Scott Pruitt is afraid to fly coach on airplanes because the other people hate him and attack verbally... [The Head of the Environmental Protection Agency]

He has to fly First Class because the Rich People like him and do not threaten him... It's true that HE is opposed to Protecting the Environment and is a paid puppet of Corporations that want to save money by removing regulations that require that they dispose of toxic waste responsibly. It's more profitable to pollute. During the Trump Era over 700 employees have resigned at the EPA... AND... none have been replaced. Trump's mission is to dismantle the EPA and increase profits for the Stockholders of Polluting companies. For example: Monsanto sells a lot of ROUNDUP herbicide in the USA and IT IS A KNOWN CARCINOGEN. I see Lawyer advertisements on TV often that ask if you want to sue Monsanto for damages to your health... A class action lawsuit of the victims of environmental disaster. They show a map where ROUNDUP was sprayed and California's Central Valley was colored in... Real People are getting sick... Mostly Hispanic Farmworkers... Corporations feel that it's more important to make a profit than save human lives... Especially Hispanics... And if those people complain, Trump will send ICE out to harass them with threats of deportation. Why does Trump hate Mexicans so much? Immigration and Customs police have dramatically increased the number of arrests. AND... Trump CAUSED the DACA problem. He intentionally repealed Obama's law that protected "Dreamers"... Why? And why has FEMA failed so badly in Puerto Rica? Did Puerto Ricans Mug Donald as a Child in Queens? Is that why he hates them? Or was he a member of the "JETS" street gang just like in the Musical "West Side Story"?

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