Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Как связаться с сенатором, даже если вы не живете в США. Trump является GLOBAL ОПАСНО, и все мы должны работать вместе и сказать им #IMPEACH. Просто Притворись жить в их районе ...

How to Contact a Senator EVEN IF YOU DON'T LIVE IN THE USA. tRUMP is a GLOBAL DANGER and we all need to work together and tell them to #IMPEACH. Simply Pretend to Live in Their District...

Congress uses Internet FORMS that require a VALID Postal Address and Telephone number... I use Google Maps to find out that information... Using a Restaurant in the area served by that Elected Senator... I Emailed ALL 100 Senators and Told them I Thought tRUMP Should Be Impeached... You Can TOO!

For Example: When I wanted to write to the Senator From Alaska... I focused the map on Anchorage... and SEARCHED for a Restaurant NEARBY... and I Found the International House of Hotdogs... GOOD ENOUGH!

map - how to find a valid address in Alaska

I use my own name and my own email address. But you could fake those also... is the place to start... There is a drop down menu of STATES that this allows you to look up any Senator. is the place to start your research for a Representative to the House. Use a ZIP CODE... 

I also used a Map showing the States of the USA and Checked Each one off and I emailed ALL OF THE SENATORS... It's Difficult to remember which ones I Had Already Emailed... So I Used The Map! It Took a Couple Of Weeks to Do it... BUT... IT SEEMS TO HAVE WORKED BECAUSE THEY ARE IMPEACHING tRUMP NOW! 

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