Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Buying Used Stuff at Thrift Stores DOES NOT CAUSE ECOLOGICAL DAMAGE Like Buying New Stuff Does. When You Buy a New Product, the Corporation Has to Replace It.

They Mine Raw Materials, grow plants (like cotton) using pesticides and herbicides, Log Forests, Employ Slave Laborers in the Orient, Burn Gasoline Shipping the Plastic Crap Here From China... and on and on and on... Used Products ALREADY EXIST and so Buying Stuff at The Eureka Rescue Mission Thrift Shop (my local store) does NOT Harm the Planet. Actually, They Hire Local People to Work as Clerks and Do Delivery. We Bought ALL our Living Room Furniture there. Three Chairs and a Sofa... and Men Delivered It Upstairs in Our Home. NO WAY could I Move those Heavy Objects Up That Staircase... I Tipped those Guys $10 Each... and they were really Thankful. Yes, I Could Have Spent a Fortune at Sears or KMART but... I Prefer to Keep The Money IN MY WALLET. I Like Employing Guys That Live At The Rescue Mission. The Mission Does Good Work Here in Eureka and I've Met a LOT of Real People That They Help. I did buy new Beds at Sears. Somehow, those were just too Personal to Buy Used... also, I Do Not Buy Used Underwear... BUT, Clothes? YES! It's actually fun to find thrift stores in Super Rich Neighborhoods and Live Like the TV Show "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous..." A Great Place to Shop is North Shore Lake Tahoe... Snow Bunnies often Donate Extra Stuff When the Season is Over... and There is Also DUMPSTER DIVING in College Towns at the End of the School Year... FREE STUFF! 

Oddly, I Expressed These Opinions during a Group Discussion at an Ecology Class at Humboldt State University and ALL THE OTHER STUDENTS SAID I WAS WRONG... They said that Used Stuff Still Requires Ecological Damage to Exist at All... I tried to explain that the Manufacturing Damage Happened IN THE PAST and it is impossible to Change History but Buying New Stuff CAUSES Purchasing Agents at Corporations to Hire People to Create New Stuff IN THE FUTURE to Fill the Shelves At The Store. No One Grasped the Concept. But I Did Make The Other Students Think. and That's a Good Thing. It's a difficult concept... I Wish I Could Explain it in a Shorter Sentence... Maybe YOU can Re-Write the Concept Better and Post it in the Comments Section... Thanks!

Remember: There are Two Ways to Get Everything You Want. Get More or Want Less. and... You Can Get More Stuff Per Dollar At The Eureka Rescue Mission Thrift Shop... or Your Own Store... Did You Know that There is a Fashion "Thing" where Corporations PRE-RIP Clothes? Intentionally Making Them LOOK USED! Really! They Hire People to Rub Jeans over Rough Surfaces to SIMULATE Wear and Tear of Normal Use... I'm Not Making This UP! All the Pathetic Dupes are Wearing Clothes Like That! On My Own Webstore... I Offer Hats that have been "Distressed" to look like they are Old... It's an Option... I wish I could write a Mocking Slogan Poking Fun at this Fashion Trend... Then I Could Sell a Hat with That Saying... Sort of like the Question: "Can You Imagine a World Without Hypothetical Situations?" or The Page that says: "This Page Is Left Blank Intentionally." A Cosmic Haiku Slogan... I do sell a Hat that says "PRESS" so people can wear it at Protest Marches and Avoid Being Bashed on the Head By The Police... I Do Not Really Know if It REALLY Helps Avoid Police Violence... I Do Know That People Made T-Shirts Saying "Backstage Pass - Shoreline Ampetheater - Bill Graham Productions" and Used them to sneak past Security Guards... I admire the Guy that Made a Sign that Says "This is a Sign." Was That Absurdist Theater or End Times Warning?

"Life is More Complex than a Slogan on a Hat."

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~


There is too much plastic in the world. Practically everything is packaged in plastic nowadays. Shampoo, conditioner, liquid soap, dish soap, laundry detergent, vinegar, coffee, salad dressing, barbeque sauce, mayonnaise, mustard, hand lotion - these are just a few things I have here in my apartment which are packaged in plastic. Also, bottled water, soft drinks, and juices are bottled in plastic bottles...and of course we also have our plastic storage containers for food and other stuff. Plastic pretty much lasts forever, and it's lightweight and convenient, and those are some of the reasons why it's everywhere. But it's so bad for the environment. It ends up in the landfills where it doesn't degrade. Or worse, it ends up in the ocean. When you consider the fact that nearly everything is packaged in plastic all over the world, and plastic is filling up landfills and ending up in the ocean all over the world, it's really a problem. But I don't know what the solution is. Plastic is so convenient and lightweight, and if you drop it, it won't break, so people aren't going to want to go back to drinking soda out of glass bottles or bringing their lunch to work in a ceramic casserole dish rather than a plastic storage container. I don't know what the answer is.

I Replied: We can Make Plastic Out of Hemp.

Boycott Plastic Garbage! Chicken of the Sea Tuna is Marketing "Infusions" with a Plastic Bowl, Lid and Fork. Trash that will pollute the Earth for 10,000 Years. REFUSE TO BUY PLASTIC CRAP.

