregvan

The Swirly Background Allows Plenty of Space to Write Your MANIFESTO... Or The Great American Novel... WhatEVER!

"Art in the Time of Coronavirus" Poster
by gregvan

Help Us Defeat tRUMP by Sharing These MEMEs on Social Media! #DumpTrump Volunteers Needed World Wide! --- When He CAUSES Global Economic Collapse, You Won't Be Having Fun Either!

Trump is ANTI-CHOICE. His Plan is to Make Abortion Illegal and FORCE Women to Give Birth to Unwanted Children. It's BACK TO THE COATHANGER WITH TRUMP.


MORE: https://gvan42.blogspot.com/search?q=MEME

tRUMP Bring on the Hookers MEME gvan42
Find More MEMEs
at Google Image Search

Keywords: "gvan42 MEME"
Just Like The Russians Did in 2016, We Can Be A Troll Farm!
Free #DumpTrump MEME gvan42.blogspot.com pirate like share print copy paste

Trump's "Clean Coal" does not actually exist. We have a choice between Really Really Really Bad Pollution or Really Bad Pollution at High Cost. Murray Energy's "Wish List" became Trump's TO-DO List... Obvious Bribery... One Million Dollar Donation Buys Trump's Support of Coal Mining Businesses... and then in October 2019 - Murray Energy goes bankrupt


Free #DumpTrump MEME gvan42.blogspot.com pirate like share print copy paste
DEPORT Melanija Knavs, FLOTUS
Help Defeat Trump по Разделяя эти бесплатные мемов в социальных сетях ... Это особенно весело, чтобы скопировать и вставить в Republicriminal группы! Напомните им, что их мальчик является Прелюбодеем ... После того, как все, Trump получил «Маллиган» для Boinking порнозвезды While Замужем! Потому что Моисей был «Шучу» О тех заповедях!

QAnon Sucks!

Remember: Trump is Destroying America AND YOUR COUNTRY TOO. He Subsidizes BURNING COAL to Generate Electricity.  Polluting the Air and then Wind Blows the SMOG all over the Earth.

Free #DumpTrump MEME gvan42.blogspot.com pirate like share print copy paste

POP QUIZ! What Do These People Have in Common?
Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Paul Erickson = Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty
If You Can't Spot The Trend, You Might Be a TrumpNik!
[You Can Certainly Copy and Paste The Words Above into Social Media Posts... as a Snappy Rebuttal to Propaganda]

Free #DumpTrump MEME gvan42.blogspot.com pirate like share print copy paste
Free #DumpTrump MEME gvan42.blogspot.com pirate like share print copy paste
Free #DumpTrump MEME gvan42.blogspot.com pirate like share print copy paste

EXORCISM at the WHITE HOUSE. A Million Patriots Need To Surround the White House and Demand That Trump RESIGN NOW! JOIN US For A Spiritual Healing Ceremony... Spread The Word!

Beat the Drums, Blow A Whistle, Burn Some Sage, Chant, Sing and Dance All Day and All Night Until The EVIL ONE IS DRIVEN OUT... 
MEME - Trump is Insane gvan42
If You Cannot Come To Washington DC,
Stage an Exorcism in Your Own Home Town.


****** (~);-} ******

Watch The Keiser Report: An Insightful Business Show on RT - Max and Stacy look at the interest being paid by THE FED TO BANKS on "excess reserves" now adding up to $36 billion per year in taxpayer subsidies to banks – i.e., straight-up welfare.

 and... "t0 th3 M00n" - Bitcoin History - Max and Stacy Explain What It's All About! - If you want a Currency that DOES NOT NEED THE PERMISSION OF THE US GOVERNMENT, Bitcoin is for YOU.


POP QUIZ! What Do These People Have in Common?
Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Paul Erickson = Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty
If You Can't Spot The Trend, You Might Be a TrumpNik!

