Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

AIDS Was Spread by Gay Men Sex. Remember the Quilt When You Choose Your Lifestyle... LEARN FROM HISTORY! -and- Corporate Greenwashing Propaganda by ExxonVadez and Coke, Pepsi & Keurig/Dr Pepper...


AIDS Quilt - Dead Gay Men
AIDS Quilt - Dead Gay Men
Magically... Women Did Not Spread AIDS

AIDS Quilt - Dead Gay Men
It's A Bad Choice...
But Go Ahead, It's YOUR Choice!

GBLTQ+ Stands For:
Great Bacon Lettuce and Tomato
Quack, Quack, Quack!

and Now I see a Lot of TV Advertisements for
HIV Drugs... They Give the Un-Said Impression
that Being a Gay Man is Somehow "OK"
Don't Worry about Dying from AIDS...
We Have a "Cure"

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Corporations are ALSO Publishing Bogus Propaganda... Look at all the Advertisements on TV showing ExxonValdez's New Logo - A TREE! Nope... They aren't Killing the Planet with Global Warming Caused by Burning Fossil Fuel... How Could they be EVIL When Their Logo is a TREE!

ExxonValdez Logo - a Tree

Coke, Pepsi & Keurig/Dr Pepper have Realized that People Hate Plastic Garbage... So They Make A TV AD With Smiling Healthy Clean Cut Americans... Telling YOU That YOU Can Recycle Their Plastic Garbage! SEE? We're Doing OUR PART... It's YOU That's Causing Massive Plastic Pollution Worldwide... 

Propaganda - It's NOT Our Fault there is Massive Plastic Garbage Everywhere
Remember Keurig? They are the People That use a tiny plastic cup to hold coffee grounds... so every cup causes massive plastic pollution for 10,000 years... My Parents Made Coffee using a Percolator that Had NO Disposable Parts at ALL... We put the Grounds in an Aluminum Basket with Tiny Holes... and Washed it When We Were Done... Just like We Washed our Coffee Cups... 

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