Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

The Path Forward: Personal Growth and The Pursuit of Happiness. Neuro-Chemical Bliss CAUSED by My Own Actions... Fun, Safe, Helps Me Live Longer with More Pleasure.

Instead of Reading Books in Order to Find God... WRITE ONE! It's a Much More Meaningful Experience! Take a Blank Piece of Paper and a Pencil... AND THINK FOR YOURSELF!

I Remember Being at a Carlos Santana Concert When I Had the Realization: "Oh, I Get It. I Ought to Dance Myself into A Trance!" We Were Outdoors near Yuba City, CA on a Beautiful Summer Night... The Other Band Was THE WHO... and As I Looked at the Audience I Could See Hispanic People and White People All Having a Wonderful Time Together... 

My LOGO - PIFOG - People in Favor of Good (and Opposed to Evil) - gvan42 - zazzle/gregvan - purple64ets - gregory vanderlaan

Remember: The Fundamental Message of THE TOWER OF POWER Band is... We Can All Join Together and Have FUN!

I'm Going to Take a Break from Typing and Dance to The Jeff Pershing Band... Chico, California's Finest... Totally Positive Worldbeat Music Designed to CAUSE Happiness...

I Read a Newspaper Article About Finding Happiness by DOING THINGS THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY... Serotonin, Oxytocin, Endorphins... The Human Body Rewards Good Behavior... Evolution... Survival of The Fittest... It ALL MAKES SENSE!  

One Suggestion Is to Find a Hobby that is Endlessly Rewarding... I Do Art and Sell My Designs online. My Zazzle Webstore is a Place Where I Can Spend Hours Creating Art and Then Get That Endorphin HIT When Someone Actually Buys Something... 
Rainbow Spiral Cube Ornament - for sale on my zazzle-gregvan Webstore
Rainbow Spiral Cube Ornament. 
for sale on my zazzle/gregvan Webstore

Set Daily Goals That I Can Achieve and The Bask in the Glow of Success... For Example: Take a Walk in Nature... I Do This Every Day. About Five Years Ago I Was in Bad Health and Had to Use a Walker to Get Around... Thru Endless Daily Exercise (just a little bit each day) I am Now Able to Walk a Half a Mile... That's Not Very Much BUT... It's Success... and It's Interesting! Photographing Flowers and Birds and Trees and Clouds... 

Praying Mantis on a Rose in Orangevale CA
Here is a Photo of a Praying Mantis on a Rose... I Got the Reward of Seeing this Interesting Insect Because I Was Outdoors Experiencing Nature... BIG FUN!

Another Secret Trick to Life is to NOTICE REALITY: You Can do this Anywhere, Anytime... First, Unplug the TV and the Internet... That's Not Reality... That's Just Swirling Colors on a Screen... and The People That Design Those Programs are DOING IT TO FURTHER THEIR OWN GOALS. Not Yours... Ever Notice That TV News is a Hate for Profit Machine? They Keep on Screaming "Danger-Danger" in order to Keep People Watching... Because a Million Years of Evolution Proved that People Who Paid Attention When a Scout Alerted the Tribe to Danger Survived... and Those that Did Not Pay Attention Died... 

Five Simple Steps to Increase Awareness:
Look Around You, 
Find Five Things You Can See.
Four Things You Can Hear.
Three Things You Can Touch.
Two Things You Can Smell.
and One Thing You Can Taste.

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Another Secret Trick To Life is EAT GOOD FOOD. I Have Started Eating Fruits and Vegetables In Every Meal. I Saw President Bill Clinton on TV Recently and He Looks Great! Very Healthy. He Said That He Had a Heart Attack and then Changed His Diet to Become a Vegan... Well, I've Decided to Learn From Him and NOT Have a Heart Attack Myself... Just Listen to HIS WISDOM and Change My Own Life... I Have No Become a Vegan or a Vegetarian but... I'm Moving Forward in a Positive Direction... While Retaining My Right to BACON and Hamburgers!

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Recently I've Been Participation is Positive Zoom Meetings. Happy, Healthy People Sharing Wisdom Online. For Example:
The World Tapping Circle Hosted by Sonya Sophia. She Leads a Self Help Healing Seminar using Saying Positive Statements Out Loud and Accupressure... I Always Feel Better After a One Hour Session... and... I Write Down Ideas That I Think Up While in an Altered State of Consciousness! For Example: This Blog Post!

Here is a Video of a Healing Ceremony She Lead at a Rainbow Gathering...
Goddess Temple Chico CA
Sonya Sophia at the Goddess Temple Chico California

I Also Like The Show - Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe. 
Music • Wisdom • Prayer • Meditation • Comedy • Community Connection... and They Introduced me to The Singer: Larisa Stow - "We Shall Be The PeaceMakers"

The Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco: They Broadcast a Worthy Sermon Every Sunday. It makes Me Think and Be Grateful... 

and Remember FARMVILLE - a Positive Video Game on Facebook... I Used it as a Stress Reliever After Work instead of Having a Drink... It's a Way to Visit an Ideal World... This Game Reminds Me of the "Perky Pat Layouts" Game in the Science Fiction Novel "The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch" - In That Book, Ore Miners on Mars Escape their Horrible Life by Eating Psychedelics and Playing a Video Game that Simulates Life in Los Angeles for Teenagers in the 1960's - It Uses "Barbie and Ken" Dolls, Cars and Houses to Complete the Illusion...

I also Participated in The Harmonic Convergence 2020. A Global Meditation Designed to Invite Extra Terrestrials to Visit us On Planet Earth...  "ET COME HOME." 

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The Neurochemicals of Happiness.
Seven Brain Molecules That Make You Feel Great.
"Life in the human body is designed to be a blissful experience. Our evolutionary biology ensures that everything necessary for our survival makes us feel good. All animals seek pleasure and avoid pain. Therefore, our brain has a wellspring of self-produced neurochemicals that turn the pursuits and struggles of life into pleasure and make us feel happy when we achieve them."

"Make America Groovy Again" 
Embroidered Baseball Cap for sale. 
"Make America Groovy Again" Embroidered Baseball Cap for sale.  zazzle/gregvan

You May Color This White Hat With a Rainbow of Permanent Markers... Draw a Paisley Design, Peace Signs or a Landscape - Mountains, Trees, Rivers, Puffy White Clouds... WhatEVER makes You BEATIFIC.

Top Ten ART Gifts on My Zazzle Webstore - The People Have Spoken! With Their Wallets - All Royalties Donated to Charity - Psychedelic Art - Slogans - Jokes - Hats - Buttons - Stickers


Remember: All My Royalties Donated to Charity. Scroll Down to Find Out More... 

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