****** (~);-} ******

Amy McGrath for Senate in Kentucky... Beat #MoscowMitch! He is a Corrupt TrumpNik Obeying His Master, Vladimir Putin - Register and Vote! Throw OUT the Corrupt Old White Men. Like and Share Her Website Address Worldwide! Campaign For Amy on Social Media...

Trump's "Clean Coal" does not actually exist. We have a choice between Really Really Really Bad Pollution or Really Bad Pollution at High Cost.

Robert Murray Energy's "Wish List" became Trump's TO-DO List... Obvious Bribery... One Million Dollar Donation Buys Trump's Support of Coal Mining Businesses... and then in October 2019 - Murray Energy goes bankrupt

Even With Political Bribery... The Fundamental Failure of COAL as a source of Electric Power is Undeniable... Wind, Solar have Initial Startup Costs and then TRULY FREE Operation from then on... The Wind Blows Forever... The Sun Shines Forever... and if they STOP, we have bigger problems than How to Create Electricity... 


Click and Enjoy the Bliss!

Trump DID Sign the "Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law." H.J. RES 40 - That's His Main Accomplishment... People who are Getting a Social Security Disability Check DUE TO INSANITY no longer have that fact reported on a Gun Purchase Background Check...

Q: Did President Donald Trump repeal a rule that aims to block some people with mental disorders from buying guns?

A: Yes. The Social Security Administration is no longer required to submit the names of certain mentally disabled beneficiaries to a federal agency that conducts gun background checks.


MEME - Trump DID Sign the "Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law." H.J. RES 40 - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
MEME - Trump DID Sign
the "Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law." H.J. RES 40 



But That's Not All... Trump Also Signed the "Tax Cut For The Rich Law" That has Caused Massive Increase in the National Debt... and "Just by Co-Incidence" the Stock Market Crash of 2020... Notice that The Ebola Virus DID NOT Cause a Massive Loss on the Stock Market... WHY? 

Original Art For Sale... 

Domino Theory - Not so absurd anymore... Consider this scenario: If Wall Street in the USA fails due to bonehead mortgage lending... and the USA stock market self-destructs...

that will cause the Hong Kong Bonsai market to collapse... the collapse of the Hong Kong Bonsai will cause the German Gotterdammerung Market to falter bringing down the London Picadilly Circus... With currency values plummeting so fast that the pound will only be usefull as toilet paper, the Brazilian ALCOOL futures market will boil over and leave a stinking mess on the floor. As everyone knows, Brazilian ALCOOL is directly related to college frat party drinking of ethanol right from the pump causing widespread panic among people over thirty. Since people over thirty are about half of the investors in feng-shui arrangement services, that entire business will effortlessly re-arrange itself into a zen masterpiece drawn in sand that subsequently gets washed away when the tide rushes in... The other half of the investors in feng-shui services (people under thirty) will start texting each other frantically causing an email flash mob to converge at  the corner of 34th and Vine, Los Angeles...  there they will demand little bottles of "Love Potion #10"... even though they have never even downloaded the song! RRRRIOT control special forces from Blackwater Incorporated will tazer the mob and they will all be taken away to secret government prison camps located in the Trinity Alps. Displaced Marijuana farmers, freaked out by the sudden population increase of texting nerds,  will stop making their income tax payments, get a haircut and get a real job. This will disrupt the delicate balance of power between the Mexican Mafia, the Russian Mafia and the actual Mafia.

In order to keep the balance and prevent the end of Western Civilization,  the US government nationalized the banking industry by purchasing banks for $700 billion dollars... causing Communism to have won... The means of production are now owned by the people! Or at least, the financing of production is now owned by the people... or the government... or someone... not you... not me either...

So, you can see that "The Domino Theory" was accurate!
If your pizza takes more than thirty minutes to deliver, you get $3.00 off the price.

If you have never heard of the Domino Theory...
During the late 1960's a bizarre concept arose among wacky think-tank dwellers,  Supposededly, if we lost the Vietnam war, then countries near Vietnam would fall to communism... First Vietnam, then Cambodia, the Laos, then Thailand and they would keep on falling like dominos until Mexico fell and we had communists at our border...

