We Need Immigrants to Do the Jobs Americans Refuse. We Need Care Givers to Work at Old Folks Homes. We Simply Did Not Have Enough Children to Take Care of the Aging Baby Boomers. We Need Servants... Maids, Gardeners, Carpenters, Farm Workers, Drivers and...

...There are NOT ENOUGH Young People. In the USA, Japan and Europe there is a NEED and That's WHY we have so much Immigration. Everyone moves to where the Jobs are. When I was a Child, we had Braceros that came from Mexico to harvest the crops. California's central valley grows a vast quantity of America's food. I remember that at "Sun Valley Farms" (the flower growers) they all of a sudden had to check green cards for Illegal Aliens. Sun Valley is currently having difficulty finding people to do the work. Young White people take a job and then quit because the work is back breaking labor... and Other employers (like Taco Bell) have better conditions. 

John Carlos Frey book: "Sand and Blood" is about the history of building the wall during the Clinton Presidency. Douglas Hunter (Congressman from San Diego) was a big proponent of Building the Wall. Construction the Wall near Tijuana caused increase of deaths in the desert East of San Diego... Hunter's Brother felt guilty about his action and now places gallons of water in the desert in order to save lives of people walking across the Desert. 


Carmalita Torres is the "Rosa Parks" of Mexican Immigration. She Walked across the border every day to work as a maid in Texas. Then the Border Guards started mandatory DE-LOUSING. People were stripped naked and washed with kerosene. EVERY DAY. Carmalita Refused and started a Protest that Closed the Border for a Day. The final effect was that people no longer lived in Mexico and worked in the USA. NOW, once they get over the border, they stay permanently... and their children are Born in the USA... Just like Bruce Springsteen... and are Automatically Citizens. 

John Carlos's Mother was arrested and deported because she did not have her Green Card on her when she was stopped by The Border Patrol. The next day, her husband went to the Tijuana Jail with the Green Card and she was released. All this happened while her young children were watching. "Bad Man Taking Mommy Away." It was a traumatic experience for a child to witness his mother being Kidnapped.

Corporations are making a vast profit housing children in Concentration Camps near the border. $750.00 a Day per child... The Businessmen want more immigrants so they can make more profit. John (the former White House Chief of Staff) is now on the Board of Directors of a Florida Concentration Camp. 

FREE COLORING BOOK ; The Usa Needs Immigrants to DO the Jobs Americans Refuse to DO! by Greg Vanderlaan
 The USA Needs Immigrants
to DO the Jobs Americans Refuse to DO!

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