An alternative to HATE. A Muslim man and a Christian Man agreed to Visit each other's Church/Mosque and then they became friends... We all are EXHAUSTED with the Hate Speech - Division of the Country. There is an Opportunity to have a WIN-WIN Situation. A way to get the Country We Want. Joining a Group for Civic Engagement. Conversations. Discussions. and if it gets too loud and too much argument, TAKE A BREAK! Afterwords, everyone agrees that we all are LESS DIVIDED than we Thought. The Television makes People believe the HATE... TV NEWS IS A HATE FOR PROFIT MACHINE... It's a Marketing Strategy to get people to watch advertisements. FOX sells to TrumpNiks, CNN/MSNBC sells to Anti-Trumpniks. is an alternative to the Corporate Brainwashing.
Please Visit My Art Gallery... Thanks... It's an Alternative to Thinking About The Worlds Problems... Dance Beyond!