Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Free Psychedelic Art by Gregory Vanderlaan - Feel Free to Pirate these Images and Use on Your Own Blog or Social Media Site - SEO Tip: People Click on Images! gvan42 purple64ets

Here is some art I did for my Friend Biff Rose - Free Psychedelic Art by Gregory Vanderlaan gvan42 purple64ets

Here is some art I did for my Friend Biff Rose... Here is a Recording of his song "Hello Dolphins" - This Song Features The Dolphin Riff... A Dolphin Walks on Water Backwards on the Black Keys...

I'm Really Glad Someone Showed Me How to Create a Text Art Lightning Bolt Skull (~);-}
I'm Really Glad Someone Showed Me How to
Create a Text Art Lightning Bolt Skull (~);-}
The Logo of the Grateful Dead

Tropical Fish in a Fantasy Reef - Free Psychedelic Art by Gregory Vanderlaan gvan42 purple64ets
Tropical Fish in a Fantasy Reef

Hey Joe... Let's End the Trade War with China and Sell them A Lot Of Food. American Farmers Were Harmed by "He Who Shall Not Be Named." Let's Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax it and Free All The Cannabis Prisoners. And Then REFUND THE MONEY CURRENTLY WASTED ON LAW ENFORCEMENT TO THE TAXPAYERS.
180 Degree Mirror Fun - and a Rainbow Diamond - Free Psychedelic Art by Gregory Vanderlaan gvan42 purple64ets
Rainbow Diamond and a 180 Degree Mirror Fun Background...

Rainbow Diamond on a Mirror Fun Background... Free Psychedelic Art by Gregory Vanderlaan gvan42 purple64ets
Rainbow Diamond on a Mirror Fun Background... 

Peace Sign - Created Using a Javascript Program I Wrote - Free Psychedelic Art by Gregory Vanderlaan gvan42 purple64ets
Peace Sign - Created Using a Javascript Program I Wrote.

This is what my Javascript Circles Program Outputs Unmodified - Free Psychedelic Art by Gregory Vanderlaan gvan42 purple64ets
This is what my Javascript Circles Program Outputs.
 Free Psychedelic Art by Gregory Vanderlaan
 gvan42 purple64ets

Painting of a Boat in Eureka, CA - by Gregory Vanderlaan

I Took an Acrylic Painting Class at Humboldt State University from Mimi LaPlant and It was a Wonderful Experience... At Summer School I Took Calculus in the Morning and Painting in the Afternoon. Quite a Contrast! We actually took a Field Trip to Woodley Island and Painted the Boats... What an EPIC Adventure!

Photo of the Pier at Trinidad Taken from Inside the Restaurant. Note the Reflection - by gvan42
Photo of the Pier at Trinidad Taken from Inside the Restaurant. Note the Reflection - by gvan42

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My Temperature was 99.5 Degrees Yesterday and Then Three Hours Later it was 98.1... Safe Again! Virus Free! But I Was Concerned... I Do Not Know What Will Happen IF Any of Us Gets Coronavirus... However, Since we are all Old, It's Possible That Some of Us Will Die. I Personally Believe That I Would Survive... We Take a Lot of Precautions... No Visitors... People Like the UPS Man or FedEx Do Come to the Door But Never Within... There are Eight Ladies that Work Here as Caregivers. They Work a 12 Hour Shift and Then Go Home... They Could Become Infected There at Their Home With Their Families... and Bring the Disease Here When They Return to Work. 

Sacramento County is a Purple Level Area... The Most Infected Rating...

Thankfully, I Have Already Accomplished Everything I Wanted to Accomplish With My Life So, In the Event That I Catch Trump's Coronavirus and Die... It'll Be Fine... Of Course, I Still Work All Day Every Day Writing, Drawing and Making Music Videos...   and Publishing My Opinions On The Internet... In Order to Influence The People of the World... 

Here's Some Ideas to Think About... and Share Worldwide... 
The Path Forward: #ArrestTrump - Tax the Rich, Cut Taxes for the 99%. All that Extra Money in People's Paychecks Will Bubble UP Thru The Entire Economy - The EPA=The Enable Polluters Agency. Let's FLIP The Mission to Protecting the Environment - Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All Cannabis Prisoners. Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. End The Electoral College. Overturn Citizens United. Cut Pentagon Spending in Half. Build Solar Powered Desalination Plants.

Math - Not Just For Rocket Science Anymore - Free Psychedelic Art by Gregory Vanderlaan gvan42 purple64ets
Math - Not Just For Rocket Science Anymore

Butterfly with a Shadow - Free Psychedelic Art by Gregory Vanderlaan gvan42 purple64ets

My Experience With Smoking Marijuana was that I Stayed High for ONE MONTH after Smoking a Pound of Oregon Legal over an Eight month period. Then I Quit entirely because I Wanted to Go on a Driving Vacation in California and Nevada where Weed is Illegal... and I Remembered to NOT Possess Illegal Drugs in My Van While Touring... I Meet a Lot of COPS while Sleeping in the Van... and then I went to the Hospital for an Infected Blister on my Foot and they Tested My Blood for THC... and I Still Tested Positive a MONTH Later! AmaZING!
During that Month I Experienced Events That Did Not Happen... It's Called Cannabis Psychosis... and It's Interesting!