I Oppose Small PLASTIC Containers for Single Servings of Food. Since We Already Have the Technology to Make Milk Cartons, WHY NOT use Waxed Paper for Cheese, Coffee, Yogurt and Sliced Ham?

I keep on seeing TV advertisements for Keurig Coffee that puts ONE CUP Worth of coffee grounds in a little PLASTIC container... Ridiculous! We have been brewing coffee for Hundreds of Years without Little Plastic Cups! You buy a two pound Aluminum Can and scoop a few spoonfuls into your percolator... or your drip coffee machine... using brown paper filters... simple, easy, clean, ecological and NOW, ALL OF A SUDDEN, WE HAVE AN INVENTION THAT CREATES MILLIONS OF LITTLE PLASTIC CUPS!

Bubble Up Economics - Simply Raise the Minimum Wage and Social Security Checks and all that extra money will BUBBLE UP throughout the Entire Economy - In a Rising Tide, ALL Boats Float! - meme - gvan42
Bubble Up Economics - Simply Raise the Minimum Wage and Social Security Checks and all that extra money will BUBBLE UP throughout the Entire Economy - In a Rising Tide, ALL Boats Float! - meme - gvan42

and Then on Facebook I read This Long Story...
SE SAID: The main issue I have with buying clothes online is that you end up losing money when you have to return stuff, unless it happens to be one of the rare stores that allows free shipping on returns. But unfortunately, most stores make you pay for return shipping. I don't know how many other women have this problem, but for me, I rarely know exactly what size is going to fit me because sizing is all over the place now. Sometimes I fit a 2, and sometimes I fit a 6. Sometimes I fit a small, sometimes a medium, and sometimes a large. I almost never get it right on the first try. If I'm shopping at a brick-and-mortar store, I can take several sizes into a fitting room, try them on, and buy the one that fits...or, if I don't feel like doing that, I can buy them all, try them on at home, and then return the ones that didn't fit, and I don't lose any money in the process because nothing had to be shipped. But when you order online and you aren't sure which size is going to fit, you need to PAY to return the ones that didn't fit, so basically you're paying to try them on! Also, sometimes you love the look of an article of clothing, but after you try it on, you realize that it's unflattering on you, or it just doesn't look as good as you thought it would look, so you decide not to buy it. This process is free when you shop in person, but when you shop online, this process ends up costing money because you paid for the item, tried it on at home, decided you didn't like the way it looked, and now you get to PAY to send it back. If more and more clothing stores continue to disappear, and we are eventually forced to buy everything online, it would be really helpful if ALL clothing retailers would offer free shipping on returns so people can try stuff on without losing money when they return the stuff that doesn't work for them. Otherwise, they'd better allow us to continue to have brick-and-mortar clothing stores where we can try stuff on for free before we buy it. 
I'm having this issue right now, as a matter of fact. There's a dress I'm eyeing online, but I've never owned anything in that brand before, so I have no idea if I would fit the 4 or the 6, and it's an expensive dress, so I can't afford to buy 2 of them and pay to return the one that didn't fit, or to find out that it doesn't even look good on me in the first place, so then I have to pay to return it. I'm probably not going to buy it in the first place because it's just too big of a hassle if I can't try it on ahead of time for free.

CF SAID: Have you tried a subscription service? I really liked StitchFit. They set you up with a personal stylist who you can text pictures and things to. (I loved mine; we would just chat randomly and she sort of felt like a friend.) And return shipping is free, and they keep shopping until they've found you looks you'll love!

SE REPLIED: I did try Stitch Fix a few times. I liked the way it worked, but I only kept one of the items they sent me, a blouse which I like a lot. But most of their stuff was either too expensive or just didn't work for me for whatever reason. I think I prefer picking out my own stuff rather than having someone do it for me. It's an interesting concept, though, and I can see how it might work for others.

I Said: I also buy clothes online... Big and Tall refused to tell me what size I wear... They COULD Have Just Looked Up what was Ordered Last Time but NO... It was a Gift and The Giver's Privacy is Top Secret... So I Guessed, Guessed wrong and Simply Gave the Pants to a Guy Who Lives Here... I was too Lazy to Figure Out How to Return the Pants... HOWEVER... Online Shopping DOES HAVE MY SIZE and Most Brick and Mortar Stores Do Not... So It was a Great Step Forward when online Shopping was Invented! The Best Place to Shop is at the Thrift Store... I Love the Eureka Rescue Mission Store... Not only do I Get Great Used Clothes Cheap but I'm Employing Homeless People That Live at the Mission... AND... When You Buy New Clothes the Corporations Automatically Order More New Clothes to be Created... with Slave Labor and Pesticides in the Orient, Dyes That they Dump Right into the River... Diesel Fuel for the Boats to bring them Here from There... an Ecological Disaster... None of that Happens with Thrift Store Clothes... AND... If You Shop in a Rich Neighborhood, The Clothes that are Donated are Super-Duper! North Shore Lake Tahoe is Excellent... All Those Ski Bunnies would Rather Donate their Extra Clothes Than Pack in a Suitcase and Fly Home... 

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