American History: Scooter Libby! Pardoned by Trump for his OUTING of CIA Agent Valerie Plame... I remember that scandal very well...

Bush the Son kept on saying he was going to FIND OUT WHO DID IT and kept on pretending that Democrats committed Treason when OOPS, it was his own man who did the dirty deed... and it was all over her husband's exposing Bush the Son's failure to commit forgery effectively in their attempt to "prove" Saddam Hussein bought Yellowcake uranium from Nigeria... Total Loss of Face for Evil Republicans... 

That reminds me of How G W Bush (the son) couldn't find Osama Bin Laden... He Looked and Looked and Looked but just couldn't find him anywhere... And then Barack Obama Just Killed Him... I Believe G W Bush was Just PRETENDING to Look... and They Really Had a Secret Deal arranged by their Oil Business Friends to Let Osama GET AWAY WITH MURDER!

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