Marijuana Tourism - my trip to Washington State, The Space Needle, The Experience Music Pavilion and then Oregon. As legalization spread across the USA I wanted to experience LEGAL weed as soon as possible. When I retired from work I did a lot of driving around sleeping in the back of my VAN... I was like a turtle with my home on my back. First I drove to Utah with my friend Mike Jensen to attend the Rainbow Gathering... After we were done with that I took a drive to Washington State to experience the Legal Weed. On the first visit I was unable to find any... I asked some local kids and asked for directions but there were very few stores and they were often closed... On the Second Trip I picked up a hitchhiker who had some hash oil and he gave me some as a thank you gift for picking him up in the rain... Later I decided to go home and attend the Kinetic Sculpture Race at home but... and this is a big but... I smoked some hash oil... then I got onto Highway #5 and I accidentally put the van into gear #2 and turned on the radio... When I hit 70 miles per hour the transmission exploded and then the engine caught fire... OOPS! I pulled over to the side of the freeway and said the Serenity prayer... I walked down the freeway and over to a Lumber Mill. The security guard called me a tow truck and I was towed to a motel... I had the van towed to an auto repair place where they said it would cost $8,000 to repair my Ford Windstar. I paid $3,000 to buy it used so I decided it was Uneconomical to repair... Eventually I gave it to the Humane Society as a donation to help animals. I did not allow this disaster to interfere with my vacation. I rode the AMTRAK to Seattle, Bought and ate TWO Marijuana Cookies, drank some of that rocket fuel coffee and rode the Monorail to the Space Needle and the Jimi Hendrix Experience Music Pavilion. (also a Nirvana Museum) Both musicians lived near Seattle. They had a musical instrument for tourists to play... It was 20 Tubular Bells that random people could whack with pool balls hung from a wire. VERY popular with children. I loved it too. Then I rode the Monorail to downtown Seattle Business District and arrived at Quitting Time on a Sunny Friday afternoon. The first big weekend of Spring. I was impressed with the JOY of the office workers and the BEAUTY of the Secretaries. One effect of a heavy Cannabis Dose is that it makes women appear more beautiful... I really had to piss and was in the center of the city with no public bathrooms... so I peed my pants... I didn't care. I stayed at motels for a few weeks and walked, rode the train, rode the bus and taxi and eventually got home. Quite a tricky walkabout. I enjoyed the friendship of kids in Centrailia, Washington... Great People! Then I bought another Van for $3,000... I wanted to not only experience LEGAL WEED but I wanted to Vote with my Money and reward Washington State politicians who voted for Legal weed. The next year Oregon legalized Marijuana, Then Nevada and California... Soon... the entire USA.

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POP QUIZ! WHAT DO THESE PEOPLE HAVE IN COMMON??? Steve Bannon=Arrested, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Paul Erickson = Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty, George Nader=Guilty, Elliott Broidy=Arrested


Trump Show a Primal Fear of Prison - Political Meme by Gregory Vanderlaan gvan42 purple64ets
Trump Show a Primal Fear of Prison - Political Meme

Peace Sign on a Math Background Pattern - Free Psychedelic Art by Gregory Vanderlaan gvan42 purple64ets
Peace Sign on a Math Background Pattern

Part of My Autobiography:

I interviewed Many Veterans when I worked at the Welfare office in Eureka. Tragic stories... 


Mostly it was Veterans helping other Veterans. Many of the people that applied for help simply did not know how to find their brothers and the lady who sat next to me made it a crusade to find out who did what and their phone numbers... we would call right from my desk and hand the client the phone... so they could make arrangements. Here is a photo of the Vietnam Veterans Traveling Wall and their Bus...
Vietnam Veteran's Traveling WALL Exhibit - Pictures taken in Loleta, California at the Bear River Casino.

Vietnam Veteran's Traveling WALL Exhibit - Pictures taken in Loleta, California at the Bear River Casino.

Vietnam Veteran's Traveling WALL Exhibit - Pictures taken in Loleta, California at the Bear River Casino.
More of My Autobiography: 1971
In 1971, a friend of mine went to San Francisco and went to a Rock Concert at the Fillmore West and came back to our high school and said... LET'S BUILD OUR OWN using the old mill in the center of town. We formed an organization called "Youth Unlimited" and got the Town to Sponsor Us with $1 per year rent for Forbes Mill. 

That was the beginning of The Forbes Mill Teen Club in Los Gatos California... We had a light show and electric rock music every weekend... On Wednesday nights we performed folk music.  I was the head of security and did advertising posters. I used the mimeograph machine at the High School to print the posters for upcoming shows...

