Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Drawing of a Flying Saucer with a Friendly Alien Waving at YOU -and- A Classic Yin Yang - Free Coloring Book Art - Make as Many Prints as You Like!

Flying Saucer - gvan42 FREE COLORING BOOK Art - Gregory Vanderlaan
Say Hello! 
Yin Yang Symbol - gvan42 FREE COLORING BOOK art - Feel Free to Print and Color or Copy and Paste into your own Potatoshop Creations - Gregory Vanderlaan
Precise Yin Yang
picture of my cute puppy at the beach

Go Ahead... Send him an Email...
He Won't Know Your Opinion Unless You Tell Him!

FREE COLORING BOOK: Portrait of an American Indian Wearing a Headdress and Many Other Drawings - Print Them and Color Using Felt Pens, Pencils or Crayons... Make as Many Copies as You Like... Thanks! Gregory Vanderlaan

American Indian with Headdress - FREE Coloring Book by Greg Vanderlaan
American Indian with Headdress

at Google Image Search
using the Keywords: gvan42 free coloring book 

  another text art guy with a spiral lightning bolt background - free coloring book by greg vanderlaan 
text art guy with a spiral lightning bolt background

LSD - Text Art - FREE Coloring Book by Greg Vanderlaan
LSD - Text Art
FREE COLORING BOOK by gvan42 - Aztec Sun God
I Saw this Image on the Ancient Aliens TV Show
It Might Be MAYAN

Where the Notes are On the Guitar and Piano - gvan42
Where the Notes are On the Guitar and Piano.
a handy chart for Your Musician Friends.

Flower Power Beetle - FREE Coloring Book by Greg Vanderlaan
Flower Power Beetle

Flower Power Bus - FREE Coloring Book by Greg Vanderlaan
Flower Power Bus
Bubble UP! Economics - $15 per Hour - FREE Coloring Book by Greg Vanderlaan
Bubble UP! Economics - $15 per Hour

Repeal and Replace tRUMP'S Tax Cut for the Rich Law. It's Bankrupting America. Tax Cuts for the 99% would Stimulate Our Economy. BUBBLE UP ECONOMICS WOULD WORK

If the Majority of people paid less taxes, we would spend that Extra Money at American Businesses... Increasing Profits for the Stockholders, Creating Jobs, Cutting Unemployment Payments, Cutting Welfare Payments... Everybody Wins. 

It's Called BUBBLE UP ECONOMICS and a Proven Success. 

See? There IS a Cure for Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome... 

save the whales - free coloring book by greg vanderlaan
Save the Whales -
Free Artwork for You to Print and Color...
Six Dolphins Swimming in a Circle and a Man Looking at You... Free Coloring Book Art by Greg Vanderlaan
Six Dolphins Swimming in a Circle
and a Man Looking at You...
Spotted OWL - FREE Coloring Book by Greg Vanderlaan
Spotted OWL
UFO Markings on the Flying Saucer at Roswell NM - free coloring book by greg vanderlaan
UFO Markings on the Flying Saucer
FREE Beatles Coloring Book by Gregory Vanderlaan pen drawings done by hand
Part of the Beatles Coloring Book Page...

Raise the Minimum Wage to $15 per Hour Coloring Book Page
Raise the Minimum Wage to $15 per Hour

Part of the Bernie Sanders Coloring Book Page...

Impeach tRUMP - FREE Coloring Book by Greg Vanderlaan
Why Don't We See any
Promises Made Promises Broken SIGNS
at Trump Campaign Rallies?
Because Even the Most Brainwashed TrumpNiks
Have Realized that Trump
Free Coloring Book by gvan42 - Black Cat Looking at You

Free Coloring Book by gvan42 - MELT GUNS MEME

Music Video: "MELT the GUNS" - by Greg Vanderlaan - Feel Free To Record This and Make a Top Ten Record. Pass this On to a Friend... Chords and Lyrics Provided.

MEME - gvan42 - How can we NOT SEE that Guns are Evil?

FREE COLORING BOOK by gvan42 - Butterfly Freakout


FREE COLORING BOOK by gvan42 - Peace Sign and Karma Wheel

FREE COLORING BOOK by gvan42 - Mushroom Visions

FREE COLORING BOOK by gvan42 - Skyline on Trantor
Skyline on Trantor
a World in the Book Foundation by Asimov
The Entire Planet is Covered By One Giant City
FREE COLORING BOOK by gvan42 - Three Crosses on a Hill

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

"Do the Math" a silly Science Fiction story... 

During the early 1970's a gentleman and his wife were working in Palo Alto, California and he discovered the key to enlightenment. He published it as a book and became a leader of a religious group very popular with the high tech crowd surrounding Apple and HP. To put it briefly, the key is 01101011001110110100010001... and it went on like that for a hundred pages finally ending with the amazing conclusion that astonished the world and allowed the couple to earn a million dollars from royalties... 11010011100001110101100110.

A few years passed and the wife made a public statement: "While my husband is a fine fellow and a wonderful father to our children, I sadly must inform you that he is almost entirely wrong about the key to enlightenment. I have been doing the math and can state that there is a missing part... it is:10010100110001001011101110... and it went on like that for a hundred pages finally ending with the amazing conclusion that astonished the world and allowed the couple to earn another million dollars from royalties... 00101100011110001010011001.

And the people of the world did the math... and she was right... while each of the strings of zeros and ones by themselves showed part of the key to true enlightenment, if you add the two numbers together, they equal:1111111111111111111111111.... and it goes on for a hundred pages finally ending as you would expect... 111111111111111111111111111.

And THAT is how you "become one" with the universe. 

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