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Take a die with an unknown number of sides. What is the chance of rolling a one? ANSWER: Close to Zero.

How to Calculate Answer: Figure Out all the possibilities and add them up... It seems like a problem that approaches a limit. We can't calculate an infinite number of cases but we can study the first few cases and search for a trend...

For a One sided die, the odds of rolling a one is 100%.
[a one sided die is an interesting concept]
For a two sided die the odds are 50%.
For a three sided die the odds are 33 1/3%
For a four sided die the odds are 25%... and so on...
20%, 16.6%, 14.2%, 12.5%, 11.1%, 10%, 9.09%, 8.3%
That's the first dozen cases... add up all the percentages and divide by the total number of cases...

Then the next dozen cases...
 .0769, .0714, .0666, .0625, .0588, .0555, .0526, .05, .0476, .0454, .0434, .0416

and the 100th case=.01
and the 1,000th case=.001
and the 10,000th case=.0001
and the googleplex case=1/googleplex [a really small number]

so, the answer to the question is: 
The odds of rolling a one is 1/almost infinity or about zero. 

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