Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

ExxonMobilShellBPHalliburtonDowDuPont is Just SUPPLYING WHAT CUSTOMERS WANT. It's the BUYING of Gasoline that's Destroying our Planet. It's the BUYING of Plastic... It's the RUNNING of the Air Conditioner...

It's the Farming Marijuana INDOORS using Grow Lights instead of OUTDOORS in the Free Sunshine... STOP THAT! All that Electricity has to come from somewhere and currently that means burning Natural Gas, Coal or Nukes. About Half Electricity is made using Solar, Hydro and Wind but... Half Isn't! If we just USE LESS there is LESS POLLUTION... Less drilling... Less Fracking... Less Plastic in the Ocean... Fewer Giant Flares burning "waste" gas at refineries and Oil Wells... There would be NO NEED to build a Pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico... #NODAPL...  

The Entire Concept of "CITY" needs to be re-done. People drive vast distances to get to their Slave Jobs in Silicon Valley... There is an Alternative. Look at Chico, California. Small Town built around a University. People prefer to Ride Bicycles because Parking is a REAL Hassle... It's entirely possible to live a CARFREE life there... Some people keep a car for use in Emergencies, like Parents who might have to RUSH to the School to Pick up their Kids... But, the bottom line is Vastly Less Gasoline Purchased because even if you drive to work it's a maximum of ten miles.  

Remember: Nobody Drives Any More, Too Much Traffic!

WHAT IF we stopped living in Cities and Moved out to small towns. All those office jobs could be done in abandoned shopping malls... I remember walking around downtown San Francisco and wondering "What do all these people DO in those Skyscrapers?" They suffer absurd Commutes from Tracy or Sacramento to go sit in a cubical and type on a computer... WELL, Computers Can Be Located Anywhere... I remember that Eureka, California got the Contract to ANSWER THE PHONES and help people apply for Obamacare. All phone work ought to be done in rural USA. Customers HATE talking to people in India to get answers on the Phone. 

We need to END Trump's Crazy Trade War and Put Farmers Back to Work. The Trade War is Literally Killing Americans. Farmer Suicide is Much Higher than it was when Obama was President. 

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