"Alien Spaceport", "Mind Sprout" and 10 other trippy images. Remember, Impeach Trump Now

Alien Spaceport

and then, my mind sprouted

Digital Rainbow Squiral

Eureka Fireworks

Greetings from Planet Earth

Mister Blinky

Mystic Crystal Revelations

Bolt of Energy

Peace thru Art

Question Reality

The Doors of Perception

Bug Eyed Monster looking at you
Earthday Everyday
Heart Art
Humboldt County California
Star of David - Four Winds

Remember, Impeach Trump Now. It's June 2017 and today and tomorrow we will hear testimony from the Director of the National Intelligence and the fired Head of the FBI on Capital Hill. It should be interesting as they may address the possibility of Trump's Obstruction of Justice. That could lead to impeachment and Mike Pence as president. He's a really quiet man in comparison to The Donald.

Well, in today's testimony they won't say anything... Both the DNI and the head of the NSA avoided answering questions about what President Trump told them. Sort of like the investigations of the Mafia of years ago... difficult to find a witness willing to testify. We shall see what tomorrow brings as Fired FBI director Comey is likely to speak...