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Donald Rumsfeld is Dead. WONDERFUL! Now He Cannot Do Evil Anymore... The War in Iraq Made NO Sense Even in George Bush The Son's "Backwards World" - Totally Insane!

On 9/11/2001 Saudi Arabians Attacked the USA but We COULD NOT ATTACK THEM so we Attacked a Different Country that Had Nothing at All to Do with 9/11, Had No Weapons of Mass Destruction and Had No Ties to Al-Qaeda... BUT... Iraq was Weak and We Could Blow them Up Without Making our Masters in Saudi Arabia Angry... After All... We Were Addicted to Saudi OIL and NOTHING Could Stop The Flow... Not Even Hijacked Airplanes Flying into the World Trade Center...

Donald Rumsfeld Shaking Hands With Saddam

Donald Rumsfeld sold Weapons to Iraq at the same time the USA was selling weapons to Iran... Iraq and Iran Had a War and Killed People While We Made a Profit!  Eventually We Left Vast Amounts of Depleted Uranium Bullets in Iraq... Causing Miscarriages... That's GENOCIDE...

The Virginia-based American Type Culture Collection company admitted selling the anthrax strains to Saddam Hussein's government in 1985... WTF? Why Would We Sell Saddam ANTHRAX?

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