Sure, with 20-20 hindsight we can see that this theory was totally false, but at the time, it was widely believed by the gullible masses... 

The Swirly Background Allows Plenty of Space to Write Your MANIFESTO... Or The Great American Novel... WhatEVER!

"Art in the Time of Coronavirus" Poster
by gregvan


Bicycle Power Generator converts human fat into electricity.

By riding the exercise bike, a person spins the generator creating power. Designed and Built by the Humboldt State University Campus Center for Appropriate Technology, this generator is used to power the public address system at SLAMFEST and many other gatherings on campus.

The electricity is stored in a standard auto battery for use later. more info at:
The Pedal Power how to link above gives detailed construction instructions for building your own… including details of an inverter to power 110 v AC devices…
Video Of Chico, CA Bicycle Powered Concert. Very Good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9mTnMB2wqc

tRUMP Caused the Stock Marked Crash of 2020... FACT: Obama was an Economic Genius and Caused the Stock Market to Go Way UP... Starting on March 6th, 2009... Notice Reality, TrumpNiks...

MEME Obama Stock Market Went UP gvan42
Mark Dias: This is scary. You think the market cratered when Obama was elected, I shudder to think what the reaction of the market would be with a Sanders presidency. I never thought the country would embrace a candidate inculcated in the philosophy of liberation theology, and now we are headed towards a path of socialism, and this notion of Democratic Socialism is poppycock, Bernie wants to make everyone equal, an ideology that doesn’t worked.

MEME Trump Failed - Stock Market Crash of 2020 - gvan42
Trump Failed - Stock Market Crash of 2020

Did the Ebola Virus Cause the Stock Market to Crash Like Coronavirus is DOING in 2020?
Well, Not Very Much... Obama Handled the Crisis MUCH better than Trump Has...
DJIA CHART - Ebola Virus Effect was Mild... MEME - gvan42
Note the Dip on October 14th, 2014

Mark Dias: I follow this stuff pretty closely. Did the market go up during Obama? Absolutely. But not in the beginning. It took awhile but businesses did well. But in the beginning, the market cratered. Obama was president for eight years. My contention is the market would have even gone higher if Obama had not brought so much uncertainty to the market, but yes the market cratered when he was first elected.

Gregory Laan: Obama was an Economic Genius... George Bush the Son CAUSED the economic meltdown... So, Maybe it took Obama Until March 6th, 2009 to UNDO the Disaster of a Republican President... So What? I STILL LIKE MIKE! Not Bernie... Socialism may work great in Scandinavia but.... I Prefer WINNING A FORTUNE ON THE STOCK MARKET...

Gregory Laan: Less than TWO MONTHS... January 20th to March 6th, 2009... a Casual observer would think that Obama Caused the Stock Market to Crater... but... If you are driving a Hundred miles an hour towards a cliff and you slam on the brakes... and AVOID GOING OVER THE CLIFF... I would say, "Good Job, President Obama."

****** (~);-} ******

Victor Koman: “All animals are equal... But some are more equal than others.”George Orwell - Animal Farm
Under every form of socialism, the statists are always the ruling class, no matter how “ethical” they may seem.
Re Sanders, the FEC just sent his campaign 500+ pages of suspected financial violations... 

Gregory Laan: I do like the Books of Orwell... 1984 is so Relevant today with the TRUMP LIE FACTORY - a Classic Example of "Double Think"

Victor Koman: Gregory — Um, it's Sanders and the other socialists in the democrat party who are the Ministry of Truth, dude. Sanders is the apologist for the communism that Orwell saw and was repulsed by. If you think otherwise, YOU suffer from DoublePlus DoubleThink!

Victor Koman: Gregory — Bloomberg is the actual, living version of everything the left lies about Trump: Bloomberg is racist, sexist, and brutally authoritarian. Look into him a little deeper than his TV ads and newsfeeds from The Establishment.

