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Save the Mattole Ancient Forest... An Ecology Group Staging Tree Sits in Douglas Fir Forests of Humboldt County, California...

Sanctuary Forest is a land and water trust whose mission is to conserve the Mattole River watershed and surrounding areas for wildlife habitat and aesthetic, spiritual and intrinsic values, in cooperation with our diverse community.

The Mattole Watershed
The Mattole River begins its journey to the sea from its headwaters located approximately 200 miles north of San Francisco, near the town of Whitethorn on California’s Lost Coast.  Draining 300 miles of rugged mountains and forests, it flows sixty-six miles northwest to Petrolia where it empties into the Pacific Ocean.
Forest Defenders' Blockade in Mattole Raided by Paramilitary-style Security... 
A long-standing logging road blockade defending the Rainbow Ridge in the Mattole River watershed was raided in recent days, but activists are still in the woods and on the road, struggling to hold the line.
Tree Sitters Protest Sierra Pacific Industries Clearcut Logging...
Forest Defenders in Humboldt County took to the trees on forestland owned by Sierra Pacific Industries, California's most massive clear cutter and largest landowner. They are defending old growth and mature trees on a timber plan very close to where they have been defending forests on Humboldt Redwood Co. land.

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