"Youth Unlimited" first held a concert in the Rec Room of the Presbyterian Church next to Old Town on University Ave. There was a live rock band that featured a saxophone player with an electric sax. We also formed a drum circle outside with me playing harmonica and a couple of guitar players. 

Since we had Town sponsorship of our "Teen Club" thru the organization Youth Unlimited, we had to make sure no laws were being broken at Forbes Mill or the police would shut us down. Certainly no drinking or illegal drug use or housing of runaways. My take on law enforcement was to direct potential lawbreakers to the nearby hole in the fence that lead to the wooded area next to the freeway.  I admit that a lot of laws were broken on State of California property, but that was NOT MY CONCERN. I was responsible for making sure that OUR property was crime free.

The light show was created by using four slide projectors and two spinning wheels with variable speed motors that blocked the light from reaching the white wall behind the bandstand. Each cardboard wheel had holes cut into it so that the slides would be projected in a stroboscopic manner.  Some slides were abstract art created by "crystal craze" paint and others were photographs.

We also owned a strobe light and I learned to not point it at the electric organ player because the blinking light made it impossible to see which keys were black and which were white...

"Youth Unlimited" also built a crisis center called Fre-Ba-ZAK House. 
 It was in an old wooden home on North Santa Cruz Ave. The idea was to have a place for runaways to have a safe location to negotiate with their parents. Kids that had nowhere else to go could go there ... My friend Richard Bergholdt worked there as a counselor. I used to go there because it was a fun place to go talk with other classmates... I remember drinking coffee and discussing weighty subjects late at night. One time I went there because I couldn't go home. I had gone to the Ike and Tina Turner concert at the San Jose Convention Center and took a Large Dose of LSD. I had to wait until my parents went to sleep before going home. It was a great concert and I remember that MANY of the students at LGHS went. I also remember listening to the FM radio there. Talks by Alan Watts about Buddhism... and the story "The Cave" by Plato. There were some totally free radio stations then. They had the freedom of selecting what to play and when to play it. I heard "Space Hymn" by Lothar and the Hand People at Fre-Ba-ZAK House.

In the 1960s I made tie dyed shirts using rubber bands and boiling the dye... one color... RIT brand named dye... Mom sewed a shirt with bell sleeves and a Nehru collar... I wore it with a bell around my neck. Like, totally "mod" like the fashion that was popular with the teenagers in England...

Creepy Eye Pyramid Wall - Free Coloring Book art by gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
Creepy Eye Pyramid Wall - Free Coloring Book Art 

Friendly Alien Waving at You - - Free Coloring Book Art  by gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
Friendly Alien Waving at You - - Free Coloring Book Art

You Can Find More Art at Google Image Search=gvan42

Another Part of my Autobiography:
We Were Camping at The Big Shady Spot at Main Meadow during the 2014 Rainbow Gathering in Utah. At high elevation, sunburn is a major problem so our campsite was the very best!

A group of musicians were relaxing in the shade and I played my harmonica. I actually lead the group doing the song "You Are My Sunshine". A six year old girl was demanding the attention of the adults and I played that song for her, everyone else sang along... Big Fun...

I saw a group of people congregating in the Smaller Shady Spot at Main Meadow and I wondered... "What are those people doing?" Then they all came over to our campsite... A Lady asked me if she could teach a healing seminar at our location... I said "SURE, have fun. I was wondering what the crowd of people was for, and was considering walking over there to find out but you came over here..." and she said: "Sometimes Mohammad goes to the Mountain and sometimes the Mountain Comes to Mohammad." Her name is Sonya Sophia and she taught a seminar of Self Help - Acupressure. We put pressure on locations of out body by tapping lightly with our fingers while she told us reassuring statements and we would all repeat what she said... Like: "I Love and Respect Myself." It was a good seminar and I enjoyed it so much that I took her business card and attended a once a week internet sessions.  and I'm Still Attending Today. I Find that it's Worthy.

Here is a link to a youtube video of her teaching at a Rainbow Gathering...

I know a Lady That Refused to Believe that her Car Was Driving HEAD ON INTO A LOGGING TRUCK but REALITY Reminded Her That It Really Exists No Matter What You Believe... She Grasped That Concept When Her Head Went Thru the Windshield... Trump is Like That... He REFUSES TO NOTICE REALITY... Bad Plan... A Better Idea Would Be To WAKE THE F*CK UP!® As a Nation, We Need to Forgive Each Other and Work Together to Build a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow... Red and Blue People Coming Together to Make #Purple64ets.

Pay It Forward - Book - What if everyone in the world did a good deed for three people - and what if each of them 'paid it forward' by doing a good deed for three more people, and so on, until the world was a different place? PAY IT FORWARD begins when social studies teacher Reuben St Clair gives his class an extra assignment: implement a plan that will change the world. Trevor, a boy with an active imagination and a loving, though dysfunctional, mother, rises to the challenge.

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