Gregory Laan: Mike did a GREAT Job as Mayor of NYC... Stop and Frisk Reduced Crime... for a while and when it stopped working, Mike Stopped Doing it... You say He is Racist? Well, I'm Racist... Racism is Accurate... You says he's Sexist? Well, I"M Sexist... Sexism is Accurate... Look a Little Deeper into what we Jokingly Call REALITY... tRUMP Will Bankrupt the USA if Re-Elected... CAUSING GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE.

Gregory Laan: Are there ANY Specific Examples of "The Left" Lying About Trump? I Do Not Recall any Actual Statements... CAN YOU? 

****** (~);-} ******

Mark Dias: The market is down in correction territory because of the Coronavirus. This virus is different than the other viruses in the past such as SARS . The other viruses were short-lived and contained. The Coronavirus is an exogenous event that is having a material impact on the supply chain. It is worrisome when the head of the CDC states it could be a year before any cure is found. I would normally be a buyer of equities when the market drops 10%, but for the moment, I will wait. I won’t be a seller because panic selling is the worst decision one can make. Companies are already starting to lower earnings guidance because of disruptions in supply.

Needless to say, this Coronavirus is not good a good thing, but that is the risk we take to earn higher yields.

Of course, this may not bode well for Trump’s re-election as people always vote with their pocket book.

We can take comfort, however, in the quote by a famous Persian poet

“This too shall pass”

****** (~);-} ******

Scott McCord: I can see a scenereo where Trump isn't hurt and even benefits:

The market was going to correct and the economy cycle sooner or later, it may happen, but could be seen in this case as a result that isn't Trump's fault, in this case, he could avoid being blamed for a market/economy slowdown that he would have otherwise been blamed for if it had happened as a natural cycle on his watch (arguably not his fault in that case either, but as you said, the captain takes the fall when the ship runs aground....

Mark Dias: Scott McCord I might agree with you if he can convince the country of that. If companies start laying off I wonder how the narrative will unfold

Michael McCarty: Donald, of course, has championed the Stock Market as solid proof of his genius. That without him, in the Oval Office, the markets would tank. To do this, he has taken credit for the market he inherited, while at the same time, ridiculing Obama for the behaviour of the market under Barack's stewardship.
His claim has been, that under anyone else, the Stock Market would be in peril. We'd all be doomed.
Well of course that is all bulshit, and everyone knows it. That is his magic. Does anyone think he will take credit for the market failing? Do you think his base is going to abandon him? Of course not. He will just change the subject, the narrative. He will continue to bully and demean people. To further divide the nation. To lie about everything. And that will, as it long has, work.

Mark Dias: Michael McCarty but all presidents do that. Clinton did and he rode the wave of the Bush and Reagan years. So, I just call that politics

Michael McCarty: Certainly they all do it to some degree. When you have lemons, you make lemonade, when you have gravy, you buy some potatoes. No one compares to what Trump has been doing. No one.

Michael Dodd: Just my two cents: Trump needs to quit being an idiot and not talk about things he knows nothing about, his interviews about nCov are stupid— just like him. Moreover putting Mike Pence in charge of his response team to nCov is ridiculous. He’s putting the guy, who saw the largest HIV outbreak in Indiana (which was COMPLETELY preventable mind you), in charge of the response. This is crazy— but it’s real life.

Mark Dias: Michael Dodd well, I can’t disagree with you this. True

Michael Dodd: Mark Dias also, I don’t think this will kill his re election campaign. You know more about the economics. But now he has a scapegoat, the economy is bad because of the pandemic....

Sheldon Cooper: Prob is he put dodo Pence in charge and has 100% muzzled all drs and CDC. Pence knows 0 about medicine and has even said cigarette smoking doesn't cause cancer. It is insane to stop communication from the people directly involved in dealing with the disease.

****** (~);-} ******

Lefty Leaks is An alternative to WikiLeaks... This Twitter Account shows all the Examples of "The Left" doing Dastardly Deeds... Liberals EXPOSED! - Actually, no leaks are posted... Maybe it's Satire? Maybe they JUST FAILED... https://twitter.com/leftyleaks

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